Exam Review Slideshow Flashcards
Refers to concepts that an be universally applied
Value placed and humans and reason not superstition
Development towards improvement
Informed self governement for the people.
People become responsible for their own decisions
What were the ideals that drove the enlighenment
Noble judge that passes many important lawas in french revolution
Wrote a book about political power needs to be representive of the needs of the people
John Locke
Liberalism father
Limit government rule and knowledge should be aqquired
System of cour that interprets and applies law
Enfoce the law
Make laws
Advocaded for freedom of speech
What was the moto of the french during the revolution
Liberty, equality, fraturnity or death
Reason and observation can determine God is real
Extending kindness to other humans like aid
Religion losing value in a scocieyu
Jean Jaques Roussea
Belived humans are good but society is corrupt
Social contract
Equality rather than liberty
Ownership of proporty
Popular sovernty
Society robs freedom
Aims to change the way people think
Attack church/ french government
Adam Smith
Developed the invisible hand between buyers and sellers
Capitalism: Everything has ownership and production of anything is for profit
What are the years of liberty
Made himself first council by overthrowing constitutional government and terror
Napoleaon and the british navy
Stranded him in Egypt leaving his army behind going back to paris to defend the directory
Esates general
Called by King and using voting to solve problems
Third class was unfair and started national assembly by tenis court oath
Storming bastile
Broken as a sign the king had no authorty
Declaration of rights soon after
Tenis court oath
Signed to not stop until rights were found and constitusion is made
Great fear
Revolution spread and now everyone was joining
When was fudalism abolished
Why was fuedalism abolished
To protect the nobles after the revolution spread.
When was the french constitution created
The french constitution
Created to give equality
freedom to land
no severe punshiments
optional taxes
Womens march
October 1789 marhcing to the king for food and brought the royal family with them
Nationalization of church
Nov 1789 made church give up land tithes stripping them of power
What happened to the church after the land was taken
1790 they marry church members so they can actually be usefull
Royal family escape
The royal family tries to escape in 1791 and the constitution is made
What happens after the royal family escapes
21 century males could vote and constitutual commite made
Spring time of nations 1848
Many revolutions go about to try and solve disadisfaction and it fallas aprt a year later by monachs dennying
Common history, language, religion
Nationalism 1800s
Spread all over and french culture dominates
Congress of Vienna
Ruled by maternich and 1815-1839 french terriroty is made smaller
Rhine confederation of 1806
Unites germany under french rule
Congress of Vienna as a result of Rhine conferderation
Rhine has parts of Austria and Prussia. Creates german confederation
Austria after the creation of Rhine
Held by hapsburg, strggling
Purssia after the creation of Rhine
Want all the power france has over germany
What do liberalists and nationalists want
Challiging monarchy rights
Authority of foreign rulers
Made by workers and students
Freedom and enlightenment
Ethnic/ cultrual nationalism
Hate foreign rule and rulers
Napoleaon new government
Becomes first council with voting rights
What is Napoleaons job
Defend france
Victory for france
Luneville peace treathy
Treaty with france and roman empire
What does Napoleaon want to do
Overthrow constitutianal government and end terror
Solidified catholic as french religion but not the only one
State would pay church 1806
Lycee/ Baccalaurate
1801 Educational reforms
Code of civil law
Equality before law
Feedom of religion
Ablosh fuedalism
Proporety rights
1804 end revolution
Returning to the past by crowning
Berlin decree
Forribide french allies from tradfding with british
Russia struggling
Grande Army
Russian invaision
Battle of Lepizig
100 day return
Come for rule and resume conquest
Britan/ Russia/ Austria/ Prussia defeat Nap
St Helena
Spent last six years and dies in 1821
Carlsbad decree
Dissolved student organizations in favor of revolution
Cenzorship of press
Kept and eye of nationalism spreading in germany
Attempt to unifry germany
1848 Rev fails and Bismark makes Prussia a dominant force in Germany
Becomes very strong and considered little germany
Liberal and nationalist
Behind conservative. Greater germany
Foreign affairs prime minster
Conservative not liberal
Does like german nationaism and wanted it to be under Prussia unfuence
The end justifies the means
Crimean war
1853-56 Britan, France Austria and Turkey vs Russia
Treaty of Paris since Russia loses.
Isolates Austria
War with Denmark
1864 Austria and Prussia team up against denmarkand unfair result
Austro Prussia War
1866 Austria hate it
7 Weeks and Prussia wins unifying Germany and excluding Austria
Franco Peussian war
1870 Bismark made ems teligram and france was deafeated
1871 South and north unite and Prussia becomes emperor.
Breaking protests for directory
1 1795
Early invasion of italy and egypt
2 1796
Coup d eatat
3 1799
New constitution and council
4 1800
5 1804
Continenetal blockade
6 1806-1810
Rhine confederation
7 1806-1814
Battle of Austerlitiz
8 1806
Spanish campain
9 1808-1813
Russian campain
10 1812
Battle of nations and Elba
11 1813
100 days
12 1815
Battle of waterloo
13 1815 by Prussia and Britan