Exchange Flashcards
What Is The Human Digestive System?
The human digestive system is made up of a long muscular tube and its associated glands.
These glands produce enzymes that hydrolyse large molecules into small molecules, ready for absorption.
The digestive system is, therefore, an exchange surface through which food substances are absorbed.
Major Parts Of The Digestive System?
- Oesophagus (carries food from mouth to stomach),
- Stomach,
- Ileum (small intestine),
- Large intestine,
- Rectum,
- Salivary glands,
- Pancreas.
Muscular sac with an inner layer that produces enzymes.
Its role is to store and digest food, especially proteins. It has a glance that produce enzymes which digests protein.
Another word for small intestine.
The ileum is a long, muscular tube.
Food is further digested in the ileum by:
- enzymes that are produced in the ileum walls and,
- by glands that pour secretions into ileum.
The inner walls of the ileum are folded into villi, which gives them a larger surface area.
The surface area of these villi is further increased by millions of tiny projections, called microvilli, on the epithelial cells of each villus.
The products of digestion are absorbed into bloodstream by ileum - the villus making this more efficient.
Large Intestine?
Absorbs water.
Most of the water that is absorbed is from the secretions of the many digestive glands.
Final section of the intestines.
The faeces is stored here before being removed by the anus in a process called egestion.
Salivary Glands?
The salivary glands are situated near the mouth.
They pass their secretions via a duct into the mouth.
These secretions contain the enzyme amylase, which hydrolyses starch into maltose.
The pancreas is a large gland situated below the stomach.
It produces secretions called pancreatic juice.
This secretion contains:
- protease to hydrolyse proteins,
- lipase to hydrolyse lipids,
- and amylase to hydrolyse starch.
What Is Digestion?
- Physical breakdown,
- Chemical digestion.
One purpose of digestion is to break down food into molecules that are small enough to pass across cell-surface membranes
Psychical Breakdown?
There are two types of physical breakdown in digestion: the teeth and stomach.
- Food is broken down by the teeth in the mouth. This makes it possible to ingest the food through the oesophagus and also provides a large surface area for chemical digestions.
- Food is churned by the muscles in the stomach wall and this also physically breaks it up.
Chemical Digestion?
Chemical digestion: hydrolyses large, insoluble molecules into smaller, soluble molecules.
All digestive enzymes function by hydrolysis (addition of water).
Enzymes are specific so more than one enzyme is needed to hydrolyse a large molecule.
Usually, one enzyme hydrolyses a large molecule into sections and the sections are then hydrolysed into smaller molecules other enzymes.
There are three different types of digestive enzymes which you should know:
- Carbohydrase,
- Lipase,
- Potease.
A digestive enzyme.
Hydrolyses carbohydrates into monosaccharides.
A digestive enzyme.
Hydrolyses lipids (fat and oils) into glycerol and fatty acids.
Digestive enzyme.
Hydrolyses proteins into amino acids.
Carbohydrate Digestion?
It usually takes more than one enzyme to completely hydrolyse a large molecule.
Usually, one enzyme hydrolyses the molecules into smaller sections and then other enzymes hydrolyse the sections further into their monomers.
These enzymes are usually produced in different parts of the digestive system. It is important that enzymes are added to the food in the correct sequence. This is true of starch (carbohydrate) digestion.
Steps Of Carbohydrate Digestion?
Carbohydrate = starch.
- Saliva enters the mouth from salivary glands and is mixed with food during chewing. Saliva contains amylase which hydrolyses any starch in the food to maltose (a disaccharide). Amylase does this by hydrolysing the alternate glycosidic bonds of the starch molecule to produce the disaccharide: maltose.
Saliva also contains mineral salts that help to maintain the pH at around neutral. This is the optimum pH for the salivary amylase to work. Amylase is produced by salivary glands in mouth and also by pancreas which releases amylase into small intestine.
- The food is swallowed and enters the stomach, where the conditions are acidic. This acidic conditions denatures the amylase and prevents further hydrolysis of the starch.
- After a while, the food is passed into the small intestine. Membrane-bound disacchardiase are enzymes attached to cell-membranes of epethilial cells in the ileum (in small intestine). They break down disaccharides into monosaccharides. Here, it mixes with the secretion from the pancreas called pancreatic juice.
- The pancreatic juice contains pancreatic amylase. This continues the hydrolysis of any remaining starch into maltose. Alkaline salts are produced by both the pancreas and the intestinal wall to maintain the pH at around neutral so that the amylase can function.
- Muscles in the small intestine wall push food along the ileum. The epithelial lining produces the disaccharidASE: maltase.
