Exam Semester I Flashcards
A firm attitude, stable disposition, and habitual disposition of our intellect and will that regulates our actions, directs our passions, and guides our conduct according to reason and faith.
The four hinge virtues that support moral living: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
Cardinal virtues
A bad habit, such as laziness, that inclines us to choose the evil rather then the good.
The relationship between God and humans that results in a body of beliefs and a set of practices: creed, cult, and code.
Three important virtues bestowed on us at Baptism that relate us to God: faith, hope, and charity.
Theological virtues
Charitable actions that include feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, sheltering the homeless, and burying the dead.
Corporal works of mercy
Seven practices of Catholic charity directed toward the soul of our neighbor.
They are: counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish the sinner, comfort the sorrowful, forgive injuries, bear wrongs patiently, and pray for the living and the dead.
Spiritual works of mercy
The Holy Spirit’s grace that cleanses us from our sins through faith in Jesus Christ and Baptism
Special gifts the Holy Spirit gives to individual Christians to build up the Church
God-given abilities that helps us live a Christian life with God’s help.
They are: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Perfections that result from living in union with the Holy Spirit
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The capacity to choose between alternatives
Free will
A person’s most secret core and sanctuary that helps the person determine between good and evil.
Vows of personal poverty, chastity understood as lifelong celibacy, and obedience to the demands of the community being joined that those entering the consecrated life process.
Evangelical counsels
Saints that are chosen as special intercessors or protectors for our lives
Patron saint
A name for the Christian family.
Domestic Church
The moral virtue that enables people to integrate their sexuality into their stations in life.
Sharing the Good News.
The priesthood of the faithful.
Common priesthood
The priesthood of Christ received in the Sacrament of Holy Orders that is meant to build up and guide the Church in the name of Christ.
Ministerial priesthood
A prayer candle typically placed before a statue of Jesus or the Virgin Mary that is lit for a prayer intention.
Votive candle
Prayerful way to read the Bible or any other sacred writings, means divine reading.
Lectio divina
Wordless prayer whereby a person’s mind and heart rest in God’s goodness and majesty.
Heartfelt sorrow and aversion for sins committed along with the intention of sinning no more.
The source and summit of Christian life.
A name given to the Holy Eucharist, especially the consecrated elements reserved in the tabernacle for adoration, or for the sick.
Blessed Sacrament
A prayer of devotion made for forty continuous hours in which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.
Forty Hours’ Devotion
A form of prayer used in liturgies that includes prayers with responses.
A short, formulaic prayer that is said repeatedly.
Jesus Prayer
Supreme happiness.