Executive- President scandals Flashcards
What was water gate?
The democratic headquaters (watergate building) was broken into and was later revealed taht the crime commuted was by Nixons staff
Water gate was a collective term for the abuses of power carried out by the nixon administration
What happend in the vietnam war who was president and at what time?
Nixon in 1968
The war was a series of assassinations and crises eroded public trust in govt and produced backlash against liberal movements and the democratic party
What did Nixon vow to do when elected?
Restore law and order to respect the rule of law
Reconstitute the statue of america, dispose of ineffectual social programs and provide strong leadership
Who wrote the pentagon papers?
Daniel Ellsberg
What were the pentagon papers and who was daniel ellsberg?
He was an employee of the defence department
He leaked a classified assessment of the vietnam war- a 7000 page document
Papers cast doubt in the justification for entry to war and revealed that senior givt offices had misgivings about the war
Who published the pentagon papers and what was Nixon’s response?
The new york times and the washington post
Nixon’s administration sued them, however the supreme court ruled the papers could still be published
Who were the white house plumbers and what did they do?
Howard Hunt
G Gordon Liddy
James Mccord
Chuck cason
They where a unit to ensure internal security as all members where part of the CIA they were essentially hiered to stop leaks
In 1971 they broke into the office of Daniel Ellsbergs physciatrisys office to discredit him as mentally ill
Did nixon know about the plumbers?
He denied it but it was revealed that Nixon’s domestic advisor John Eheilchman knew of and approved the plan
What was the watergate break in and how were the plumbers involved?
The plumbers turned their activity’s to political espionage like bugging phones and opponents
On the 17th june 1972- 5 men where arrested while attentions to bug the headquaters of the democratic party in the water gate building in W DC
One of the men arrested (James McCord) was head of the republic party- creating suspicion for the party how ger Nixon denied involvement
Who where woodward and bernstein and what did they do?
They were reporters for the washington pist who did investigate reports on teh situation
Post editor Ben Bradley, publisher Katherine Graham, W&B aided by an enigmatic source kept the story in the public consciousness until Nixon resignation
How did Watergate affect nixon’s campaign?
-Was tied to his campaigns through $25,000 check form a republican donor that laundered through a mexican bank and deposited in the account of watergate through burglar Bernard Barker
-Later discovered that former Attourney General Hohn Mitchell who was head of Nixons CREEP committee to re elect the president controlled a secret fund for political espionage however mitchell should later go to prison for his role in the scandal
Did Nixon get re-elected in 1972!
Yes he won the larger margin in history
Who was the judge who investigated watergate?
Judge John Sirica
What did Judge John Sirica? what did James W Mccord say in his letter?
He refused to believe the burglars acted alone
James W McCord sent a letter confirming that it was a conspiracy
Sirica investigation transformed watergate from the story alf a third rate burglary to a scandal reaching the highest point in govt
what was the senete investigation?
Senate be gain hearings in watergate in may 1973
Hearing televised as they where focus on how the president knew about the break inspection
In June 1973 former white house legal counsel John Dean delivered devastating testimony that implicated Nixon from the earliest days of watergate
What were the oval office tapes?
Alexander Butterfield revealed their was an automatic taping system that Nixon had secretly installed in the oval office this then became the main focus of the investigation
What happened when nixon had to hand over the tapes ‘the smoking gun tapes’?
He was forced to surrender
Nixon was implicated from the earlies days of the cover up for authorising the payment of hush money and attempting you see the CIA to interfere with the FBI investigation
-Tape had a 18 1/2 minute gap
Nixon’s secretary Rosemary woods said she accidentally erased the tape where water gate was being spoken about but no one believed this
In August 1974 these got released just after the house judiciary commite approved his impeachment
What was known as the saturday night massacre?
The administration reached an agreement that the senate watergate commute chairman should be able to listen to tapes and provide a transcript to the commute and to special prosecutor Archibald Cox
Deal broke down when Cox refused to just have transcripts and not the tapes
-Due to the fact that the special prosecutor is an employee of the justice department, Nixon ordered attourney general Elliot Richardson to fire cox but he refused and he was fired
-Nixon ordered Deputy Attourney general William D Ruckeldhaus to fire fox but he refused and was fired
-Nixon then ordered soliciter general
robert bork to fire fox and finally he complied
The washington post referred to this as the saturday night massacare
Why did nixon resign?
On July 27 1974 the house of judiciary committee approved the impeachment against nixon
The house was to vote soon
Nixon believe this wouldn’t happen so stayed
But due to the tapes being released the committee told nixon he wouldn’t survive senate
So he resigned and he became the first president to resign on 9th August 1974
Aftermath of water gate?
More then 30 givt officials went to prison but Nixon wasn’t one of this as Ford gave him a pardon
Woodward and Bernstein won a Pulitzer prize and collaborated on 2 books ‘All the presidents men thsi got turned into an oscar winning film and the final days
W. Mark Felt revealed himslef to be the identity of secret source in 2005 as he was dying from cancer
What are 6 abuses of powers from
-Using givt agency’s to support his election campaigns, FBI and CIA used to spy on political opponent
-Abused constitutional rights if the US citizens by bugging etc
-Conspiracy’s to gurgle authorised break in at head quarters at Water gate
-Perverting the courts hush money paid to whitness
-Pushes a secret foreign policy- use of napalm in vietnam
-Pursuin a secret foreign policy- bombing of Laos and cambodia
How was Iran contra an abuse of power?
Distraction of evidence
Disobeying congress
Breaking laws (sending aid to contra illegal funding to rebels)
Snuggling drugs through CIA
illegal armed deal with iran