Maltase is not released into the lumen of the lieum but is part of the cell-surface membranes of the epithelial cells that line the ileum. It is therefore referred to as a membrane-bounce disaccharidASE. The maltase hydrolyses the maltose from starch breakdown into a-glucose (monosaccharide).
Monosaccharides are transported across cell membranes on the ileum epithelial cells via specific transporter proteins.
How Does Amylase Break Down Starch?
Amylase is produced in the mouth (salivary amylase) and pancreas (pancreatic amylase).
Amylase breaks down starch by hydrolysing the alternate glycosidic bonds of the starch molecule to produce the disaccharide: maltose.
The maltose is then hydrolysed by maltase into the monosaccharide: a-glucose.
Maltase (dissacharidASE) is produced by the lining of the ileum.
What Disaccharides In The Diet Are Broken Down?
- Maltose,
- Sucrose,
- Lactose.
Sucrose and lactose are also both hydrolysed by a membrane-bound disaccharidASE,
- SucrASE hydrolyses the single glycosidic bond in the sucrose molecule. This hydrolyse hydrolysis produces the two monosaccharides: glucose and fructose.
- LactASE hydrolyses the single glycosidic bond in the lactose molecule. This hydrolysis produces the two monosaccharides: glucose and galactose.
Lipid Digestion?
Lipids are hydrolysed by enzymes called lipase. This involves the hydrolysis of ester bonds in lipids.
Lipase enzymes are produced in the pancreas and hydrolyse the ester bond found in triglycerides to from fatty acids and monoglycerides. They work in the pancreas.
A monoglyceride is a glycerol molecule with a single fatty acid molecule attached.
1. Bile salts are produced in the liver and emulsify lipids - they cause the lipids to form small droplets.
- Bile salts are really important in the process of lipid digestion. Several small lipid droplets have a bigger surface area than a single large droplet (for the same volume of lipid). So the formation of small droplets greatly increased the SA of lipid that’s available for lipase to work on.
- The lipid is then digested (broken down) by lipase. Once the lipid has been broken down, the monoglycerides and fatty acids stick with the bile salts to form tiny structures called micelles.
Bile is produced in the liver, then stored in the gallbladder until it is released into the small intestine where it binds to lipid droplets.
What Is A Monoglyceride?
A monoglyceride is a glycerol molecule with a single fatty acid molecule attached.
Examples of disaccharides and monosaccharides?
Disaccharides- maltose, sucrose and lactose.
Maltose is broken down by maltase —> monosaccharide: glucose + glucose
Sucrose is broken down by sucrase —> monosaccharide: glucose + fructose
Lactose is broken down by lactase —> monosaccharide: glucose + galactose
How To Know If Something Is An Enyzme Or A Substrate?
Enzymes end in -ase.
E.g. lipase is the enzyme for the substrate, lipids.
Protein Digestion?
Proteins are large, complex molecules that are hydrolysed by a group of enzymes called protease (also known as peptides).
There are a number of different protease:
- Endopeptidase,
- Exopeptidase,
- Dipeptidase.
It’s a protease that breaks down proteins.
Hydrolyses the peptide bonds between the amino acids in the protein molecule.
Forms a series of peptide molecules.
Trypsin and chymotrypsun are two example of endopeptidase. They’re synthesised in the pancreas and secreted into the small intestine.
Pepsin is another example. It’s released into the stomach by cells in the stomach lining. It only works in acid idc conditions - provided by hydrochloric acid in stomach.
It’s a protease that breaks down proteins.
Hydrolyses the peptide bonds on the terminal amino acid of the peptide molecules formed by endopeptidase.
In this way, they progressively release dipeptides and single amino acids.
Dipeptidase are examples of these enzymes that work specifically on dipeptides. They act to separate two amino acids that make up a dipeptide by hydrolysing the peptide bonds between them. They are often located in cell-surface membrane of epithelial cells in the small intestine.
It’s a protease that breaks down proteins.
Hydrolyses the bond between the two amino acids of a dipeptide.
Dipeptidase are membrane-bound, being part of the cell-surface membrane of the epithelial cells lining the ileum.
Structure Of The Ileum?
The ileum’s structure is adapted to absorbs the products of digestion.
Villi allow the ileum to be adapted. What are villi?
The wall of the ileum is folded into fingerlike projections, about 1 mm long, called villi.
The villi is lined with epithelial cells with further microvilli on them. Behind these epithelial cells are lots of blood capillaries.
The villi and microvilli increases the surface area of the ileum and therefore accelerates the rate of absorption.
Villi are situated between the lumen (cavity - considered outside the body) of the intestines and the blood/tissues inside the body.
