Excellence in EBP Flashcards
What contributes to to the patient’s improvement
- natural history
- regression to the mean
- placebo effect
- intervention
Difference between change & difference
- Change = one person or group compared at 2 time points (usually baseline & end of intervention)
- Difference = the between groups (received different interventions) amount of difference that ideally is measured at the end of the intervention
Early Professional Strategies
- Learn the basics: the foundational theories & concepts of PT
- Develop “Good” search strategies
- Learn how to “Appraise” the literature
- Re-evaluate
Steps to becoming a master adaptive lifelong learner
- Planning: recognize a gap exists
- Learning: find & appraise resources & strategies
- Assessing: does this meet the gap
- Adjusting: for practice with the patient in front of you; routine skill application vs novel implementation
What is evidence based practice
- patient preferences
- research evidence
- physical therapists experience (knowledge base)
5 steps to evidence based practice
1) develop an answerable question (Ask)
2) identifying the evidence for treatment (Find)
3) critically appraising the evidence (Appraise)
4) incorporating evidence into clinical practice (Apply)
5) evaluating the effectiveness & efficiency of the above 4 (Evaluate)
Difference between a randomized controlled trial and a cohort study
- Randomized control: must have a “control” group that gets no treatment
- Cohort: better suited for incidence/prevalence type questions; prospective study selected on some population characteristic
What’s the difference between systematic, scoping, and narrative/literature review
- Systematic: has inclusion & exclusion criteria; less szspectable to bias
- Scoping: not looking for an answer to a clinical question but more of a why concept; can’t make any hard recommendations
- Narrative/Literature: what the literature says on a topic, perspective article, most szspectable to bias
Describe a background question
- seeks to answer basic knowledge about a particular condition; physiology, pathology, epidemiology, or general treatment approaches
Describe a foreground question
- problem solving type questions related to specific patient care
What does PICO stand for
P: patient
I: invention
C: comparison
O: outcome
How are CPG’s organized
- Diagnosis
- Examination
- Interventions
- Timeline (acute, subacute, chronic)
Exercise Prescription (Interventions) Framework
- tissue healing
- mobility (lacks)
- stability & motor control
- performance improvement
- advanced skill, agility, & coordination