EXERCISE NO. 8 Flashcards
Exercise 8 Title
functions primarily to transport blood throughout the body
cardiovascular system
Cardiovascular system is composed of (4)
heart, network of arteries, veins, and capillaries
average blood volume
adult male:
adult female:
adult male: 5 to 6 liters of blood
adult female: 4 to 5 liters of blood
The blood carries _____ and _____ to all of the living cells in the body, and also carries _______ from tissues to the systems of the body through which they are eliminated.
oxygen and essential nutrients
waste products
Most of the blood is made up of a watery, protein-laden fluid called _________. A little less than half of this blood volume is composed of ______ and __________, and other solid elements called ________.
red and white blood cells
- increases the workload of the heart by increasing the force with which the heart must pump to provide the blood of the body
- a concern for proper kidney functioning
High blood pressure
- a concern for maintaining adequate blood pressure to the brain
- may lead to fainting or dizziness
low blood pressure
For measurement of pulse rate, initially record a _______________
baseline pulse rate
What are the two arteries most commonly used for measurement of pulse rate?
radial artery (wrist) and carotid artery (neck)
body sites where the pulse is easily palpated / arteries that are easily palpated (9)
- Temporal artery
- Facial artery
- Carotid artery
- Brachial artery
- Radial artery
- Femoral artery
- Popliteal artery
- Posterior tibial artery
- Dorsalis pedis artery
For the auscultation of heart sounds, cardiac cycle of contraction (_______) and relaxation (______) can be followed by listening to the heart sounds with a ______________.
systole and diastole;
The contraction of the ventricles produces a rise in __________ pressure, resulting in the ______ of the surrounding structure.
Contraction of ventricles is primarily the vibration of the __________ valves that produces the first sound of the heart, usually verbalizes as “_____”
at the end of the contraction phase, the blood in the ______ and _______ pushes the one-way semilunar ______ shut, and the resulting vibration of these structures produces the second sound of the heart, which is verbalized as “_____”
aorta and pulmonary arteries; valves
careful auscultation (__________) may reveal two components to each of the two heart sounds.
The splitting of heart sounds is more evident during __________ (inhalation/exhalation)
During _______,
- the first heart sound may be split into two sounds because tricuspid and mitral (bicuspid) valves close at different times.
-the second heart sound may also be split into components because the pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves close at different times.
cardiac condition which may be caused by an irregularity in valve, a septal defect, or the persistence after birth of the opening (foramen valve) between the right and left atria, resulting in a regurgitation of blood in reverse direction of normal flow.
heart murmurs
may be due to heart block, septal defects, aortic stenosis, hypertension, or other abnormalities.
Abnormal splitting of the first and second heart sounds
to best hear the first heart sound, auscultate the apex beat of the heart by placing the diaphragm of the stethoscope in the _______________ intercostals space
fifth left intercostals space
to best hear the second heart sound, place the stethoscope to the right and left of the ______ in the _______________ intercostals space
second intercostals space
extremely low blood pressure (_________)
extremely high blood pressure
blood pressure can be indirectly determines with a _____________, which measures in millimeters of mercury rising in a glass column
sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff)
the greater the pressure ______ the rise of mercury
True or False
Blood pressure is uniform throughout the body
Blood pressure is not uniform throughout the body but is influenced by gravity
is the pressure less or more (<, >, =)
- arteries of the head and neck ______ heart
- arteries in the leg _____heart
- brachial artery ______ heart
- < (less)
- > (more)
- = (equal), about the same level
Auscultatory measure of blood pressure involves listening to sounds as blood passes through the brachial artery. Normally, _____ is heard through the stethoscope.
No sound
When pressure is applied to the arm due to constriction from blood pressure cuff, the turbulence of the blood passing through the vessel creates _________. (just like when you pinch off garden hose)
The significant difference between the flow of blood in the body versus water in a garden hose is that the blood _______ through the arteries as the heart contracts during ___________.
ventricular systole
The sounds made by the flow of blood in a constricted artery are known as the _____________
“sounds of Korotkov”
normal blood pressure
approximately 120/80 mmHg
hypertension range with the greatest concern is diastolic reading
140/90 mmHg
The diastolic pressure should be less than _______
90 mmHg
Hypotension range
90/60 mmHg
artery used for auscultation of blood pressure
brachial artery
Inflate the cuff up to ______
140 mmHg
- first sound when the needle valve descends or after releasing the knob
- which is the pressure the heart generates that exceeds the pressure cuff
the systolic pressure of the ventricles
at the exact level where the sound disappears is the _________
diastolic pressure
bp is ___/____
systolic / diastolic
normal heart rate
80 beats per minute
age 20 blood pressure
120/80 mmHg
Classification of blood pressure for adults age 18 and older
is determined by substracting the diastolic pressure from the systolic pressure
pulse pressure
normal pulse pressure
50 mmHg
is equal to diastolic pressure plus one-third of the pulse pressure
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
multiply the chest rises (15 s) by 4 to get
respiratory rate/minute