They are part of a specialised exchange surface adapt for the absorption of the products of digestions.
Their properties increase the efficiency of absorption.
How Do Villi Increase Efficiency Of Absorption?
- Increase the surface area for diffusion,
- They are thin walled so they reduce the distance over which diffusion takes place,
- They contain muscle and are able to move. This helps to maintain diffusion gradients because the villi can absorb material from food and then move that material away. New, rich in material food then takes the place and the diffusion gradient is maintained.
- They are well supplied with blood vessels so the blood can carry away absorbed molecules and hence maintain a diffusion gradient.
- The epithelial cells lining the villi possesses microvilli. These are fingerlike projections of the cell surface membrane that further increase the surface area for absorption, thus increasing rate of absorption.
Absorption Of Monosaccharides?
Glucose is absorbed by active transport with sodium ions via a co-transported protein.
Galactose is absorbed in the same way using the same co-transporter protein.
Fructose is absorbed via facilitated diffusion through a different transporter protein.
Absorption Of Triglycerides?
Triglycerides break down into monoglycerides and fatty acids.
- Monoglycerides and fatty acids remain in association with the bile salts that initially emulsified the lipid droplets.
The monoglycerides and fatty acids in association with bile salts are called micelles.
Micelles are tiny, being around 4-7 nm in diameter.
- Through the movement of material within the lumen of ileum, the micelles come into contact with the epithelial cells lining the villi of the ileum.
- Here, the micelles breakdown, releasing the monoglycerides and fatty acids. As these molecules are non-polar, they easily diffuse across the cell-surface membrane into the epithelial cells.
- Once inside the epithelial cells, monoglycerides and fatty acids are transported to the endoplasmic rectum column where they are re-combined to form triglycerides.
- Starting in the endoplasmic reticulum and continuing in the Golgi apparatus, the triglycerides associate with cholesterol and lipoproteins to form structures called chylomicrons. Chylomicrons are special particles adapted to the transport of lipids.
- Chylomicrons move out of the epithelial cells by exocytosis.
- Chylomicrons then enter the lymphatic capillaries (called lacteals) that are found at the bottom, centre of each villus (the whole cell).
- Chylomicrons then pass to lympathatic vessels then into the bloodstream.
- The triglycerides in the chylomicrons are hydrolysed by an enzyme in the ENDOthelial cells of blood capillaries from where they diffuse into cells.
Absorption of amino acids?
Amino acids are absorbed by co-transport.
Sodium ions are actively transported out of the ileum and epithetical cells into the blood.
This creates a sodium ion conc gradient.
Sodium ions can then diffuse from the lumen of the ileum into the epithelial cells through sodium-dependant transporter proteins, carrying the amino acids with them.
What Is Tissue Fluid?
The environment around the cells of a multicellular organism is called tissue fluid.
The majority of cells are too far from exchange services (cell-surface membranes) for diffusion alone to supply or remove the tissue fluid with the various molecules needed.
Therefore, in multicellular organisms, mass transport systems are needed to maintain a diffusion gradient that brings materials to and from the cell-surface membrane.
What Effects The Amount Of Material Exchanged In An Organism?
The size and metabolic rate of the organism affects this.
Organisms with a high metabolic rate exchange more materials and still require a larger surface area to volume ratio.
Examples Of Materials That Need To he Exchanged In Multicellular Organisms?
- Respiratory gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide),
- Nutrients (glucose, fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids, minerals),
- Excretory products (waste products such as carbon dioxide and urea),
- Heat.
These materials can be exchanged in two ways, EXCEPT heat.
How Can Materials Be Exchanged?
Except for heat; nutrients, waste products, respiratory gases, can be exchanged in two ways:
- Passively (no metabolic energy is required) by diffusion and osmosis,
- Actively (metabolic energy is required) by active transport.
Surface Area To Volume Ratio?
Small organisms have a surface area that is large enough, compared to the volume, to allow efficient exchange (diffusion and osmosis) across their body surface.
Therefore, they have a large surface area to volume ratio.
Large organisms surface area does not increase in proportion to volume. Therefore, they have a small surface area to volume ratio.
Large animals have adapted to this by:
- having a flattened shaper (e.g. leaf) so no cell is ever too far from the surface,
- or by having specialised exchange surfaces with large surface areas (e.g. lungs in humans and gills in fish) to increase surface area.
How To Calculate Surface Area And Volume And Ratio?
Surface Area:
(Area of one face) x (amount of faces),
E.g. cube. Cube has 6 faces and the area of each face is 1cm2.
