Cardiac embryology and congenital heart disease 1 Flashcards
Early cardiogenesis
male and female gametes fuse –> ____
Early cardiogenesis
Unicellular zygote goes through a _____ resulting in ___ –> morula
series of cleave
increased number of cells
Early cardiogenesis
Morula transforms into a ___
early cardiogenesis process
1) male/female gamete fuse –> fertilization
2) unicellular zygote undergoes many cleavages –> morula
3) morula transform into a blastocyst
3 components of blastocyst
1) outer cell mass = trophoblast
2) inner cell mast = embryoblast
3) central cavity = blastocyst cavity
what is outer cell mass in blastocyst called
what is inner cell mass in blastocyst called
2 layers of embryoblast
external = epiblast
internal = hypoblast
what do the 2 layers of embryoblast form?
flat disc = embryonic disc
where are the precardiac cells located in blastocyst stage?
located in epiblast on either side of primitive streak
what happens to epiblast cells in blastocyst stage
epiblast cells invaginate down thru prim streak
–> intraembryonic mesoderm
what do epiblast cells become after migrating through prim treak
intraembryonic mesoderm
how many layers in gastrula
what are the layers called
3 layers
1) external = ectoderm
2) middle = mesoderm
3) internal = endoderm
where are precardiac cells in gastrula
precardiac cells in mesoderm
what happens to precardiac cells in gastrula
precardiac cells migrate cephalically (toward head)
when does heart begin developing in embryo?
day 16
where are pre-cardiac cells on day 16
in the cardiogenic area near cranial end
derived from mesodermal cells
what is cardiogenic area derived from
what happens to precardiac cells in cardiogenic area
on day 19
migrate so now ventral to forebrain and foregut
coalesce to form 2 endocardial tubes
when do precardiac cells in cardiogenic area begin to form 2 endocardial tubes
day 19
what happens after heart tube forms on day 19
heart tubes become lined with endothelial cell
splanchnic mesoderm surrounds heart tube
what surrounds heart tubes on day 19
splanchnic mesoderm
what happens by day 21-22
tubes fuse together due to cephalic and lateral folding of embryo –> primitive hear ttube
when does heart begin to beat
DAY 22
post-loop with septation
when does pre-loop stage form?
day 22
what happens in preloop stage on day 22
AV sulcus becomes the intraventricular septum
primitive ventricle = trabeculated portion of LV
proximal portion of bulbus cordis = trabeculated portion of RV
blood flow
what creates the primitive ventricle
when happens?
day 22
comes from trabeculated portion of LV
what is the proximal portion of Bulbus Cordis
trabeculated portion of RV
what is the primordium of the trabeculated portion of RV also correspond to
proximal Bulbus cordis
when does blood flow begin
day 22
what happens to inner and outer layers of hear ttube
inner layer = endothelial lining –> endocardium
outer layer = mesoderm (epimyocardium) –> myocardium and epicardium
what is in between the inner and outer layer of heart tube
cardiac jelly (important in looping and septation)