Exam questions 2 Flashcards
Why do alkenes have E/Z isomerism
Double bond restricts rotation, each carbon atom in the double bond is attached to different groups
What is the major product when HBr reacts with an alkene
The major product is formed from the carbocation joined to the most alkyl groups
What is the similarities and difference between the kekule model and the delocalised model
The similarities are that the p orbitals overlap sideways to form a pie bond above and below the plane of the benzene ring. The difference is that kekule has alternating pie bonds and delocalised has a pie ring system where the pie bonds spread around the ring
What is heterolytic fission (2)
Heterolytic means that one bonded stone gets both electrons and fissions means the breaking of a covalent bond.
Why is the order of boiling point ethanal< ethanol < ethanoic acid
Both ethanol and ethanoic acid have hydrogen bonding, hydrogen bonding is stronger then london forces. Ethanoic acid has more electrons so stronger london forces
Partial pressure
The contribution of a gas to the total pressure
Why are branched alkanes used as fuel
Branches chains have more efficient combustion
Define atom economy
Mr of desires products
Mr of all reactants
Why do some Allende have E/Z isomerism
The double bond restricts rotation. Different groups on each carbon of the double bond