Length x width x height,
E.g. 1 x 1 x 1 = 1
Ratio of surface area to volume:
Surface area/volume.
E.g. 6/1 = 6.0:1
Features Of Specialised Exchange Surfaces?
Specialised exchange surfaces are large surfaces inside large animals that have a small surface area to volume ratio.
Examples include lungs in mammals and gills in fish.
Characteristics are:
- a large surface area of relative to the volume of the organism which increases the rate of exchange,
- very thin so that the diffusion distance is short and therefore materials across the exchange surface rapidly,
- selectively permeable to allow selected materials to cross,
- movement of the environmental medium, for example, to maintain a diffusion gradient,
- a transport system to ensure the movement of the internal medium, for example blood, in order to maintain a diffusion gradient.
Diffusion Is Equal To?
Diffusion =
surface area x difference in concentration
Length of diffusion path
Gas Exchange In The Lungs?
The site of gas exchange in mammals is the epithelium of the alveoli.
Alveoli are tiny sacs around 100-300 um in diameter and situated in the lungs.
A diffusion gradient is maintained on the alveoli surface so that materials can be exchanged.
To maintain a diffusion gradient, there also has to be movement of both environmental medium (e.g. air) and the internal medium (e.g. blood).
How Are Alveoli Adapted?
Alveoli are minute air-sacs, with a diameter of between 100 -300 um.
They are situated at the end of each bronchioles.
Between the alveoli, there are collagen and elastic fibres.
Alveoli are lined with epithelium.
The elastic fibres allow the alveoli to stretch as they fill with air when breathing in.
They then springback during breathing out in order to expel the carbon dioxide rich air.
The alveolar membrane is the gas exchange surface.
They are one cell thick, making them thin and efficient for gas exchange.
The nucleus is situated in this single layer of cells.
They are packed very tightly together.
Role Of Alveoli In Gas Exchange?
There are around 300 million alveoli in each team in London.
The total surface area is around 70 m².
Each alveolus is lined with epithelial cells (around 0.05-0.3um thick).
Each alveolus is surrounded by pulmonary capillaries (very very narrow - 7-10um).
- O2 diffuses out of the alveoli, across the alveolar epithelium and the capillary endothelium (a type of epithelium that forms the capillary wall) and into haemoglobin in the blood.
- CO2 diffuses into the alveoli from the blood and is breathed out.
Red blood cells travel through the capillaries and are flattened against the thin capillary walls in order to squeeze through. The capillary walls are also one cell thick and so diffusion of gases between the alveoli and blood is very rapid.
Why Is Gas Exchange Between Alveoli And Blood So Quick?
- Red blood cells are slowed as they pass through the pulmonary capillaries because the capillaries are so small. This allows more time for diffusion.
- The distance between the alveoli air and the red blood cells is reduced as the red blood cells are flattened against the capillary walls.
- The walls of both alveoli and capillaries are very thin and so the diffusion pathway is very short.
- Alveoli and pulmonary capillaries have a very large total surface area.
- Breathing movements constantly ventilate the lungs, and the action of the heart continuously circulates blood around the alveoli. This ensures a steep concentration gradient of the gases to be exchanged is maintained.
- Blood flow through the pulmonary capillaries maintains a concentration gradient.
Limiting Water Loss In Plants?
Plants limit water loss by:
- terrestrial plants have waterproof coverings over parts of leaves,
- terrestrial plants also have the ability to close stomata when necessary,
- certain plants with restricted water supply have a range of other adaptions to limit water loss via transpiration (these plants are called xerophytes).
What Are Xerophytes?
Xerophytes are plants that are adapted to living in areas where water is in short supply.
Without these adaptions, these plants would become desiccated and die.
Xerophytes use transpiration to limit water loss.
What Is Transpiration?
The main force that pulls water through the xylem vessels (hallow, thick-walled tubes) in the stem of the plant is the evaporation of water from leaves - a process called transpiration.
Water for plants is absorbed by the root hairs and then this water is pulled up the xylem vessels via transpiration.
The energy for transpiration is supplied by the Sun and therefore the process is passive.
Movement Of Water Through Stomata?
Humidity inside and directly next to the stomata is more than the humidity in the atmosphere around the plant.
This creates a water potential gradient.
When the stomata is open, the water potential gradient causes water vapour molecules to diffuse out of the stomata to the atmosphere surrounding the stomata.
This water lost by diffusion is replaced by water evaporating from the cell walls of the surrounding mesophyll cells.
Plants can control the rate of transpiration by changing the size of the stomatal pores.
Movement Of Water Across Cells Of A Leaf?
Water is lost from mesophyll cells by evaporation from their cell walls to the air spaces of the leaf (stomata).
