Exercise 4: Superfamily Paramphistomidae Flashcards
3 family
-Gastrothylacidae: w/ vs; nit divided
-Paramphistomidae: w/o vs; not divided
-Gastridiscidae: w/o vs; divided
Thick, 2 sucker located at each side
-Fischoederius elongatus
-Fischoederius cobboldi
-Carmyerrius synethes
-Gastrothylax crumenifer
-Velasquezotrema brevisaccus
-Calicophorun calicophorum
-Gigantocotyle formosanum
-Explanatum explanatum
-Orthocoelium ( Ceynolocotyle)
-Gastrodiscus aegytiacus
-Homologaster paloniae
Fischoederius elongatus
-habitat & DH
-rumen of cattle
-most common parampthistome in PH
-Gyraulus convexiusculus
-intestinal ceca simple, stops in midline of the body
-testes lie in tandem at post. end
-uterus runs toward the midline of body
Fischoederius cobboldi
-habitat & DH
-rumen cattle
-second most common in PH
-Gyraulus convexiusculus
-intestinal ceca is wavy, runs toward near the post end
Carmyerius synethes
-habitat & DH
-G. convexiusculus
-testes lie near post. end, horizontally arranged
-uterus runs toward the midline of the body
Gastrothylax crumenifer
-habitat & DH
-rumen of cattle
-G. convexiusculus
-testes lie in post. end, arranged horizontally
-uterus crosses midline from one side to another as it runs forward to the anterior part
Velasquezotrema brevisaccus
-habitat & DH
-rumen of water buffalo
-G. convexiusculus
-ventral pouch only extends to middle half of the body
Calicophoron calicophorum
-habitat & DH
-rumen or reticulum of cattle
Gigantocotyle formosanum
-habitat & DH
-abomasum of cattle
-large acetabulum
Explanatum explanatum
-habitat & DH
-live or bile duct of cattle
-enormous acetabulum
Orthocoelium (Ceynolocotyle)
-habitat & DH
-rumen of cattle
-Laurer’s canal does not cross excretory bladder
Cotylophorun bareiliense
-habitat & DH
-rumen of cattle
-presence of genital sucker
Gastrodiscus aegypticus
-habitat & DH
-small and large intestine of horses, ocassionally pigs
Homologaster paloniae
-habitat & DH
-large intestine of cattle