Exams Flashcards


What is the whiting model


The whiting model view stimulus identification, decision making and output.

It begins with the input stage where info that your going to receive gets displayed in front of you, it gets detected by receptor systems such as visual info, senses/feelings and selective attention such as a tennis ball from the environment

Selective attention has 3 stages the first stage is where the stimuli input information display then a decision is made and then there’s an output action muscular response

The perceptual mechanism stage is where the brain interprets the information you’ve been given into a form of understanding this is called stimulus identification where info is gathered and collected from the display via the sensory system. The performer uses perception mechanism and any information deemed irrelevant is filtered via the selective attention to increase the speed of decision making.

The translators mechanism is where you use the information gathered to create the best possible decision for the environment and this information is then sent to the effector mechansim

The effector mechanism uses motor cortex to create a plan and this is where the decision you’ve chosen is made and the effector sends signals to the relevant muscle ready for a signal sent to a muscular system allowing muscles to contract

The output data stage is where movement is conducted in to the final stage where the brain holds the signals and tells you whether it is successful or not.

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Transfer of learning


learning is the more or less permanent change in behaviour that is reflected in a change of performance.

a positive transfer is where the learning of 1 skill helps the learning of another- for example a rugby players ability to tackle might improve their ability to perform a similar task in football.

negative transfer is where the learning of 1 skill hinders the learning of another- for example a javelin thrower might find that their technique negatively affects their discus throw.

proactive transfer is where a learned skill affects the learning of a new skill positively- for example the knowledge of tennis could assist in learning badminton as both have similar rules and movements.

retroactive transfer is where a new learned skill affects a previous learned skill- for example learning to kick a football may affect how an individual then kicks a rugby ball.

bilateral transfer is where the learning on 1 limb slightly improves the learning on the opposite limb- for example being able to perform a skill with the right hand and the left hand.

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Thorndikes law of learning (how do you learn it ?)


Thorndike’s law of learning is all about how practise and repetition strengthens the connection between a stimulus and a response. For example when you keep practising a skill or concept the more you do it the stronger the association becomes in your brain.

3 things need to be put in place to learn thorndikes law of learning
1. law of exercise- the performer must practise the task regularly in a favourable condition as the more times a skill is practised the more likely a response will be bonded to a stimulus and is likely to be strengthened e.g. a gymnast practising a floor routine repeats and rehearses the sequence of connections between stimuli and responses.

  1. law of effect- performers are more likely to repeat the task if their behaviours are followed by experiences of satisfaction such as positive reinforcement and it will be strengthened but a response that is followed by a unpleasant stimulus is less likely to occur because the stimulus response bond that led to that behaviour will be weakened. e.g. a beginner successfully perofrms a spin pass in rugby and gets met with a satisfier and is therefore likely to perform the skill successfully again, but if their fail and is met with an annoyer there more likely to change their technique to avoid this outcome in the future.
  2. law of readiness- performers are physically and mentally able to complete a task effectively e.g. a coach lowers the goal post when coaching a U7 netball team
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reinforcement (operant conditioning) how we use it.


reinforcement is done by teachers praising success giving a sports person a feeling of well being when achieving something. when an incorrect praise is withdrawn the sportsperson will learn to associate a correct method. this is known as the stimulus response bond where the sportsperson learn by trial and error and eventually the incorrect responses disapear.

operant conditioning is shaping behaviour through reinforcement. was a development of Thorndike’s earlier research and was described as trial and error learning where a sportsperson has a go at the sport and correct efforts get reinforced whilst incorrect efforts get negatively reinforced by using rewards and punishments to mofify behaviour, for example the learner learns to associate certain consequences with a given behaviour which can alter the SR bond such as rewards are used to encourage behaviours that we wish to develop by strenghtening the SR bond and punishments are used to discourage behaviours we wish to eliminate so the SR bond is weakened.

using a sport example a badmington coach may place a lare hoop on the floor at the back on the court when developing the long underhand serve, players will try and develop their technique and aim to land a shuttle in the hoop this is where trial and error is used to modify or shape their motor programme and as the correct technique is developed they will start to see their success strenghtening the SR bond. and when the players start to become more consistant the coaches may replace the larger hoop with a smaller hoop to challenge the players.

there are 2 methods which are used to increase the probability of a desired action or behaviour to be used again and 1 method which will decrease the chances a undesired action is repeated.

positive reinforcenment- this is where favourable events happen after a behaviour. a response or behaviour gets strengthened by the addition of praise and direct reward. e.g. a tennis player tries to serve and attempt a technique and if they succeed and the coach says well done good technique it is seen as rewarding making them feel more positive and will be likely to be repeated.

negative reinforcement -this is the removal of a unfavourable event after the display of behaviour, a response will therefore be strenghtened by the removal of something unpleasant. e.g. at the end of a session killer runs have to be done but a coach tells you if you train hard you don’t have to do them.

punishment- when it’s given it will cause some distress and discomfort to an individual therefore weakeneing the SR bond. the intention is to make the athlete stop displaying the behaviour. e.g. shouting at a player substitute in the game.

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how do we use guidance (sport example)


guidance is the method used to assist a learner.

they want to promote learning, reduce mistakes, motivate and give confidence to a performer in challenging situations.

there are 4 types of guidance-
1. verbal
2. visual
3. mechanical
4. manual

verbal- this is where the coach gives participants instructions to perform the action.
for it to be be successful they need to make sure the learners can hear what’s being said
they should alter the tone of their delivery so that the learners are always paying attention and they use terminology that can be understood.

visual- this involves showing the performer what to do or how their performing, it can be presented in the following ways-

demonstrating- it’s vital to be delivered by a skilled performer and should be correct and effective. it’s vital observers can hear the demonstration where it should also break down the skill . it should be brief and learners should be given time to mentally rehearse the skill before attempting.

video- a learner can be shown a video of a elite performer presenting a skill. it can also be used to record the performance of the learner to analyse their techniques. it can be looked at at different angles and viewed at different playback speeds.

mechanical- this involves the use of apparatus or equipment to support or assist the performer as they execute a movement e.g. the use of a harness when trampolining when a learner is learning how to do a somersault.

manual- this is the physical manipulation of a performers body by a coach. e.g. in gymnastics when a performer attemps a handspring on a box a coach may physically hold or support the performer throughout the movement so they can control the movement of the performer allowing them to experience the skill correctly and ensuring their safety.

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coaching styles


command style- this is where the teacher makes all of the decisions with no learner input

+instructions are clear
+info can be given quickly if times limited
+large groups can be altered
- no decisions making or input from learner
- possible lack of understanding
- limited individual feedback

reciprocal learning- this is where most of the decisions are made by the teacher with little learner input

+instructions are objectives are clear
+social communication is developed
+learners develop responsibility
-may be difficult with beginners
-learners may lack sufficient communication

discovery learning- this is where the teacher guides the learner in to finding the correct pattern by providing information, rules or asking questions.

+encourages creativity and decision making skills
+learners are permitted to work at their own pace
+increased motivation and self confidence
-it is very time consuming
-the progress of large groups is hard to monitor
-learning is not uniform with all learners

problem solving- this is where the teacher sets up a problem and the learner devises a suitable solution

+encourages creativity
+work at own pace
+development of responsibility
-time consuming
-difficult if people lack creativity
-may not be the right decision

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