Examinations Flashcards
Introduction to any examination
- Wash hands
- Introduce yourself
- Confirm patient’s name + DOB
- Explain exam + gain consent
- Any pain?
- Which side (if relevant)? - Chaperone?
Cardiac examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
- Hands
- Pulses
- Face
- Neck
… - Inspect chest
- Palpate chest
- Auscultate chest
… - Auscultate lung bases
- Hepatomegaly
- Oedema
- Sacral
- Pedal
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Cardiac exam - hands
- General
- Nails
- Clubbing - Temperature
Cardiac exam - pulses
- Radial on one side
- Time
- Also assess RR - Radial on both sides
- Collapsing pulse
- Brachial pulse
… - Auscultate carotids first
- 2x carotid pulses
Cardiac exam - face
- General
- Eyes
- Mouth
Cardiac exam - neck
- Press on liver
Cardiac exam - initial chest
- Inspect chest
- Palpate chest
- Count ribs for apex beat
- Apex beat
- Heaves
- Thrills
Cardiac exam - auscultate chest
- Palpate carotid pulse at the same time
… - Diaphragm
- 4 valve areas - Bell
- 4 valve areas - Accentuation manoeuvres
Cardiac exam - auscultation manoeuvres
- Roll onto left side, auscultate mitral area with diaphragm, follow to axilla, expiration
- Still on left side, auscultate mitral area with bell, expiration
- Sit forwards, auscultate aortic area with diaphragm, expiration
- Auscultate carotid arteries with diaphragm, inspiration
Cardiac exam - final steps
- Auscultate lung bases
- Hepatomegally
- Oedema
- Sacral
- Pedal
Presenting a cardiac exam
- I performed a cardiac examination on ____ who is a ____ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
- On closer inspection, there were no peripheral stigmata of cardiac pathology
- The pulse was ___bpm and was of normal rhythm, volume and character
- On palpation, there were no heaves and thrills and the apex beat was not displaced
- On auscultation, 1st and 2nd heart sounds were present with no added sounds
- In summary, this was a normal cardiac examination
How would you complete a cardiac examination?
- 12 lead ECG
- Lying and standing blood pressure
- Fundoscopy
- Femoral pulses
Resp examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
- Hands
- Face
- Neck
… - Inspect chest
- Palpate chest
- Percuss chest
- Auscultate chest
… - Inspect back
- Palpate back
- Percuss back
- Auscultate back
… - Oedema
- Sacral
- Pedal - Squeeze calves
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Resp exam - hands
- General
- Nails
- Clubbing - Temperature
- Tremor
- Fine
- Flapping - Pulse + RR
- Arms
Resp exam - face
- General
- Eyes
- Mouth
Resp exam - neck
- Lymph nodes
- Palpate trachea
- Cricosternal distance
Resp exam - chest
- Inspection
- Palpation
- Count ribs
- Apex beat
- Chest expansion
- Vocal fremitus - Percussion
- Auscultation
- Vocal resonance
Resp exam - back
- Inspection
- Palpation
- Chest expansion
- Vocal fremitus - Percussion
- Auscultation
- Vocal resonance
Resp exam - final steps
- Oedema
- Sacral
- Pedal - Squeeze calves
Presenting a resp exam
- I performed a respiratory examination on ___ , a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest with non-laboured breathing
- On closer inspection, there were no peripheral stigmata of respiratory disease
- The patient had a pulse of ___bpm and the respiratory rate was _____
- On palpation, the patient had normal and symmetrical chest expansion bilaterally
- On percussion, all lung fields were resonant
- On auscultation, vesicular breath sounds were present with no added sounds
- In summary, this was a normal respiratory examination
How would you complete a resp examination?
