Exam questions Flashcards


List all the CAM therapies we talked about in this class


Mind-Body-Spirit based therapies:

  1. mental healing strategies (psychotherapy, meditation, biopheedback)
  2. energy-balancing strategies (therapeutic touch, reiki)
  3. creative arts therapies
  4. animal-assisted strategies

Manual therapies:

  1. massage styles (Swedish, myofascial release, shiatsu)
  2. reflexology
  3. osteopathy
  4. chiropractic

Alternative Western therapeies:

  1. naturopathy
  2. homeopathy
  3. western herbalism
  4. aromatherapy

Eastern culture therapies:

  1. traditional Chinese medicine
  2. acupuncture
  3. ayurveda
  4. yoga

Aboriginal healing

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Comment on which discussion post you found most interesting, and why. (not your own) 6 marks


Module 2: Animal Assisted Therapy

  • Implementing a hospital-based animal therapy program for children with cancer: A descriptive study
  • Children living with cancer must cope with various stressors that can lead to adverse biopsychosocial effects.
  • An animal therapy program called “A Magical Dream” was instituted for children hospitalized in pediatric oncology to promote their well-being during hospitalization and facilitate their adaptation to the therapeutic process.
  • Preliminary study
  • Main goal: complete a descriptive assessment of the program implementation using Donabedian’s quality model.
  • Documenting the observed connection between participating in the program, quality of care and satisfaction of participating parents and nurses
  • 16 parents of children and 12 nurses
  • two self-administered questionnaires intended for parents and one questionnaire for nurses
  • Evaluating the quality of the animal therapy program includes issues related to user profiles, animal therapy intervention process, organizational structure and client outcomes.
  • Conclusions: dog-assisted therapy may contribute to alleviate psychological distress in children and parents, facilitate their adaptation to the therapeutic process, and promote their well- being while hospitalized.
  • The goal of a second phase to the project will be to verify the effectiveness of the animal therapy intervention by targeting more specifically children hospitalized with solid tumours.

Why did I find it interesting?:

  • Study demonstrates very well how AAT appears to benefit the children and contributes to a positive hospitalization experience.
  • Interesting that the nursing staff was also questioned in this research
  • I was unaware of the significant difference in perception regarding the quality of care and services between the patient’s families and the health care professionals’ perspectives
  • Remarkably, this study found that the nurses declared a higher degree of agreement with the positive statements than the parents on a significant number of questions
  • Though little scientific evidence exists on its efficacy in stress reduction specifically, the general benefit on patient well-being is well demonstrated in this research
  • I also personally believe in the benefits animals can bring to treatment by relieving stress and anxiety in patients (nursing home pet therapy)
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