Exam techniques. Flashcards
What do you have to do in writing the interpretations?
“Analyse and evaluate, in relation to the historical context, different ways in which aspects of the past have been interpreted.”
What do you need to do (step one) to achieve a high band answer in your interpretations?
“show a very good understanding of the interpretations and combine this with a strong awareness of the historical context to analyse and interpret.”
What do you need to do (step two) to achieve a high band answer in your interpretations?
“Evaluation of the arguments need to be well-supported and convincing. The response demonstrates a very good understanding of context.”
In summary, how should you answer the interpretations questions?
“Students must assess the extent to which the interpretations are convincing by drawing on contextual knowledge to corroborate and challenge the interpretations.”
What do you need to do (step one) to answer essay questions?
“Demonstrate, organise and communicate knowledge and understanding to analyse and evaluate key features of the periods studied.”
What do you need to do (step two) to answer essay questions?
“Make substantiated judgements and explore concepts, as relevant, of cause, consequence, change, continuity, similarity, difference and significance.”
How to achieve full marks in an essay?
“Display a very good understanding of the full demands of the questions. They will be well-organised and effectively delivered. The support evidence should be well-selected, specific and precise. It will show a very good understanding of key features, issues and concepts. The answer will be fully analytical with a balanced argument and a well-substantiated judgement.”