Excretion Flashcards
What is excretion
This is the removal from the body of these substances such as water and ions thatare excess in body.
Function of a liver
It breaks down unwanted substances and produces excretory waste.
Controls glucose concentration in the blood
It absorbs and metabolises much of the nutrients that are absorbed in the small intestine.
It makes bile salts.
What are bile salts needed for
They neutralise excess stomach acid.
They help digest fat and bile pigments (which are a waste product). These are stored in the gall bladder as part of the bile and released into the duodenum via the bile duct.
From where does the liver get a blood supply from
Hepatic artery and the hepatic portal vein.
Oxygenated blood flows from the hepatic artery to the liver
And deoxygenated blood flows from the hepatic portal vein.
Where does the blood go from the liver to
The deoxygenated blood flows from the hepatic vein.
Structure of the liver
It is divided into many lobules that are separated by connective tissue. The liver is only made of hepatocytes (liver cells). Each lobule is supplied blood from the branches of the hepatic artery and the hepatic portal vein. The blood flows through wide capillaries known as sinusoids that are lined by an incomplete layer of endothelial cells which allows blood to reach hepatocytes. This facilitates the exchange of substances between blood and cells. The lobule carries a bunch of chemical reactions. Each hepatocyte has a large surface area in contact with blood for exchange of substances.
What is a heptocyte
They store glucose as the polysaccharide glycogen. They also make bile (a digestive secretion) that is stored in the gall bladder and enters the duodenum. It contains bile pigments and bile salts.
What are bile pigments
These are excretory products made from haemoglobin.
How are bile salts
These are formed from the emulsification of fats.
How was the bile duct formed
Little channels (canaliculi) that join together which drains into the gall bladder and the duodenum. The blood flows along the sinusoids from the branches of the hepatic artery and the hepatic portal vein to drain into a branch of hepatic vein. This deoxygenated blood flows back to the heart through the vena cava.
How are proteins digested
Protein in the diet is digested into amino acids which are absorbed into the blood and taken directly to the liver. Excess amino acids are not excreted.
What happens to the excess amino acids
As these are good sources of energy, the amine group is removed. After the deamination, ammonia is formed. This is converted to ammonium ions in the cytoplasm. After the removal, the organic acid left is called keto acid. This may be respired aerobically through the Krebs cycle in mitochondria. Or else, it can be in the synthesis of other compounds.
How is ammonia made less harmful
Through the ornithine cycle.
Ammonia and carbon dioxide reacts together to form Carbamyl phosphate (1N). Two ATPs are needed. This carbamyl phosphate is then converted to Citruline (3N). This compound then reacts with an amine group to form Arginine (4N). This is then converted to Ornithine (2N). To do this, water needs to react with arginine to also form urea.
Why is urea excreted instead of ammonia
It is soluble in water and less toxic than ammonia.
Urea readily diffuses through the phospholipid bilayer of the membranes and so leaves the hepatocytes. This is then transported to the kidney dissolved in the blood plasma.
What are other two nitrogenous waste products
Uric acid- made from excess purine bases
Creatinine- made from creatine phosphate
What is detoxification
The liver breaks down many substances that are no longer required. These include Lactate Alcohol Hormones Medicinal drugs
What is lactate metabolism
Glycogen is broken down to glucose in the muscle. This glucose goes through glycolysis and links reaction to form Triose phosphate and then to pyruvate. This then goes through anaerobic respiration to produce Lactate. Pyruvate accepts two hydrogen from redNAD to form lactate. This causes NAD to become oxidised; the enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase catalyses this reaction.
The lactate enters the blood plasma and is transported to the liver,
After it does enter the liver, the lactate is converted back to pyruvate. This reaction involved reducing NAD. The pyruvate enters the matrix of the mitochondria and goes through aerobic respiration. Carbon dioxide and water is produced.
The pyruvate is then converted back to triose phosphate and then to glucose. The triose phosphate can also be stored as glycogen in the liver. The tlucose enters the plasma and is transported to the muscles.
How does alcohol metabolism work
Ethanol enters the cell through the cell surface membrane and is converted to ethanal with the help of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase as well as NAD. NAD becomes reduced.
The ethanal is converted to acetate with the help of the enzyme, ethanal dehydrogenase. The NAD is reduced here again. Otherwise, the ethanal can enter the matrix of a mitochondria and can be converted to acetate here. It will go through the aerobic pathway. So, it will be converted to acetyl coenzyme A. From here, it can used to form fatty acids or go into the Krebs cycle to ultimately produce carbon dioxide and water. Ethanal dehydrogenase would catalyse this reaction.
