EXAMM Flashcards
status offenses
juveniles only offense
delinquent offenses
both adult &juveniles
of individuals in illinois currently serving life sentences
how first juvenile court was different from adult court (4)
no jury
terminology less harsh
no adversarial relationship
automatic transfer
juveniles accused of serious crimes are automatically moved up to adult court
prosecutorial discretion
prosecutors make the decision to file charges in adult court
what crime was jacqueline montanez convicted of?
murder due to gang affiliation
where most gun crime occurs
city/urban areas
may issue
not required but may give you
shall issue
should get when applied
no issue
no conceal weapon
can carry w/out permit
brady handgun violence prevention act of 1993
instituted federal background checks on firearm purchasers in the US
national firearms act of 1934
all transfers of registered firearms must be done thru the federal NFA agency
assault weapons bans of 1994
lasted 10 yrs on assault weapons for civilian use
age group most likely to be affected by gun violence
most common way to get guns illegally
black market
chicago gun law (3)
2014 no longer register w police
strict bans on assault weapons &gun dealers
does illinois have a self defense law
according to the author, why do more guns result in less crime
people will less likely to engage if they know a person might have a gun