- Sputum sample
- Peak flow/spirometry
- O2 sats + BP
Abdo examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
- Hands
- Face
- Neck
… - Inspect abdomen
- Palpate abdomen
- Organs - Percuss abdomen
- Organs - Auscultate abdomen
- Bowel sounds
- Bruits
… - Oedema
- Sacral
- Pedal
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Abdo exam - hands
- General
- Nails
- Clubbing - Temperature
- Tremor
- Flapping - Pulse + RR
- Arms
- Axillae
Abdo exam - face
- General
- Eyes
- Mouth
Abdo exam - neck
- Lymph nodes
Abdo exam - palpate abdomen
- Superficial palpation - 9 areas
- Deep palpation - 9 areas
- Organs
- Liver
- Murphy’s sign
- Spleen
- Ballot kidneys
- Bladder - Palpate aorta
Abdo exam - percuss abdomen
- Liver
- Spleen
- Bladder
(* Shifting dullness)
Abdo exam - auscultate abdomen
- Bowel sounds
- Bruits
- Aortic
- Renal
Abdo exam - final steps
- Oedema
- Sacral
- Pedal
Presenting an abdo exam
- I performed an abdominal examination on ___ , a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
- On closer inspection, there were no peripheral stigmata of gastrointestinal disease
- On palpation the abdomen was soft and non-tender and there was no evidence of organomegaly
- On auscultation, bowel sounds were present and normal, there were no bruits heard
- In summary, this was a normal abdominal examination
How would you complete an abdo examination?
I - Inguinal lymph nodes
S - Stool sample
H - Hernial orifices (femoral and inguinal)
R - Rectal examination
U - Urine analysis
G - Genitalia
Thyroid examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
- Hands
- Eyes
- Thyroid gland
- Other neck features
- Distal features
Thyroid exam - hands
- General
- Nails
- Clubbing - Temperature
- Tremor
- Pulse
- Arms
Thyroid exam - eyes
- General inspection of face
… - Inspect eyes
- Look from side
- Look from behind
… - Eye movements
- Lid lag
Thyroid exam - thyroid gland
- Inspect thyroid from front
- Swallow
- Stick out tongue
… - Palpate thyroid from back
- Swallow
- Stick out tongue
Thyroid exam - other neck features
- Lymph nodes
- Tracheal deviation
- Percuss sternum
- Auscultate for bruits
Thyroid exam - distal features
- Ankle reflexes
- Inspect for pretibial myxoedema
- Stand up with arms crossed
Presenting a thyroid exam
- I performed a thyroid examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared well at rest
- On closer inspection, there were no peripheral stigmata of thyroid pathology including thyroid masses or eye disease
- The pulse was of normal rate and rhythm at ___bpm
- On palpation, the trachea was not deviated and there was no evidence thyroid mass or swelling
- On percussion, there was no evidence of retrosternal goitre
- On auscultation, there was no evidence of bruits or heart murmur
- Finally, there was no muscle weakness, pretibial myxoedema, and reflexes appeared normal bilaterally.
- In summary, this was a normal thyroid examination
How would you complete a thyroid examination?
- Fundoscopy
- Visual acuity
- TFT blood tests
Upper limb neuro examination - general structure
- Intro
- Ask handedness - General inspection
- Pronator drift
… - Tone
- Power
- Reflexes
- Coordination
- Sensation
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Upper limb neuro exam - what’s an important question to ask at the beginning?
Are you left or right handed?
Upper limb neuro exam - ‘special test’
- Pronator drift
Upper limb neuro exam - tone
- Passively move each arm to assess tone
Upper limb neuro exam - power
Assess each side separately, isolate each joint
* Shoulders
* Elbows
* Wrists
* Fingers
* Thumbs
Upper limb neuro exam - reflexes
- Biceps
- Triceps
- Brachioradialis
Use reinforcement if needed
Upper limb neuro exam - coordination
- Dysdiadochokinesia
- Finger to nose with eyes closed
- Finger back and forth between nose and examiner’s finger
- Fingers to thumb in sequence
Upper limb neuro exam - sensation
- Light touch
… - Vibration
- Proprioception
(* Stereognosis - identify object in palm)
(* Two point discrimination)
(* Graphaesthesia - draw number on palm)
Presenting an upper limb neuro exam
- I performed an upper limb neurological examination on ___ who is a ___ year old
male/female - On general inspection, he/she appeared well at rest
- There were no abnormalities in posture, deformities, muscle wasting, or fasciculation’s detected, Pronator drift was -ve
- Tone was normal throughout
- Power was 5/5 in all muscle groups bilaterally
- Reflexes were normal bilaterally
- Coordination was intact
- Sensation was normal in all modalities tested
- In summary, this was a normal upper limb neurological examination
How would you complete an upper limb neuro exam?
