Cellular Control Flashcards
What is gene mutation
This is a relatively small change to a nucleotide sequence in the DNA as a result of mistakes in copying. When a gene is modified or altered as a result of a change in the sequence of bases, a new form of gene is formed.
Why may the gene mutation not cause a change in the protein made
The alteration of the bases may not cause any change at all in the protein that it produces because the modified triplet may still code for the same amino acid in the protein. This only happens because genetic code is degenerate code. Also the mutation could occur in non-coding section of the DNA and so has no effect on the amino acid sequence at all.
What is a degenerate code
Several triplets coding for the same amino acid
Why may the change in amino acid sequence
The allele may be recessive and be masked by a dominant allele and so may not be expressed.
The gene may be one of several that are all involved in the expression of a characteristic, thus reducing the effect of a single mutation. Or one gene may specifically prevent the expression of others, called the epistasis effect.
Chromosome mutation
This can either change the number of chromosomes in a nucleus or the structure of individual chromosomes.
Gene mutation
This occurs when there is any change to a gene caused by changes in the DNA base sequence. This can be occured by substitution and insertion/deletion
Substitution gene mutation
Substituting one base pair for a different base pair will result in a change in one triplet only.
Insertion/deletion gene mutation
This involves inserting or deleting one or more base pairs results in a complete shift in the code, often called a frameshift.
What is a stutter mutation
This is where triplets are repeated many times. Huntington’s disease is caused by a stutter mutation.
Difference between substitution and insertion/deletion
Substitution is where a different base is used in the base sequence in place of the original base, giving a different triplet.
What is a silent mutation
The change in the genetic mutation may result in no change at all if the triplet codes for the same amino acid. Or it may result in a change in the amino acid coded for and used in polypeptide chain. This may produce an altered protein but not cause a drastic change.
What does a frameshift affect when a base is inserted
The result is not a change to a single triplet but a completely different sequence following the changed bases, since the code will now be read as a different sequence of triplets.
What does a frameshift cause when a base is deleted
They will affect the polypeptide chain because there has been a shift by the deletion. A similar situation occurs with an insertion when an extra base is added to the sequence. A stop codon will prevent the addition of further amino acids to the chain, causing it to be cut short.
What are examples of a beneficial mutation
In sunny countries such as Africa, the local people have dark skins because they have high concentration of melanin. This protects from the harmful UV radiation from the Sun but still allows vitamin D to be synthesised because of the high intensity of the sunlight. Paler skinned humans were less likely to survive in these circumstances due to skin cancer and burned skin.
In cooler temperature climates, dark-skinned humans would have been less able to synthesise vitamin D and so paler skinned humans would have an advantage.
What problems can lack of vitamin D have
Rickets which can cause a deformed pelvic girdle. This is dangerous in females during child birth.
Vitamin D deficiency also leads to reduced protection against heart disease and cancers.
Example of harmful mutation
Sickle cell anaemia and haemophilia
In 70% of cystic fibrosis sufferers the mutation responsible for the disease is the deletion of three base pairs in the gene coding for the protein CFTR at amino acid position 508, resulting in the loss of the amino acid phenylalanine.
Symptoms of cystic fibrosis
Lung and pancreatic problems as a result of particularly thickened mucus.
Another example of harmful mutation- Huntington’s disorder and PKU
Caused by a stutter mutation where the triplet code cytosine-adenine-guanine is repeated many times. The triplet codes for the amino acid glutamine and the repeat creates a poly glutamine sequence.
Once the repeats reach the critical level, usually more than 36, then there is a high probability that the disorder will occur, usually later in life.
It causes an increase in the decay of certain neurones in the brain. Some diseases occur because the mutation results in no protein production at all. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an example of a disease resulting from this type of mutation in the gene coding for the enzyme needed to metabolise the amino acid phenyalanine. The mutation leads to a build up of phenylalanine, causing serious medical problems including mental impairment.
What are proto-oncogenes
These are growth-promoting genes. They code for growth factors or their receptors. They may be regulatory enzymes that can be switched off once the required cell division has been completed, or may restrict progress through the G1 stage of the cell cycle and so prevent progression if a previous step is incorrect or if the DNA is damaged.
What can a mutation in the proto-oncogenes cause
This may result in the gene becoming an oncogene, preventing the gene being switched off and leading to unregulated cell division and a tumour.
What is TP53 and what happens when it is mutated
This is a tumour-suppressor gene, one of another group of genes with a role in cancer development. It encodes the protein p53.
It can become mutated by some of the chemicals in cigarette smoke. Some mutations change p53 into an inactive form that prevents it from halting cell division at the G1 stage when damaged DNA or faulty copying has occured.
Is associated with an increased risk of lung cancer and is linked to cervical cancer when modified by the human papilloma virus, HPV.
