Existence of God (nr) Flashcards
Describe the Big Bang
The Big Bang Theory is the beginning of the universe when there was no concept of time and infinite space and stars and galaxies had started to form.
Describe Quantum Theory
This is where scientists show that atoms can be very unpredictable and that things can appear out of nowhere so could show that the universe appeared out of nowhere.
Describe what Edwin Hubble had done.
Edwin Hubble had measured the speed of distant stars and galaxies and found that the further away ones were moving away faster than those closer to Earth. This data allowed Hubble to work out the age of the Universe at approximately 13.8 billion years.
Describe Cosmic Background Radiation
The initial Big Bang explosion had left behind a “signature” in the form of microwave radiation which can be observed and measured today.
What evidence is there for the Big Bang?
There is evidence to count for 90% of the explosion (10.5 billion years) but no light to be measured from the other 10%. The other 10% is only “known” through theories which shows that there is no proof for the Big Bang and “who” or “what” caused it.