Excel Spreadsheets Flashcards
What do you start every equation with in excel/
You always have to use an = sign at the beginning to indicate that it’s an equation
What is a absolute reference vs a relative reference?
A relative reference is when you select a box and it moves down every row you move down
An ABSOLUTE REFERENCE is when you select a box and it STAYS as that box even if the equation moves down
How to write an ABSOLUTE reference? how about making it stop horizontally as well!
Write a $ between the letter and the number
Ex/ C2 -> C$2
Note: If you move horizontally, the ROW doesn’t go down, but the COLUMN will shift across!
Ex/ if you write C$2 but drag the copy box horizontally, the next equation will be D$2!
To stop this, you can add a $ sign before the letter to stop it from changing any way!
Ex/ C2 -> $C$2
What is the key used as a shortcut for Absolute references?
Use F4.
Clicking it multiples times toggles between the options
How do you write an if function in excel?
IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]
the logical test is a condition that well either be true or false
Write what you want if the logical test is true, followed by what you want the statement to do if it is false!
How do you select an entire column?
press control, shift, and press the down arrow
How do you select rows and columns of data?
press control, shift, and the down arrow and horizontal arrows
How do you efficiently generate a chart with like 100000 rows of data?
Go to the bottom by pressing ctrl down arrow and the go back up after selecting!
How do you adjust the source data of a chart? (Ex/ there’s a line on a chart but you want to replace it with a different column)
- left click line on chart