What are neutral mutations
These are the result of a change in one DNA base that does not cause any difference in the amino acid coded for. In other cases the amino acid may be changed but the resulting polypeptide functions in the same way. Alternatively, if function is changed it makes no difference to survival, giving no advantage or disadvantage to the organism.
The ability to taste a chemical called PTC is due to the gene TAS2R38 being mutated. Brussel sprouts contain a bitter compound that is similar to PTC that some people cannot taste- those without the mutated gene cannot taste it.
What are regulatory mechanisms
These mechanisms that control whether a gene is expressed at different points in development.
When do control gene expression occur
Some at transcriptional level
Some at post-transcriptional level
And some at post-translational level
And some at post-translational level
What are structural genes
These code for polypeptides that function as enzymes, membrane carriers, hormones etc
What are regulatory genes
These code for polypeptides and various forms of RNA that control the expression of structural genes at the three levels listed above.
What is transcription
This is the process of copying the gene on the DNA strand to form mRNA. The mRNA will then be edited before it is translated from mRNA codons into a polypeptide chain of amino acids.
Control at the transcriptional level
Not all genes are transcribed at any one time. Usually only those genes that code for a required protein are actually transcribed unless there is an error in regulation, as in cancerous cells.
What are promoter regions
These are a number of DNA base sequences that are associated with each gene. These are usually found a short distance away from the gene- about 100 base pairs before the start of the gene. Transcription is initiated when appropriate proteins (transcription factors) bind to the promoter region of a gene. In turn this allows RNA polymerase to attach to the promoter so that transcription begins.
How does oestrogen work
The hormone oestrogen is involved in the control of the oestrus cycle and in sperm production. As it is a lipid soluble molecule, it diffuses through the plasma membrane of cells and moves to the nucleus where it binds to an oestrogen receptor. The receptors are transcription factors that can initiate transcription for up to 100 different genes by binding to their promoter regions. When it attaches, the oestrogen changes the shape of the receptor, which then moves away from the protein complex to which it was attached to. This allows the receptor to bond to the promoter region for one of its target genes. Now RNA polymerase can bind and begin transcription of that gene.
The whole oestrogen process
Oestrogen, being a lipid soluble molecule, diffuses through the plasma membrane of a target cell and then diffuses into its nucleus. Here it attaches to an ERalpha oestrogen receptor to change its shape and leave the protein complex that inhibits its action. The oestrogen receptor can now attach to the promoter region of a target gene where it attracts other cofactors to bind with it. The oestrogen receptor, with combined cofactors, enables RNA polymerase to transcribe its target gene.
When are genes transcribed and translated at the same time
These genes code for enzymes involved in the same process, such as the enzymes involved in glycolysis or the Krebs cycle in cell respiration. This ensures efficiency since all the enzymes needed for the process are available.
What does constitutive mean
Genes which are transcribed all the time are known as constitutive. However, it would be wasteful to produce enzymes when are not needed so enzymes are only produced when they are required.
An example of control at transcription level
The enzyme beta-galactosidase hydrolyses lactose in the bacterium Escherichia coli. The enzyme is known as an inducible enzyme because it will only be produced when lactose is present. Two other proteins are required: lactose permease is needed to allow lactose transport into the cell and another enzyme is needed for the metabolism of lactose.
Lac operon
This is a section of DNA, within the DNA loop of some species of bacteria including Escherichia coli, consisting of three structural genes and a common promoter. It uses a double mechanism to make sure that the genes in the operon coding for the proteins need for lactose metabolism, only produce those proteins when lactose is present. This means that energy is not wasted making these proteins when they are not needed.
Lac operon- how is lactose metabolism stopped
When lactose is absent, a repressor protein stops the transcription of the three genes in the lac operon. This is the normal state for the operon.
When is the lactose operon activated
When lactose is present or when there is little or no glucose available. When glucose is respired there is low concentration of cyclic AMP within the cell. When there is a very little glucose available the concentration of cAMP increases.
CRP site of an operon
CRP site: this region is where the protein CRP (or cAMP receptor) binds. It helps bind the enzyme RNA polymerase to the promoter in order to transcribe the genes. If cAMP is present the CRP attaches to the DNA and allows RNA polymerase to bind.
Promoter region of an operon
This is where RNA polymerase attaches to DNA to start transcription. If this region is partly covered by the repressor protein then RNA polymerase cannot attach and so DNA transcription is prevented and no mRNA can be produced for protein synthesis.
What is the operator region of an operon
This is next to the structural gene and is where the repressor protein binds to. This region acts as a switch by allowing transcription of the structural genes. If the repressor protein is bound to the operator site it prevents transcription and therefore translation of these genes will not occur.