This is replaced by water reaching the mesophyll cells from the xylem either via cell walls of via the cytoplasm.
This water movement occurs because:
- mesophyll cells lose water to the air spaces by evaporation,
- these cells now have a lower water potential and some water enters by osmosis from neighbouring cells,
- The loss of water from these neighbouring cells
lowers their water potential, - they then take water from the neighbours by osmosis.
In this way and water potential gradient is established that pulls water from xylem cells, into medophyll and finally into the atmosphere.
Movement Of Water Up The Stem In The Xylem?
The main factor that is responsible for the movement of water of the xylem, from the roots to the leaves, is cohesion-tension.
- Water evaporates from mesophyll cells due to heat from the sun, leading to transpiration.
- Water molecules form hydrogen bonds between one another and hence tend to stick together. This is known as cohesion.
- Water forms a continuous, unbroken column across the mesophyll cells and down the xylem.
- As water evaporates from the mesophyll cells in the leaves into the air space, more molecules of water are drawn up behind it as a result of this cohesion.
- A column of water is therefore pulled up the xylem as a result of transpiration. This is called the transpiration pull.
- Transpiration pulls puts the xylem under tension, creating a negative pressure within the xylem, hence the name cohesion-tension theory.
Evidence To Support The Cohesion-Tension Theory?
- Change in diameter of tree trunks according to the rate of transpiration. During the day, when transpiration is its greatest, there is more tension (more negative pressure) in the xylem. This pulls the wall of the xylem vessels inwards and causes the trunk to shrink in diameter. At night, when transpiration is at its lowest, there is less tension in the xylem and so the diameter of the trunk increases.
- If it xylem vessel is broken and air enters it, the tree can no longer draw up water. This is because the continuous column of water is broken by the air flow and so the water molecules can no longer stick together.
- When a xylem vessel is broken, water does not leak out. Instead, air is drawn in, which shows how it is under negative pressure (being pulled up).
How Is Xylem Adapted?
Xylem vessels are adapted for transpiration (evaporation of water from leaves).
Xylem vessels have no end walls which means that there is a series of continuous, unbroken tubes from the roots to the leaves.
This is essential for the cohesion-tension theory of water flow because water is never broken by cell membranes.
Energy is never needed to drive the process of transpiration. This energy is in the form of heat that evaporate water from the leaves and it ultimately comes from the sun.
Why do organisms need to exchange substances?
Cells need to take in oxygen for aerobic desperation and nutrients.
They also need to excrete waste products like carbon dioxide and urea.
Most organisms need to stay at roughly the same temperature so heat needs to be exchanged too.
How easy the exchange of substances is depends on the organisms surface area to volume ratio.
Single celled exchange and multicellular exchange?
In single celled organism, the substances can diffuse directly into or out of the cell across the cell surface membrane. The diffusion rate is quick because of the small distances the substances have to travel.
In multicellular animals, diffusion across the outer membrane is too slow for 2 reasons:
- some cells are deep within the body and there’s a big distance between them and the outside environment.
- larger animals have a low surface area to volume ratio and therefore it is difficult to exchange enough substances to supply a large volume of animal through a small outer surface.
So they use specialised exchange organs and mass transport (efficient systems to carry substances to and from their individual cells).
What does mass transport mean in plants and mammals?
In mammals, mass transport usually means circulatory system which uses blood to carry glucose and oxygen, and hormones, antibodies and waste.
In plants, it involves the transport or water and solutes in the xylem and phloem.
What effects heat exchange?
Size and shape.
The metabolic activity in cells creates heat.
Size - the rate of heat loss from an organism depends on its surface area. If an organism has a large volume (hippo), the SA is relatively small compared to its volume. This makes it harder to lose heat. Smaller organism need a relatively high metabolic rate in order to generate enough heat to stay warm because they lose heat more easily.
Shape - animals with a compact shape have a small surface area relative to their volume. This minimises heat loss from their surface.
Animals with less compact shape (big or have sticky out bits) have a larger surface area relative to their volume. This increases heat loss from their surface.
Whether an animal is compact or not depends on their temperature of its environment. E.g. artic Fox has small ears because it lives in cold climates. This reduces its surface area to volume ratio, making it harder to lose heat.
Behavioural and physiological adaptations that aid exchange?
- Animals with a high SA to volume ration tend to lose more water as it evaporated from their surface.
- To support their high metabolic rates, small mammals living in cold regions need to eat large amount of high energy foods such as seeds and nuts.
- Smaller mammals have thick layers of fur or hibernate when the weather gets cold.
