exercise physiology clinical application Flashcards
factors affecting O2 supply
1) coronary blood flow
- perfusion pressure
- vascular resistance
2) O2 content
factors affect O2 demand
1) wall stress (P x r / (2h))
P = sys P
r = radius of LV
h = wall thickness
2) HR
incr # contraction, incr # ATP
3) contractility
incr by sympath stim
how does O2 extraction change with exercise
minimal incr O2 extract
factors decr O2 supply
Hypotension (MAP
factors affecting coronary vascular resistance
1) external compression
- intramyocardial pressure = highest in systole
- subendocardium more vulnerable
2) intrinsic regulation
- local metab (adenosine vasodilate)
- NO, EDHF (vasodilate) vs. endothelin 1 (vasoconstriction)
- alpha + b2 receptors
factors incr O2 demand
1) exercise
2) fever
3) acute HTN
4) emotional distress
5) cardiac disease (LVH)
6) drugs- amphetamines/cocaine
consequences of myocardial ischemia
1) angina
2) ST depression (decr intracellular K+)
3) decr systolic fxn, decr SBP
decr diastolic fxn, incr wedge pressure
mitral regurg
4) incr HR, BP (sympath)
what determines when O2 supply decr
severity of coronary stenosis
rest: need 90% stenosis
exercise: coronary blood flow decr with 70% stenosis
what causes ST depression during exercise
decr intracellular K+ in subendocardium (early repol)
determinants of myocardial O2 demand with exercise (MVO2)
1) incr systolic BP, incr wall stress and contractility
2) incr HR
what is RPP
rate-pressure production
RPP = HRmax x SBPmax RPP = HR^2 x SV x SVR
HR is most important
equation for SVR
define ischemic threshold
RPP where ischemia occur
inadequate supply to meet demand
what does ischemic threshold depend on
1) severity of coronary stenosis (fixed RPP)
2) abnormal coronary vasomotion (variable RPP) = varying activities causing angina
more severe ischemia occurs at ___ RPP
lower RPP
relationship btwn workload and RPP
incr workload, incr RPP LINEARLY
until threshold –> when supply can’t meet demand