How is a hormone removed
Protein hormones such as insulin and glucagon, and peptide hormones such as ADH are hydrolysed into amino acids. Steroid hormones such as oestrogen and testosterone are also inactivated by conversion to other compounds, which are excreted in urine.
What happens when you consume large amounts of proteins
When the intake of proteins increase and the excess proteins are not used up in growth, repair or muscle building, then the excess proteins are converted to urea. Therefore the concentration of urea in the blood will increase.
What is the function of a kidney
Blood is constantly filtered by the kidneys to remove any metabolic wastes. This prevents their concentrations increasing to levels that will be harmful. The kidney also removes useful substances such as water and major ions (e.g potassium, sodium, hydrogen carbonate, chloride, calcium and phosphate ions).
The function of a nephron
These absorb useful substances into the blood and control the volume of water lost in the urine.
Structure of nephrons
The afferent arteriole leads to the glomerulus which is surrounded by the Bowman’s Capsule. The glomerulus is then followed by the efferent arteriole to the rest of the capillaries. The Bowman’s capsule leads to the proximal convoluted tubule which then dips down to the medulla through the descending limb of the loop of Henle. This hairpin shaped structure also has an ascending limb. This is then followed by the distal convoluted tubule. Ultimately, the structure of nephron ends in the collecting duct. The collecting duct is also dips down to the medulla part. The urine flows from the collecting duct, to the pelvis, ureter and then bladder.
Which structures are found in the cortex
The glomerulus, Bowman’s Capsule, the proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule.
What is a glomerulus and surrounding structure (Bowman’s capsule)
It is composed of a tight knot of capillaries. Surrounding the capillaries are cells with prominent nuclei. These cells are called podocytes. These are foot cells which have branching extensions. The podocytes suspend the capillaries within the Bowman’s Capsule which is the fluid-filled space around the glomerulus. The Bowman’s capsule is lined by a layer of squamous epithelial cells.
Structure of the PCT
The tubule is formed from cuboidal epithelial cells. These cells are lined by a bursh border made up of many microvilli and contain many mitochondria.
Structure of loop of Henle
The ascending limb has thicker, cuboidal epithelial cells (with no brush border) than the descending limb. Plus, the ascending limb has many mitochondria. The loop of Henle is narrower than the PCT and also have squamous epithelial cells. The loops are surrounded by the vasa recta: capillaries that also dip down into the medulla and return to the cortex
Structure of DCT
It has cuboidal cells, but they are not as wide as the cells of the PCT. The cells have few microvilli and therefore no brush border.
Structure of collecting duct
Transverse sections of these ducts are wider than those of the other parts of the nephron.
The epithelial cells are cuboidal without a brush border.
Process of ultrafiltration
Blood flows at a high pressure from the renal artery. Plus, the diameter of the efferent arteriole is narrower than the diameter than the afferent arteriole. This builds up a high pressure which causes small molecules to be forced out to the Bowman’s Capsule.
How are the small molecules forced out into the bowman’s capsule
The hydrostatic pressure of the blood which forces fluid out of the capillaries is opposed by the oncotic pressure of the proteins in the plasma. The filtrate also has a hydrostatic pressure and an oncotic pressure, although both of these are very low. The net effect of these four pressures is an overall pressure forcing out substances from the blood into the filtrate.
How is the region adapted for ultrafiltration
The basement membrane separating the podocytes of the bowman’s capsule and the lumen of the capillaries are lined with endothelial cells which have pores in them. These pores allow substances to leave the blood. The basement membrane is made of glycoproteins. It acts as a sieve retaining all the blood cells and platelets.
What is selective reabsorption
The cells that line the PCT are specialised for reabsorption of useful substances from the filtrate including Glucose Ions - e.g sodium ions Amino acids Water
How does selective absorption work
First ATP is required for sodium ions to be pumped from the PCT to the blood. This causes potassium ions to enter the PCT from the blood. As the concentration of sodium ions in the PCT have decreased, sodium ions from the filtrate moves into the PCT through facilitated diffusion. However, it also cotransports glucose and amino acids into the PCT. This causes the water potential in the PCT to decrease. So, water moves into the PCT through osmosis. Since the concentration of glucose, amino acid as well as the water potential is higher than in the blood, all of the compounds moves from the
PCT to the blood by diffusion.