- Examine pin-point/pain and temperature sensation
- Lower limb neuro, cranial nerve and cerebellar exams
- Neuroimaging - MRI head + spine
Lower limb neuro examination - general structure
- Intro
- Ask handedness - General inspection
- Gait
- Romberg’s test
… - Tone
- Power
- Reflexes
- Coordination
- Sensation
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Lower limb neuro exam - ‘special tests’
- Gait
- Normal
- Heel-to-toe - Romberg’s test
Lower limb neuro exam - tone
- Passively move + roll each leg to assess tone
- Ankle clonus
Lower limb neuro exam - power
- Hip (x4)
- Knee
- Ankle
- Big toe
Lower limb neuro exam - reflexes
- Patellar
- Ankle jerk
- Babinski
Lower limb neuro exam - coordination
- Heel-to-shin test
Lower limb neuro exam - sensation
- Light touch
… - Vibration
- Proprioception
Presenting a lower limb neuro exam
- I performed a lower limb neurological examination on ___ a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared well at rest and gait appeared normal, Rombergs test was -ve
- On closer inspection, there were no abnormalities in posture, deformities, muscle wasting or fasciculation’s detected
- Tone was normal throughout
- Power was 5/5 in all muscle groups bilaterally
- All reflexes were normal bilaterally
- Coordination was intact
- Sensation was normal in all modalities tested
- In summary, this was a normal lower limb neurological examination
How would you complete a lower limb neuro exam?
- Examine pin-point/pain and temperature sensation
- Upper limb neuro, cranial nerve and cerebellar exams
- Neuroimaging - MRI head + spine
Cranial nerve exam - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
- Ask about smell (CN1)
… - Visual tests (CN2)
- Eye movement tests (CN 3,4,6)
… - Face sensation (CN5)
- Muscles of mastication (CN5)
- Facial movements (CN7)
… - Hearing (CN8)
- Weber’s + Rinne’s tests (CN8)
- Vestibular function (CN8)
… - Assess throat (CN9,10)
- Swallow, cough (CN9,10)
- Tongue (CN12)
… - Turn head against resistance (CN11)
- Raise shoulders against resistance (CN11)
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Cranial nerve exam - visual tests (CN2)
- Inspect pupils
- Visual acuity
… - Visual fields
(* Blind spot) - Visual inattention
… - Direct + consensual pupillary reflex
- Swinging light test
- Accommodation reflex (distant –> nearby)
Cranial nerve exam - eye movement tests (CN3,4,6)
- Follow finger - H + I
- Ask if any double vision
Cranial nerve exam - CN5
- Light touch - V1, V2, V3 areas
… - Assess muscle bulk of muscles of mastication - teeth clenched
- Open jaw against resistance
… - Jaw jerk reflex
Cranial nerve exam - facial movements (CN7)
- Screw up eyes
- Against resistance - Puff out cheeks
- Against resistance - Raise eyebrows
- Purse lips
- Show teeth
Cranial nerve exam - CN8
- Assess hearing - whisper a number in each ear
- Weber’s test
- Rinne’s test
… - Unterberg - march on spot, arms out, eyes closed
- Vestibular-ocular reflex - focus on nose, head turned left and right, watch eyes
Cranial nerve exam - CN9+10
- Open mouth wide + inspect
- Say “aah”
- Swallow
- Cough
Cranial nerve exam - tongue (CN12)
- Stick out tongue
- Move from side to side
- Push into cheek against resistance
Cranial nerve exam - CN11
- Turn head against resistance (+ palpate sternomastoid muscle with free hand)
- Raise shoulders against resistance
Presenting a cranial nerve exam
- I performed a cranial nerve examination on ___ , a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared well at rest
- On examination of cranial nerves I-XII, there were no abnormalities detected
How would you complete a cranial nerve exam?
