Executive- Presidents powers Flashcards
What powers does the president have?
Formal and Informal
What is formal powers?
Expressed and outlined in the constitution
Linked to various roles outlined for the president in the constitution
What are informal powers?
Powers the presidents gained but not expressed and outlined in teh constitution
What are the formal roles of the president
Commander in chief
Chief executive
Chief legislator
Chief diplomat
Formal powers- commander in chief?
Commander in chief of the army and navy
Making undeclared eat
Limited by war powers act 1973- president can commit troops to another country for 90 days but must get congressial approval
All presidents have said this is unconstitutional and all have broken it since 1973
Formal powers- chief executive?
Faithfully execute the laws
Grant pardons for federal offenders expet for cases of impeachment
Nominate judges of the supreme court and all officers of the Us with consent of the senate
Fill vacancies that may happen during recess if the senete
Formal powers- Cheif legislator?
Give state of the union adress to congress
Recoomend measures to the congress
Upon extraordinary occasions convene both houses of congress
Formal powers cheif legislator continue-
Presidential veto
Veto politcs
What is presidential veto?
Veto’s message within 10 days or passing house of origin
Pocket veto- president does not sign within 10 days
Congress can override h 2/3 majority from both houses but this is very rare
What i’d veto politics?
Congressional override is difficult only 4%
Threat of veto can cause congress to make changes in legislation
All about informal power?
Not written in constitution
Similar to necessary and proper powers of congress
In modern era (1933+) teh presidents informal power may be significantly more powerful than hi formal powers
Informal powers?
Executive orders
Executive agreements
Executive privilege
Informal powers- executive orders?
Orders issued by the president t carry the force of laws
Executive orders examples?
Clinton- don’t ask don’t tell about LGBTQ+ in military obama removed this and made it legal
FDR’s internment if Japanese americans 1942 (Roosevelt believed they were secrete agents)
GWB trying to susipect terrorist in military tribunals after 9/11
What is Executive agreement?
International agreement, usually related to trade made by a president that has the force of a treaty and does not need senate aproval
Example of executive agreement?
Thomas Jefferson purchasing Louisiana of france in 1803
What is Executive privilege?
Claim by a president that he has the right to decide taht the national interest will be better served if certain info is withheld from the public, including the courts and congress
Example of executive privilege?
Usa vs Nixon 1974
related to water gate
What are the first 100 days?
Believed to be the most important part of presidency
In the USA it wasn’t talked about until
Due to his impact into the nations crippling financial panic
He began rolling out the program making new deal including his 15 major prices of legislation
Thsi set huge popularity