Examine How Hybrid Ethical Systems Can Be Used To Help People Make Moral Decisions Flashcards
How is proportionalism helpful? comprimise
It is a compromise of deontology and teleology - following rules is moral but also breaking these rules is moral if there is a proportionate reason to break the rules. It strikes a balance between natural moral law and situation ethics.
How is virtue ethics helpful?
It develops the individual as a whole and so they will naturally are moral decisions - don’t have to give someone rules or principles to follow.
How is proportionalism helpful? Flexible
Can apply to any situation and adapt. It can easily apply to modern day issues which deontological systems fail to address effectively. It has a back up option if rules are inadequate and the agent feels that a better alternative is proportionate.
How is virtue ethics helpful? Alasdair MacIntyre
The ultimate good is for the individual and the community they are part of, therefore it is helpful because the action you choose to take will benefit more than just yourself. Virtues are understood from within a community who live in a certain way.
How is virtue ethics helpful? Philippa Foot?
Virtue ethics is helpful because without virtues people don’t get on well. Virtues are beneficial characteristics that humans need to have. Having virtues such as courage is helpful in moral decision making, because without, for example, courage, wisdom and justice then you can’t make a good moral decision.
Philippa Foot quote
“Nobody can get on well if he lacks courage…”
Lorenzetti’s allegory of government
Virtues in government lead to a flourishing city, while vices lead to war, famine and so on.
How is RUT helpful? weak RUT
Weak RUT is helpful because it allows deviation from the rules if an obvious alternative would be better at producing happiness – by following rules are doing the moral thing, but you can also ignore the rules and still be doing the moral thing.
Why is proportionalism hybrid?
It is a compromise between NML (deont) and SE (Telo), It postulates that certain acts are evil in themselves, however these rules can broken if there is a proportionate reason to do so.