- Upper limb neuro and lower limb neuro exams
- Neuroimaging - MRI head
- Formal hearing assessment
Cerebellar examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
- Stance
- Gait
- Romberg’s test
… - Speech + mouth
- Eyes
… - Arms
- Legs
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Cerebellar exam - standing up
- Stance
- Gait
- Normal
- Heel-to-toe - Romberg’s test
Cerebellar exam - speech + mouth
- Repeat “British constitution”
- Repeat “baby hippopotamus”
… - Move tongue side to side
Cerebellar exam - eyes
- Follow H + I
- Observe for nystagmus - Look at hand and then nose, on each side
- Observe for dysmetric saccades
Cerebellar exam - upper limb
- Tone
- Dysdiadochokinesia
- Finger-to-nose
- Rebound phenomenon
- Pronator drift
- Intention tremor
Cerebellar exam - lower limb
- Tone
- Heel-to-shin
- Knee jerk reflex
Presenting a cerebellar examination
How would you complete a cerebellar exam?
- Cranial nerves, upper limb neuro and lower limb neuro exams
- Neuroimaging - MRI head
- Formal hearing assessment
Hand examination - general structure
- Intro
- Any pain?
- Any numbness/tingling? - General inspection
… - Look
- Feel
- Vascular
- Sensory
- Move
- Active
- Passive - Function
- Special tests
- Median nerve
- Ulnar nerve
- Radial nerve
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Hand exam - look
- Nails
- Clubbing - Dorsum
- Palms
- Elbows
Hand exam - feel
- Temperature
… - Palpate wrist
- Palpate metacarpals
- MCP joint squeeze
- Palpate phalanges
Hand exam - sensation
* C6 - thumb tip
* C7 - middle finger tip
* C8 - little finger tip
* Radial - dorsal side, first webspace (snuffbox)
* Median - palmar side, thenar eminence
* Ulnar - palmar side, hypothenar eminence
Hand exam - vascular
- Check radial + ulnar pulses
- Allen’s test
Hand exam - active movement
* Make a fist
* Straighten fingers out again
* Spread fingers out + back in
* Flexion + extension
* Abduction + adduction
* Opposition
* Dorsiflexion + palmarflexion
* Wiggle hand side to side - radial/ulnar deviation
Hand exam - passive movement
* Make a fist
* Straighten fingers out again
* Spread fingers out + back in
* Flexion + extension
* Abduction + adduction
* Opposition
* Dorsiflexion + palmarflexion
* Wiggle hand side to side - radial/ulnar deviation
Hand exam - function
- Grip examiners finger, and resist them pulling it out
- Hold a pen normally
- Q: “Can you do up + undo your buttons?”
Hand exam - special tests: median nerve
- Thumb abduction against resistance
… - Tinel’s test - tap wrist
- Phalen’s test - ‘reverse prayre’
- Compress wrist
Hand exam - special tests: ulnar nerve
- Cross index + middle finger
- Grip paper between thumb + index finger, without flexing thumb joint
- Abduct fingers against resistance
Hand exam - special tests: radial nerve
- Wrist + finger extension against resistance
Presenting a hand examination
- I performed a hand examination on ___, a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection of the hands/elbows there was no evidence of any hand pathology
- On palpation, the joints were not overly warm, there was no tenderness over the bones/joints, sensation was fully intact and the vascular component did not appear compromised
- Full range of movement in all modalities tested
- Special tests were negative
- In summary, this was a normal hand examination
How would you complete a hand examination?
- Full neurovascular assessment of upper limb
- Examine elbow (+shoulder)
- View relevant imaging
Shoulder examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
… - Look
- Function
- Feel
- Move
- Active - screening
- Active - specific
- Passive - Special tests
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Shoulder exam - look
- Anterior
- Sides
- Posterior
- Scapular winging (press on wall)
Shoulder exam - function
- Q: “Can you wash your hair?”
- Q: “Can you dress yourself without problems?”