- Larger organisms living in hot regions (elephants and hippos) find it hard to keep cool as their heat loss is relatively slow. Elephants have developed large, flat ears to increase their SA, allowing them to lose more heat. Hippos spend much of the day in water - a behavioural adaptation to help them lose heat.
Gas exchange surfaces adaptions?
Gas exchange surfaces have a large surface area and they’re thin (often just one layer of epithelial cells) to allow for a short diffusion pathway.
This provides a short diffusion pathway across the gas exchange surface which also maintains a steep concentration gradient of gases across the exchange surface.
Single felled organisms exchange?
They absorb and release gases by diffusion through their outer surface.
They have a relatively large surface area, a thin surface and a short diffusion pathway.
Oxygen only takes part in biochemical reactions as soon as it diffuses into the cell so there’s no need for a gas exchange system.
Gas exchange in fish?
There’s a lower concentration of oxygen in water than in air so fish adapt to this.
- Water containing oxygen enters the fish through its mouth and passes out through the gills.
- Each Gill is made of lots of thin plates called gill filaments, which give a big surface area for exchange of gases.
- The gill filaments are covered in lots of tiny structures called lamellae, which increase the SA.
- The lamellae have lots of blood capillaries and a thin surface layer of cells to speed diffusion.
- The blood flows through the lamellae in one direction and water flows in the opposite direction. The water flows towards lamellae with a high concentration of oxygen and away from the lamellae with a lower oxygen conc.
This is called a counter-current system. It maintains a large conc gradient between water and blood. The conc of water is always higher than the blood so as much oxygen as possible diffuses from the water into the blood.
Insects gas exchange?
- Insects have microscopic air filled pipes called trachea which they use for gas exchange.
- Air moves into the trachea through pores in the surface called spiracles.
- Oxygen travels down the concentration gradient towards the cells.
- The trachea branch off into smaller tracheoles which have thin, permeable walls and go to individual cells. This means that oxygen diffuses directly into the respiring cells - the insects circulatory systems doesn’t transport O2.
- Carbon dioxide from the cells moves down its conc gradient towards the spiracles to be released into the atmosphere.
- Insects use rhythmic abdominal movements to move air in and out of the spiracles.
Dicotyledonous plants?
- Plants need CO2 for photosynthesis, which produces O2 as a waste gas. They need O2 for respiration, which produces CO2 as a waste gas.
- The main gas exchange surface is the surface of the mesophyll cells in the leaf. They are well adapted for their function because they have a large SA.
- The mesophyll cells are inside the leave. Gases move in and out through pores called stomata in the epidermis.
- The stomata can open to allow gas exchange and close if the plant is losing too much water. Guard cells control the opening and closing.
Structure of dicotyledonous plant leaves?
Waxy cuticle on outside layer of the leaf.
Upper epidermis cells under waxy cuticle.
Palisade mesophyll cells under the epidermis cells.
Xylem and phloem run parallel under the palisade cells.
Spongy mesophyll cells underneath.
Lower epidermis cells under neath.
Waxy cuticle at bottom. In waxy membrane at bottom of leaf is stomata (but not in top). The stomata have guard cells either side.
How do insects and plants control water loss?
Exchanging gases tends to make you lose water. Plants and insects have adapted to minimise water loss without reducing gas exchange too much.
- If insects are losing too much water, they close their spiracles using muscles. They also have a waterproof waxy cuticle all over their body and tiny hairs around their spiracles, both of which reduce evaporation.
- Plants stomata are usually kept open during the day to allow gaseous exchange. Water enters the guard cells, making them turgid, which opens the stomatal pore. If the plant stars to get dehydrated, the guard cells lose water and become flaccid, which closes the pores.
- Some plants are specially adapted for life in warm or dry or windy places, where water loss is an issue. These plants are called xerophytes.
Adaptations of xerophytes?
Xerophytic adaptations:
- Stomata sunk in pits that trap moist air, reducing the concentration gradients of water between the leaf and air. This reduced the amount of water diffusion out of the leaf and evaporating away.
- A layer of ‘hairs’ in the epidermis - to trap moist air around stomata again.
- Curled leaves with the stomata inside, protecting them from wind (windy conditions increase rate of diffusion and evaporation by carrying the water away from molecules).
- A reduced number of stomata so there are fewer places for water to escape.
- Waxy, waterproof cuticles on leaves and stems to reduce evaporation.
- Lower epidermis.
How does as exchange occur in the lungs?
Humans need oxygen in the blood for respiration and they need to get rid of CO2.
As you breathe in, air enters the trachea (windpipe).
The trachea splits into two bronchi - one bronchus leading to each lung.