What are structural genes of an operon
Operon has three structural genes, next to each other, coding for beta-galactosidase, lactose permease and another enzyme. All three are transcribed if the promoter and operator are switched on.
What does repressor genes do
It is found on another part of the bacterial DNA, not part of the operon. It codes for a repressor substance: a protein that binds tightly to the operator region of the DNA. In so doing it covers part of the promoter gene in the lac operon. It causes DNA to form a loop, which prevents the RNA polymerase from binding to the promoter and so inhibits the transcription of the three genes. This is the normal state of the operon.
If there is no mRNA produced then no protein synthesis can occur and the three enzymes are not produced.
How does the lactose being present affect the operon
When lactose is present it acts as an inducer and attaches to the repressor protein and so changes its shape so that it cannot bind to the operator site. As a result, the operon is switched on and the genes are transcribed into mRNA and are translated into polypeptides producing the enzymes. The part of the mRNA strand corresponding to each gene has its own ribosomal binding site and so can be independently translated.
What happens to the non-coding DNA
This DNA does not code for polypeptides, but some may code for functional RNA molecules. Some consist of repeated sequences of bases between genes, often called tandem repeat sequences or hypervariable sequences. These sections are not transcribed.
The DNA that are not coded are called introns. The DNA that are coded are exons.
What happens to the DNA that are coded
They form a molecule called primary mRNA or pre-mRNA. This includes the introns and exons. Once transcribed, the primary mRNA is cut and edited before it leaves the nucleus.
What are snRNPs and mature mRNAs
Small nuclear ribonucleic proteins are combination of RNA and proteins. The RNA component of these molecules catalyses cutting and splicing of mRNA. The RNA component of these molecules catalyses cutting and splicing of primary mRNA. The coding sections, the exons, are now spliced together to make a shorter molecule of mRNA without any introns. This is called mature mRNA.
Why is it important that a mature mRNA is formed
The formation of mature mRNA ensures that only the coding sections of mRNA are used to form proteins by translation. If any part of the introns were included in the mature mRNA the resulting protein would be non-functional. This process ensures only the sequence of bases forming the gene and so coding for the amino acids of a polypeptide is produced. As a result no amino acids are wasted.
What happens to the non-coding DNA after the mature mRNA has formed
Some introns are further processed after splicing to create non-coding RNA molecules which may a function in gene regulation.
What happens to the polypeptides formed by translation
They are modified by the Golgi apparatus pr in the cytosol. Polypeptides may be activated by cAMP.
What are the roles of cAMP
This derivative of ATP, is formed by the action of an enzyme, adenyl cyclase. cAMP has a key role in regulation as a second messenger in cells for many processes such as hormone activation, transport into the cells, and activation of protein kinases. In eukaryotic cells, cAMP works by activating protein kinase A (PKA), which is an inactive or precursor enzyme. Once it is activated it activates other proteins.
The role of cAMP in muscle cells
When muscle cells need energy the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase releases glucose from glycogen. The enzyme is activated by cAMP when it attaches to its allosteric site. This activates glycogen phosphorylase by changing the enzyme’s shape to expose the active site. The same enzyme is inhibited by ATP and glucose 6-phosphate so only when the cells require energy (as the levels of ATP or glucose are low) will cAMP activate the breakdown of glycogen to glucose.
What are homeobox genes
In order for cells to differentiate and specialise for different roles they must be able to regulate which genes are functioning and used. They do this by switching on some genes and switching off other genes.
How are genes switched off and on
This process is controlled in a specific sequence. It is determined by transcription factors (also called sequence-specific DNA-binding factors). A transcription factor is a protein that binds to specific DNA sequences to control the rate of transcription of that particular gene sequence into mRNA.
The definition of homeobox genes
These code for transcription factors that regulate transcription by binding to the DNA for specific genes. A homeobox is a sequence of 180 bases coding for 60 amino acids of a part of these proteins. These proteins become attached to the DNA at one point and regulate the transcription of other genes, such as those controlling early development in eukaryotic organisms, by turning specific genes on and off in the correct order.
What are the functions of homeobox genes
Homeobox genes control the early development of animals, plants and fungi, ensuring genes are expressed in the correct order. They help the basic pattern to the body. They control the segmentation pattern of insects and mammals and the development of wings and limbs.
Why are all homeobox sequences similar
Because they code for the sequence of amino acids in transcription factors that bind to DNA. These DNA-binding regions must all have the same shape. Any mutations or changes in these sequences lead to organisms that are not viable or are quickly eliminated by natural selection. This is an example of strong negative selection pressure.
How does homeobox genes affect the development of organisms
The development of organisms is genetically regulated by similar homeobox genes, which determine polarity of the whole organism (i.e the head and the tail), the sections of the body