Existence of God and Revelation Flashcards
What is the design argument?
> universe is so complex there must be a designer-william paley
What is the watch analogy?
> its mechanismsare so complex there must be a designer
mechanisms of the universe are even more complex than the watch
complexity of the world implies there’s a creator
What did swineburn say in agreement to the design argument?
> simplicity-ochkam’s razor-God is the simplest answer to why we’re here
regularity-temporal order-similar things behave in similar ways indicates a designer
probability-everything suggests God’s existence is more likely so design argument doesn’t prove His existence but makes it more liekly
Strengths of the design argument?
> we’re so perfectly suited to our environment, can’t be by chance
design argument could continue to develop with science
only an intelligent being could keep the universe in order
Weaknesses of the design argument?
> natural selection happens by chance so species designed themselves over time
complexity doesn’t necessarily mean design
if God designed the world then why is there bad in the world?
can’t assume it is God
What did darwin say regarding the design argument?
> the theory of natural selection if correct can explain the appearance of design without the need for a designer
What did john stuart mill say about the design argument?
> nature is fundamentally cruel and full of suffering therefore is it possibly to argue that nature is the result of an intelligent designer
What did david hume say about the design argument?
> in the construction of a ship, many people are employed could reflect creation of universe eg many gods or demons etc
teleological argument doesn’t lead to the classical christian definition of God
Give some evidence of design in the world and universe
> season cycles
ozone layer protecting people from uv rays
gravity is strong enough to keep us down
1st cause argument
> based around cause and effect-idea is that everything that exists has something that caused it, there’s nothing in the world that came from nothing
Who made the 1st cause argument?
Thomas Aquinas
What is something a theist would argue using the 1st cause argument to prove the existence of God?
> everything that exists/begins to exist must have a cause just like the universe
there had to be smthg eternal which wasn’t cause by anything which is God
Strengths of the 1st cause argument?
> can co-exist with the big bang(who cause it)
infinite regress is unlikely-its likely there was a starting point
God isn’t bound by universal laws-he’s transcndent and can cause himself
it’s logical, rational and appeals to reasoning not scripture or faith
Weaknesses of the 1st cause argument?
> assumes the universe had a starting point
if everything has a cause who cause God
the big bang was a random event and didn’t have anything to do wit God
What is a miracle?
> a seemingly impossible event that can’t be explained by natural or scientific laws and is thought to be the actions of God
2 types of miracles?
> ones that break natural laws+can’t be explained by science
happy coincidences
What is the principle of credulity?
> if it seems to the person that x is present then x is probaby present
What is the principle of testimony?
> it’s reasonable to believe that the experiences of others are probably as they say them
The inconsistent triad
> omnibenevolence
How do Christians explain the problem of evil and suffering?
> it’s a punishment for wrong-doings
test of faith like Jobs
needed as a balance-can’t appreciate good without bad
needs to be accepted as something we can’t understand
What did ninian smart argue?
> agreed that creatures without fear, temptation or envy would be innocent but not morally good to have moral goodness you must have options to choose between
What did swinburne argue?
> if God intervened it would compromise our freewill
How would Christians argue against the proble of evil and suffering?
> the iranean theodicy; life is a test and all suffering given to us is to prove our faith to God
the augustinian theodicy; evil + suffering is punishments as a result of human actions
What is revelation?
> when God shows himself to believers
What is special revelation?
> when God makes himself known through direct personal experience or an unusual specific event
What is general revelation?
> when God makes himself known through ordinary, common human experiences
What is enlightenment?
> gaining of true knowledy of God usually through meditation or self discipline
What is the value of revelation?
> influence religion
provide proof of the divine
tell us more about God and his nature
strengthen faith, help believers have a relationship with God
educate others
What is scripture?
> an authoritative religious text believed to originate from God
> the idea that God is an individual or person who we can have a relationship with and feel close to
> the idea that God has no human characteristics, is unknowable and mysterious more like an idea or force
Omniptoence paradox?
> God loves people-can He be hurt by our actions?does this make Him limited?
if God is eternal and outside the universe does that limit our freewill?
how can God have a personal relationship with believers?it is a worshipped/worshipper relationship
if God is all powerful then how can the devil exist, or humans sin?to sin is to go against the will of God but if God is all-powerful how can anyone oppose his will
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