Each bronchus then splits into smaller tubes called bronchioles.
The bronchioles end in small air scad called alveoli where gas exchange takes place.
The rib cage, intercostal muscles and diaphragm all work together to move air in and out.
There are three layers of intercostal muscles. We need to know about 2 of them - the internal and external intercostal muscles.
Ventilation is breathing - inhalation and exhalation.
1. The external intercostal muscles and diaphragm muscles contact.
- This causes the rib cage to move upwards and outwards and the diaphragm to flatten, increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity (the space where the lungs are).
- As the volume of the thoracic cavity increases, the lungs pressure decreases (to below atmospheric pressure).
- Air will always from from an area of high pressure to low pressure (down a pressure gradient) so air flows down the trachea and into lungs.
- Inspiration requires energy - it’s an active process.
- The external intercostal muscles and diaphragm muscles relax.
- The rib cage moves downwards and inwards and the diaphragm becomes more curved again.
- The volume of the thoracic cavity decreases, causing the air pressure to increase (to above atmospheric pressure).
- Air is forced down the pressure gradient and out of the lungs.
- Normal expiration is a passive process - doesn’t require energy.
- Expiration can be forced through - blowing.
- During forced expiration, the external intercostal muscles relax and internal contact, pulling the rib cage further down and in. During this, the movement of the two sets of intercostal muscles is said to be antagonist. Causes decrease in volume of chest / thoracic cavity;
- Air pushed down pressure gradient.
Measures of lung function?
Lung diseases affect ventilation and gas exchange in the lungs. Tests are carried out to investigate lung function and diagnose lung disease.
- Tidal volume is the volume of air in each breathe - usually between 0.4dm3 and 0.5dm3 for adults.
- Ventilation rate is the number of breathes per min (usually 15).
- Forces exploratory volume (FEV1) is the max volume of air that can be breathed out in 1 second.
- Forced vital capacity (FVC) is the max volume of air it is possible to breathe forcefully out of the lungs after a really deep breath in.
Dm3 stands for decimetres cubed. 1dm3 is a litre.
You use a spirometer to find out the tidal volume, ventilation rate, etc.
Look at flashcard for how to interpret a spirometer reading.
Interpreting data on risk factors of lung disease?
All diseases have risk factors. Sometimes in an exam, you’ll be asked to describe a correlational graph.
Describing data - the graph on the left shows number of adult males in Great Britain who smoke decreased Bergen 1990 and 2012. The graph on the right shows lung cancer mortality (death) rate decreased between 1990 and 2012.
Suggest why - this suggests there’s a correlation between number of males who smoke and mortality rate of lung cancer. DONT SAY ONE CAUSES THE OTHER. Correlational studies show a link, not a cause or effect. There could be a third variable. Our technology may have increased to do this, etc.
You may be asked to suggest why this has happened?
- e.g. showing photos on a cigerette packet of illnesses was made compulsory and this is more effective than just displaying the illnesses on the packet. This made less people smoke.
How does pulmonary tuberculosis after lungs?
When someone is infected with tuberculosis bacteria, the immune system cells build a wall around the bacteria in the lungs. This forms small, hard lumps called tubercles.
Infected tissue within the tubercles die and the gaseous exchange surface is damaged. This causes tidal volume to decrease.
Tuberculosis also caused fibrosis which further reduces the tidal volume.
A reduced tidal volume means less air can be inhaled with each breath. In order to take enough oxygen, patients have to breath faster.
Common symptoms are cough, coughing up blood and mucus, chest pain, shortness of breath and fatigue.
Fibrosis is the formation of scar tissue in the lungs. This can be the result of an infection or exposure to substances like asbestos or dust.
Scar tissue is thicker and less elastic than normal lung tissueZ
This means that the lungs are less able to expand and so can’t hold as much air as. Or al - tidal volume is reduced, and so FVC.
There’s a reduction in the rate of gaseous exchange - diffusion is slower across a thicker scarred membrane.
Symptoms of fibrosis include shortness of breathe, a dry cough, chest pain, fatigue and weakness.
Fibrosis sufferers have a faster ventilation rate than normal - to get enough air into their lungs to oxygenate their blood.
Asthma is a respiratory condition where there airways become inflamed and irritated. The causes vary but it’s usually because of allergic reactions to substances such as pollen and dust.
During an asthma attack, the smooth muscle lining the bronchioles contacts and a larger amount of mucus is produced.
This causes construction of the airways, making it hard for the sufferer to breath. Air flow in and out of the lungs is severely reduced, so less oxygen enters the alveoli and moves into the blood. This means the FEV1 is reduced.