Shoulder exam - feel
- Temperature
… - Bones
- Muscle bulk
- Scapula on back
Shoulder exam - active movement
Screening movements
* Hands behind head, elbows back
* Hands behind back
Specific movements
* Abduction and adduction
* Flexion and extension
* Internal + external rotation (elbows at 90˚)
Shoulder exam - passive movement
- Abduction and adduction
- Flexion and extension
- Internal + external rotation (elbows at 90˚)
Shoulder exam - special tests
- Empty can test
- Arm out, to 60˚, thumb to floor, apply resistance - Painful arc test
- Passively lift arm all the way up
- Patient actively slowly adducts arm - Resisted abduction
- Resisted external rotation
- Lift off test (resisted internal rotation)
- Hand on L spine
- Palm to palm resist examiner pushing in - Scarf test
- Hand on opposite shoulder
- Apply pressure to elbow
Presenting a shoulder examination
- I performed a shoulder examination on ___ , a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
- On closer inspection there was no evidence of pathology
- On palpation, there was no tenderness over….
- The patient had a full range of movement in all modalities tested
- Special tests were negative
- In summary, this was a normal shoulder examination
How would you complete a shoulder examination?
- Full neurovascular assessment of upper limb
- Examine elbow + C spine
- View relevant imaging
Hip examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
… - Function
- Look
- Feel
- Move
- Active
- Passive - Special tests
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Hip exam - function
- Gait
Hip exam - look
Standing up
* Anterior
* Sides
* Posterior
Lying down
* Inspect hip
Leg length
* Assumed - xiphisternum to medial malleolus
* Actual - ASIS to medial malleolus
* Assess for leg length discrepancy
Hip exam - feel
- Temperature
… - General feel
- Greater trochanter
Hip exam - active movement
- Flex + extend
- Abduct + adduct
Hip exam - passive movemnt
- Flex + extend
- Abduct + adduct
- Rotation in extension
- Rotation in flexion
- Extension lying on front
Hip exam - special tests
- Thomas’s test
- Your hand under L spine, palm up
- Passively flex one leg
- +ve if other leg raises up - Trendelenburg’s test
- Patient’s hands on your shoulders
- Your hands on patient’s iliac crests
- Raise one leg
- +ve if pelvis drops on side of raised leg
Presenting a hip examination
- I performed a hip examination on ___ , a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest, gait was normal
- On closer inspection there was no evidence of pathology
- On palpation, there was no tenderness over….
- The patient had a full range of movement in all modalities tested
- Special tests were negative
- In summary, this was a normal hip examination
How would you complete a hip examination?
- Full neurovascular assessment of lower limb
- Examine knee + L spine
- View relevant imaging
Knee examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
… - Function
- Look
- Feel
- Move
- Active
- Passive - Special tests
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Knee exam - function
- Gait
Knee exam - look
Standing up
* Anterior
* Sides
* Posterior
Lying down
* Inspect knee
Knee exam - feel
- Temperature
Knee in extension - Tendon
- Kneecap
- Joint margins
- Popliteal fossa
… - Patellar tap
- Sweep test
- Up medial
- Down lateral
Knee in flexion - Tendon
- Kneecap
- Joint margins
- Popliteal fossa
Knee examination - active movement
- Flexion
- Extension
Knee examination - passive movement
- Flexion
- Extension
- Hyperextension
Knee examination - special tests
- Posterior sag test
- Knee flexed to 90˚
- Observe for sag - Anterior draw test
- Knee flexed to 90˚
- Hands round tibial tuberosity
- Pull forwards - Varus stress
- Valgus stress
Presenting a knee examination
- I performed a knee examination on ___ , a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest, gait was normal
- On closer inspection there was no evidence of pathology
- On palpation, there was no tenderness over….
- The patient had a full range of movement in all modalities tested
- Special tests were negative
- In summary, this was a normal knee examination
How would you complete a knee examination?
- Full neurovascular assessment of lower limb
- Examine hip + ankle
- View relevant imaging
C spine examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
- Any pain?