How is the PCT adapted to function properly
Tight junctions (like Velcro) between cells to ensure movement of particles occur through the cells not between them
Microvilli provide a large surface area, allowing many symport carrier proteins to line the tubule.
Many mitochondria produce ATP for active transport by sodium or potassium ion protein pumps.
Infolding of the basal membrane give a large surface area for protein pumps and carrier proteins for glucose.
Rough endoplasmic reticulum makes proteins for sodium/ potassium ion pumps, symport carrier proteins and carrier proteins for glucose and amino acids.
Why is it important to make water potential gradient
Nephron needs to regulate the concentration of the blood and determine the concentration of urine.
When we are dehydrated we can conserve water rather than letting it go to waste in the urine. Having a much longer limb(s), water can be conserved by reabsorbing it from the urine before it is transported to the collecting duct.
How is urine concentration increased when needed
This is achieved by making the tissue fluid rich in ions and urea so it has a lower water potential than the urine in the collecting duct. This will cause water to diffuse by osmosis down its water potential gradient from a region with a high water potential to a region with a low water potential.
How is water removed from the loop of Henle
The medulla where the descending limb dips down to, is very salty (rich in ions such as sodium and chloride ions). So, there is a lower water potential in the medulla compared to the filtrate running down the descending limb. Water diffuses out to the medulla through osmosis. Simultaneously, sodium and chloride ions move into the limb as there is a decreasing concentration of these ions inside. So, by the time the low curved dip is reached of its hairpin-shape, the filtrate in the loop of Henle is extremely concentrated in ions. As a result, these ions diffuse out to the medulla. On its ascending limb, (which has a wider diameter than the descending limb), pumps out sodium and chloride ions to the medulla right at the top. It can do this because there are many mitochondria here. These provide ATP to actively pump out these ions to the tissue fluid in the medulla. However, water cannot enter the ascending limb because the walls are impermeable to water.
What is Countercurrent exchange
This is process of loosing water and simultaneously gaining sodium and chloride ions in upper part of the descending limbs while retaining water and loosing these ions in the ascending limb. The similar process occurs in the capillaries. This is important because this exchange ensures that the ions in the medullary tissue do not ‘leak’ away in the blood leaving the kidneys. If there were no countercurrent exchange, solutes in the medullary tissue fluid would diffuse into the blood.
How is excretion of ions controlled
The filtrate that enters DCT is very dilute. Most of the ions are either in the blood plasma or in the tissue fluid of the medulla. The concentration of sodium ions is monitored by receptors in the body, (e.g in the main arteries). If the body is dehydrated or has lost blood, then the hormone aldesterone is secreted by cells in the outer part of the adrenal glands. Aldosterone is a steroid hormone that switches on genes in DCT cells so that more carrier protein molecules are made. The carriers pump sodium ions out of the filtrate and pump potassium ions into the filtrate.
How is water content in the blood regulated
The hypothalamus is the control centre and contains osmoreceptors that detect changes in the water potential of the blood. The axons of neurosecretory neurones from the hypothalamus extend into the posterior pituitary gland. Instead of forming synapses with other neurones they terminate near blood capillaries. When they are stimulated, impulses travel down the axons to release molecules of a small peptide hormone, ADH by exocytosis of vesicles. The target cells of ADH are the cells of the DCT and collecting ducts.
What are aquaporins
These are water channels that are inserted into the cell surface membrane.
The whole process of water regulation
Water lost from the body e.g by sweating, little or water ingested
Blood plasma becomes more concentrated, water potential of blood decreases
Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus detect decrease in water potential of blood (hypothalamus is the thirst centre and it stimulates the search for water)
Neurosecretory neurones from the hypothalamus release ADH into the blood in the posterior pituitary gland
ADH is transported in the blood to the collecting ducts in the kidneys
ADH stimulates collecting duct cells to become more permeable to water
Water diffuses by osmosis into the tissue fluid in the medulla surrounding the collecting ducts
Water diffuses from tissue fluid into the blood vessels in the medulla
Water returns to blood so lessening the decrease in water potential
What happens when the water potential of the blood is higher than the set point
ADH is not secreted so the process does not occur.
What are urine tests
The most common urine test is for glucose. Normally, glucose in the filtrate should be reabsorbed by the