Symptoms include wheezing, a tight chest, shortness of breath.
They can be relieved by drugs (inhalers) which cause the muscle in the bronchioles to relax and open up airways.
Emphysema is a lung disease caused by smoking or long term exposure to air pollution - foreign particles in the smoke become trapped in the alveoli.
This causes inflammation, which attracts phagocytes to the area. The phagocytes produce an enzyme that breaks down elastin (a protein found in the walls of the alveoli).
Elastin is elastic - helps the alveoli to return to normal shape.
Loss of elastin means the alveoli can’t recoil to expel air as well (it remains trapped in alveoli).
It also leads to destruction of the alveoli walls, which reduces the surface area of the alveoli, so the fate of gaseous exchange decreases.
Symptoms of emphysema include shortness of breath and wheezing. People with it have an increased ventilation rate as they try to increase the amount of air (containing oxygen) reaching their lungs.
Why do diseases effect lung?
There’s some diseases that effect the lungs by reducing rate of gas exchange in alveoli. Less oxygen is able to diffuse into the bloodstream and so body cells receive less oxygen and the rate of aerobic respiration is reduced. This means less energy is released and sufferers often feel tired and weak.
Practical: dissections of lungs?
Lungs can be dissected.
- Wear a lab coat. Your dissecting tools (e.g. scalpels, scissors) should all be clean, sharp, and free from rust - no blunt tools because they are dangerous and don’t cut well.
- May the lungs on a cutting board. Find the trachea and two bronchi going into the lungs.
- To see the lungs inflated attach a piece rubber tubing to the trachea and pump air into the lungs using a foot a bicycle pump. The lungs will deflate by themselves because of the elastin in the walls of the alveoli. Use a clear plastic bag to cover the lungs when blowing so you don’t get bacteria in the room.
- Once you’ve seen the lungs inflate, you can examine the different tissue types in the lungs.
- The trachea is supposed by C-shaped rings of cartilage. A cross section of the trachea is on page 68.
- Cartilage is tough, so open up the trachea by cutting lengthways, down the gap in the C-shaped rings. Use the dissecting scissors or a scalpel to make the cut. If using a scalpel, cut downwards (not toward you) and don’t apply too much pressure to blade.
- Continue cutting down one of the bronchi. You should be able to see the bronchioles branching off.
- Cut off a piece of the lung. The tissue will feel spongy because of the air trapped in all the alveoli.
- Lungs from a butcher are safe for humans, but they could still contain bacteria that cause food poisoning. That’s why you wash yo ur hands and disinfect work surfaces.
Practical: dissecting fish gills?
- Wear apron or lab coat.
- Place chosen fish in a dissection tray or on cutting board.
- Gills are located on either side of fish head, protected by bony flap called a operculum and supported by gill arches.
- To remove gills, push back on the operculum and use scissors to carefully remove the gills. Cut each gill arch through the bone at the top and bottom.
- If you look closely, you should be able to see the gill filaments.
Practical: dissecting insects?
Usually use big insects like grasshoppers or cockroaches. You have to use insects that have been killed recently.
- First, fix the insect to a dissecting board. You can put yo pins through it’s legs to hold it in place.
- To examine the trachea, you’ll need to carefully cut and remove a piece of exoskeleton (the insects hard outer shell) from along the length of the insects abdomen.
- Use a syringe to fill the abdomen with saline solution. You should be able to see a network of very thin, silvery-grey tubes - those are trachea. They look silver because they’re filled with air.
- You can examine the trachea under an optical microscope using a temporary mount slide. The trachea will appear silver or grey. You should be able to see the rings of chitin in the walls of the trachea - they’re there for support.
Ethical issues of dissecting animals?
Dissecting animals can give you a better understanding of their anatomy.
Ethical issues are:
- Some people say it’s morally wrong to kill just for dissections, and it’s unnecessary killing. However, many dissections carried out in school have already been killed for meat.
- There are concerns that animals used for dissections are not always raised in a humane way - overcrowding, extreme temperatures, lack of food. They nah not be killed humanely either. If animals are raised in school for dissections, it’s important not to make minimise distress if animals or suffering.
Features of xerophytes?
Plants adapted to living in conditions with a limited water supply.
Sunken stomata - decreases the water potential gradient as the humidity directly outside of the stomata is higher because the air is kept close to the stomata.
Curled leaves - slows the air movement, like wind, so increases the humidity around the leaf and decreases the diffusion gradient.
Hairs on leaves - slows the air movement, like wind, so increases the humidity around the leaf and decreases the diffusion gradient.
Thicker cuticle - Increases the diffusion pathway so decreases the rate of diffusion.