… - Look
- Feel
- Percuss - Move
… - (Pulses in arms)
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
C spine exam - look
- Anterior
- Sides
- Posterior
C spine exam - feel
- Posterior
- Sides
- Paraspinal muscles
- Subclavicular area
… - Percuss C spine
C spine exam - active movement
- Flexion - chin to chest
- Extension - look at ceiling
- Lateral flexion - ear to shoulder
- Lateral rotation - turn head left + right
C spine exam - passive movement
- Hold head with one hand, to create the movements
- Other hand on neck to feel for crepitus
… - Flexion
- Extension
- Lateral flexion
- Lateral rotation
C spine exam - extra final step
- (Pulses in arms)
Presenting a C spine examination
- I performed a Spine examination on ___, a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
- On palpation there was no tenderness along the vertebrae or the paraspinal muscles
- There was a full range of movement throughout the spine
- In summary, this was a normal spine examination
How would you complete a C spine exam?
- Neurovascular examination of upper limbs
- Examine peripheral pulses
- Examine shoulder + L spine
L spine examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
- Any pain?
… - Look
- Gait
- Feel
- Percuss - Move
- Special tests
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
L spine - look
- Anterior
- Sides
- Posterior
L spine - gait
- Observe for Trendelenburg’s sign
L spine - feel
- Vertebrae + between vertebrae
- Sacroiliac joints
- Paraspinal muscles
… - Percuss spine
L spine - active movements
- Flexion - touch toes, legs straight
- Extension - lean back
- Lateral flexion - reach down side of leg, legs straight
- Lateral rotation - cross arms across chest, twist to each side
L spine - passive movements
- Flexion
- Extension
- Lateral flexion
- Lateral rotation
L spine - special tests
- Schober’s test
- Mark points on spine, should increase
- Patient flexes spine - touches toes - Sciatic stretch test/straight leg raise
- Lie on back, passively flex hip, leg extended
- Dorsifelx foot - Bowstring test
- Lie on back, passively flex hip, leg extended
- Flex knee slightly
- Apply firm pressure with thumb in popliteal fossa - Femoral stretch test
- Lie on front, flex knee, extend hip
- Plantarflex foot
… - Chest expansion in 4th intercostal space
Presenting an L spine examination
- I performed a Spine examination on ___, a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
- Trendelenburgs’ sign was not present, and gait appeared normal
- On palpation there was no tenderness along the vertebrae or the paraspinal muscles
- There was a full range of movement throughout the spine
- Schober’s test, straight leg raise, Bowstring’s and the femoral stretch tests were negative
- In summary, this was a normal spine examination
How would you complete a L spine exam?
- Neurovascular examination of upper limbs
- Abdo exam
- Rectal exam
- Examine peripheral pulses
- Examine hip + C spine
GALS examination - general structure
- Intro
- Screening questions
- General inspection
- Look
… - Gait
- Arms
- Legs
- Spine
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
GALS exam - screening questions
- “Do you have any pain or stiffness in your muscles, joints or back?”
- “Are you able to completely dress and undress yourself without any difficulty?”
- “Are you able to climb up and down stairs without any difficulty?”
GALS exam - look
- Anterior
- Sides
- Posterior
GALS exam - gait
- Walk there and back
- Examine footwear
GALS exam - arms
* Hands behind head, shoulders back
* Arms out, palms down - look
* Arms out, palms up - look
* Make a fist
* Squeeze my fingers
* Pincer grip - touch fingers to thumb
MCP joint squeeze
GALS exam - legs
Lie on bed
* Passive flexion - feel for crepitus
* Passive extension - feel for crepitus
* Flex to 90˚, passive internal + external rotation
Patellar tap
Inspect feet
MTP joint squeeze
GALS exam - spine
C spine
* Neck side to side
L spine
* Fingers on back
* Bend over and touch toes
* Fingers should spread
Presenting a GALS examination
- I performed a GALS examination on ___, a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest and there was no obvious pathological gait, or pathology in the arms, legs and spine
- Palpation did not reveal any MSK pathology
- ROM was normal in all modalities tested
- In summary, this was a normal GALS examination
How would you complete a GALS examination?
