Example questions Flashcards
5 layers of the diaphragma
- Pleura + Fascia endothoracica
- Fascia transversa thoracis
- M. phrenicus
- Fascia transversa abdominis
- Peritoneum
Anulus inguinalis profundus is bordered by?
Rostral: M. obliquus internus abdominis
Caudal: Lig. inguinale
Medial: M. rectus abdominis
Anulus inguinalis superf. is bordered by?
Crus med. et lat. from M. obliquus externus abdominis
Largest muscle in animal
M. Latissimus dorsi
Longest muscle in animal
M. longissimus dorsi
How many cervical vertebraes do each have?
How many thoracic vertebraes do each have?
Origin of M. obliquus externus abdominis
Superf. layer of fascia thoracolumbalis and lateral aspect of ribs 4-12
Origin of M. obliquus internus abdominis
Superf. layer of fascia thoracolumbalis, tuber coxae & lig. inguinale
Name the 4 regions of Rectus sheet (cran-caud), and the muscles they’re composed of
Muscles participating: External oblique (E), Internal oblique (I), Rectus abdominis (R), Transverse abdominis (T), and Fascia transversa abdominis + peritoneum (P)
- Thoracic (E - R - thoracic wall)
- Preumbilical (E - I - R - I - T - P)
- Umbilical (E - I - R - T - P)
- Postumbilical (E - I - T - R - P)
How many lumbar vertebraes do each have?
How many sacral vertebraes do each have?
Who has foramen alare
eq & Ru
Who has for. transversarium?
Car & eq
Who had proc. fibularis & Os. malleolare
Canalis tarsi is surrounded by
Os tarsi centrale, Os tarsale IV, and Os tarsale III
What is the proposition of the sternal : asternal ribs in Car?
9 sternal : 4 asternal
(Ru = 8 sternal : 5 asternal, eq = 8 sternal : 10 asternal)
Which species has Os carpi intermedioradiale?
Which muscle is in the proximal forelimb in eq and Ru, that isn’t in Car
M. subclavius
Number of carpal bones in each species?
eq: 7
bo: 6
Car: 7
Number of metacarpal bones in each species?
eq: 3 (mc3 + splint bones mc2 et 4
bo: 2 (os mc3 et 4 + small (lat) mc5)
Car: 5
Number of tarsal bones in each species?
eq: 6
bo: 5
Car: 7
Which muscles runs through canalis carpi?
M. flex. dig. superf. & M. flex. dig. prof.
Which muscles are connected by the lacertus fibrosus?
M. biceps brachii & M. ext. carpi radialis
Which reccess does the coffin joint have?
Recessus dorsalis et palmaris
This lig. is attached to the coffin bone in eq
Lig. sesamoideum distale impar
This lig. is only present in Ru
Lig. intersesamoideum interdigitale
This lig. is only present in carnivore
Lig. anualre radii
This/these muscle(s) get(s) check ligament (lig. accessorius) on the forelimb of the horse?
M. flex. dig. superf. & M. flex. dig. prof.
Which parts of the lig. nuchae could you name in the horse?
~ Lamina nuchae
~ Funiculus nuchae
M. subclavius
- Origin: 1 - 4 costal cartilage on sternum
- Insertion: Bends w/ shoulder fascia & M. supraspinatus
- Action: Suspention of trunk
Insertion of M. pterygoideus in eq
- M. pterygoideus med. - Ramus mandibularis
- M. pterygoideus lat. - Proc. articularis mandibulae
This muscle rotates the radius laterally!
M. supinator
Which muscles are attached to the intersectio clavicularis in the dog?
- M. cleidobrachialis
- M. cleidocephalicus (M. cleidocervicalis + M. cleidomastoideus)
What is the name of the navicular bursa between tendo m. flex. dig. prof. and Os sesamoideum distale
Bursa podotrochlearis
What is the name of the shelf on calcaneus, that M. flex. dig. lat. “rests” on?
Sustentaculum tali