Exercise 3_ Morphology of Filamentous Fungi Flashcards
main character for exer 3
filamentous fungi
optimal temperature on which molds will grow
at 25 °C
25 °C is the optimal temperature for growth of what? yeast or mold
species of molds where dichotomous branching is present
Allomyces Galactomyces geotrichum
Allomyces and Galactomyces geotrichum are representative species with
dichotomous branching
this could either be branched or unbranched
2 forms of hyphae
branched or unbranched
Collective form of hyphae
Two forms of molds
filamentous or multicellular fungi
Forms of mycelium
septated or non septated
defining feature between individual cells in the mycelium when it is either septated or non septated
crosswalls (septa)
allows the exchange of cytoplasm or organelles throughout the hyphae
what happens in the crosswalls between the individual cells in the mycelium
allow exchange of cytoplasm or organelles
Location where the branches of septated fungi are situated
immediately behind a septum
In septated hyphae, this could be seen immediately at the back of the septum
this form of hypae tends to be continuous along the whole length of the filament
non septated hypha
two results of the non septation of hypa
coenocytic multinucleated
what imparts color, texture and overall appearance to the mold colony?
Since the hypha is a structural unit, the mycelium imparts what to the mold colony?
color texture overall appearance
When melanin pigments are present, what is the resulting color of the colonies?
with dark pigmentation
location where melanin pigments are situated
cell walls of molds
this are molds with melanin pigments in their cell wall
dematiaceous are molds with what?
melanin pigments in their cell wall
with the absence of pigments in their cell wall it is described as
hyaline coincides with molds that
does not produce pigments in their cell walls
this means transparent or translucent
hyaline is observed as
transparent or translucent
mycelial differentiation
submerged aerial fertile
type mycelial differentiation that penetrate and anchor the thalli in the substrate and absorb the nutrients
submerged mycelia
functions of submerged mycelia
anchor the thalli in the substrate absorb the nutrients
mycelia that grow above the substra
aerial mycelia
where aerial mycelia is situated
above the substrate
reproductive structures that fertile mycelia bear
conidia or sporangia
type of mycelia that harbors conidia or sporangia
fertile mycelia
the asexual spores in molds
sporangiospores conidia
sporangiospores and conidia are what type of spores? asexual or sexual
The sac where sporangipores are formed
The sac called sporangium houses what spores?
stalks where the sporangia is attached
the sporangiophores stalks are attached with?
specialized hyphae
conidiophores are _____ ____ where conidia is formed
specialized hyphae
what is formed on specialized hyphae called conidiophores?
small conidia
large multicellular conidia
types of conidia (4)
phialospores blastoconidia arthrospores chlamydospores
phialospores, blastoconidia, arthrospores, chlamydospores are types of?
vase-shaped cells
conidia are produced by vase-shaped cells called phialides
where does the conidia of phialospores produced?
phialides (vase-shaped cells)
the conidia of blastoconidia is produced from
budding of pre existing conidia
conidia formed by separation from preexisting hyphal cells
h does the conidia of arthropores are formed
by separation from preexisting hyphal cells
characterized by spores that are large, thick-walled, round or irregular structures formed within or on the ends of a hypha
conidia of chlamydospores are formed where?
formed within or on the ends of the hypha
conidia are produced from budding of pre existing conidia
sexual reproduction in molds involves the union of what
compatible nuclei
the union of compatible nuclei pertains to the
sexual reproduction in molds
the product of mating between 2 different organisms or hyphae
sexual spores
sexual spores of molds
oospores ascospores zygospores basidiospores
oospores, ascospores, zygospores, basidiospores are what type of spores
sexual spores
produced when male gametes enter a large spherical cell called oogonium and fertilized the egg within
oospores are produced produced when male gametes enter a large spherical cell called ______ and fertilized the egg within
formed by union of two hyphal protrusions from neighboring hyphae of two different strains
zygospores are formed by the union of wha
two hyphal protrusions from neighboring hyphae of two different strains
produced in enclosures which may be oval sacs or elongated tubes called asci
ascospores are formed inside of what structure
produced externally on club-shaped bodies called basidia
basidiospores are formed on
club-shaped bodies called basidia
culture media utilized for this activity
Czapek Dox Agar (CDA) Potato dextrose agar (PDA)
Mold specimens utilized for this exercise
Fusarium Geotrichum Penicillium Rhizophus Trichoderma
the method used to characterized selected filamentous fungi morphologically
slide culture method
Slide culture method is utilized to characterize molds based on its
What is prepared to be placed inside the petri plate before sterilization of the slide culture set up
2 toothpicks 1 glass slide 1 cover slip circular paper towel/filter paper
Incubation period for the growth of mold colony
1-7 days
During the sequential point inoculation of molds, which medium was inoculated first?
Incubation period for slide culture set up
2-7 days
media used for slide culture set up
amount of sterile water to be used in the slide culture set up
until the filter or paper towel is properly mositened
do you invert the slide culture set up?
before mounting the glass slide from the slide culture set up, what is the very f1st thing to do?
wipe the moisture at the bottom part of the slide
why is it that we invert the plate during the inoculation of molds?
- to insure that only the right amount of spores will be inoculated - to minimize spore dispersal
approximate measurement of the agar blocks to be utilized in slide culture set up
alternative method that can be used to prepare slide cultures
drop method
mounting medium of the wet mount of the slide culture
how many drops of lactophenol is utilized?
1-2 drops
Replacement of lactophenol as mounting medium of permanent mount is desired
canada balsam
canada balsam can replace _____ as mounting medium for slide culture observation
stolon and rhizoids are what type of structures
vegetative structures
specialized vegetative structures that can be observed from slide culture set
stolon rhizoids etc
type of conidia present in Geotrichum
arthrospore can be present in what mold specimen we used?
type of conidia present in Penicillium
phialospores can be present in what mold specimen we used?
conidia present in Fusarium
macro and microconidia
macro and microconidia can be present in what mold specimen we used?
Sporangiospores can be present in what mold specimen we used?
type of spores present in Rhizopus
what other structures are seen in the Rhizopus specimen we used?
stolon rhizoid
stolon and rhizoid are present in what mold specimen we used?
branched conidiophores can be present in what mold specimen we used?
trichoderma is observed with ____ ____ under the microscope
branched conidiophores
staining agent that is present in lactophenol
cotton blue
the component of lactophenol that preserves the fungal structure
lactic acid
function of phenol as a component of a mounting medium
serves as disinfectant that kills other living organisms