- Focused exam of joints/systems with suspected pathology
- View relevant imaging
Diabetic foot examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
- Gait
… - Inspect feet
- Palpate feet
- Vascular
- Ankle jerk reflex
- Sensation
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Diabetic foot exam - gait
- Walk there and back
- Examine footwear
Diabetic foot exam - inspect foot
- Skin
- Deformities
Diabetic foot exam - palpate foot
- Bones
- Joints
(Watch face)
Diabetic foot exam - vascular
- Temperature
- Pulses
- Posterior tibial
- Dorsalis pedis
- Popliteal - CRT - big toe
Diabetic foot exam - reflexes
- Ankle jerk reflex
Diabetic foot exam - sensation
- Light touch
- Pressure
… - Proprioception
- Vibration
Diabetic foot exam - sensation: where are you testing?
- Big toe
- 3rd toe
- 1st MTPJ
- 3rd MTPJ
- 5th MTPJ
And then onwards if no sensation here
Presenting a diabetic foot examination
- I performed a diabetic foot examination on ___ , a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, the patient appeared comfortable at rest and gait was normal
- My neurovascular assessment of both feet were normal; Sensation was intact in both feet (if it was lost, you say where it was lost up to e.g. ‘light touch sensation
was absent from the feet to the knees) - In summary, this was a normal diabetic foot examination
How would you complete a diabetic foot examination?
- Examine pin-point/pain and temperature sensation
- Check capillary blood glucose + serum HbA1c
- Lower limb neuro examination
- Peripheral vascular exam + venous sufficiency exam
- Calculate diabetic foot risk score
Peripheral vascular examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
… - Hands
- Upper pulses
- Face
… - Abdomen
… - Legs
- Lower pulses
… - Auscultate
- Buerger’s test
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Peripheral vascular exam - hands
- Inspect
Peripheral vascular exam - upper pulses
- Radial
- Rate + rhythm
- Compare sides - Ulnar pulses
- Allen’s test
- Brachial pulses
- Carotid pulses
Peripheral vascular exam - face
- General
- Eyes
- Mouth
Peripheral vascular exam - abdomen
- Inspect
Peripheral vascular exam - legs
- Inspect
- Lower pulses
- CRT - big toe
- Light touch sensation (distal–>proximal)
- Power
Peripheral vascular exam - lower pulses
- Aorta
- Femoral pulses
- Popliteal pulses
- Dorsalis pedis pulses
- Posterior tibial pulses
Peripheral vascular exam - auscultate
- Carotid arteries
- Subclavian arteries
- Aorta
- Femoral arteries
Peripheral vascular exam - Buerger’s test
- Hold legs at 45˚
- Then hang both legs off end of bed
Presenting a peripheral vascular examanination
- I performed a peripheral arterial examination on ___, a ___ year old male/female
- On general inspection, he/she appeared well at rest
- On closer inspection, there were no stigmata of peripheral arterial disease
- Pulses were present bilaterally in upper and lower limbs and had normal rate, rhythm and character at ___bpm
- Abdominal aortic pulse was not palpable
- Sensation of the lower limb was intact
- In summary, this was a normal peripheral arterial examination
How would you complete a peripheral vascular examination?
- Measure blood pressure in arms and ankles
- Calculate ankle-brachial pressure index
- Cardiovascular examination
- Upper limb + lower limb neuro examinations
- Doppler ultrasound
Varicose veins examination - general structure
- Intro
- General inspection
… - Thighs
- Varicosities
- Calves + feet
… - (Abdomen)
… - Thank patient
- Present exam
- To complete…
Varicose veins exam - thighs
- Inspect legs
- Find + inspect SFJ
- Cough test
- Tap test
- Tap SFJ, feel for transmission waves in varicosities lower down
Varicose veins exam - varicosities
- Temperature
- Palpation
- Tap test
- Tap variscocity, feel for transmission waves in SFJ - Auscaltate
Varicose veins exam - calves
- Pitting oedema
- Pulses
- Femoral pulses
- Popliteal pulses
- Dorsalis pedis pulses
- Posterior tibial pulses
Varicose veins exam - abdomen
- (Inspect abdomen)
Presenting a varicose veins examination
How would you complete a varicose veins examination?
- Trendelenburg test with a tourniquet
- Perthe’s test
- Doppler ultrasound
- Venous duplex scanning
- Measure blood pressure in arms and ankles
- Calculate ankle-brachial pressure index
- Peripheral vascular examination
- Abdominal examination