Exam Movies and Readings Flashcards
“Pink Brain, Blue Brain”
What side of the biological essentialism/social construction debate does Eliot support?
Social construction. She says biology plays a role.
Biology differences:
Boys: Bigger brains, structionally
Girls: Girls brains mature faster
They are alike.
“Pink Brain, Blue Brain”
How does Eliot explain the differences in adult male and female brains and the differences in adult male and female behaviors?
How the male and females are raised.
“Pink Brain, Blue Brain”
What is Brain plasticity?
Brain changes due to our experiences in life.
“Pink Brain, Blue Brain”
Why does Eliot believe we should care about sex stereotyping?
Real life consequences limit people, if you can only be good at one thing, you can’t be good at something else.
Girls are taught they can’t be good at math or STEM because they’re girls.
Men and women do better with full skills
Men can do better if they are more open with their emotions
“Pink Brain, Blue Brain”
According to Eliot, how is the culture doing in terms of challenging sex stereotyping among kids?
Doing worse than we are as a culture for 20-30 years. Toys colors blue or pink. Ex: Target, you can tell which section is boys section and which one is female.
“The Miseducation of the American boy”
Did the “Miseducation of the American Boy” ring true to the dynamics you witnessed in HS? Give specific examples.(all groups)
Yes. Sports.
My experience: Cheerleading.
Being sexualized, hearing what others would say, including the football players.
Higherarchies: statuses, football players were at the top
Lanague the guys would use about me and other girls
“The Miseducation of the American boy”
What examples from the film clip and readings demonstrate how young men feel pressure to adhere to the pillars of masculinity. Give specific examples for each pillar.
Pillar one: No Sissy Stuff
Migynosit comments
Pillar 2: Be a big wheel
Sexual consquest
Pillar 3: Be a sturdy Oak
Dude broke up with his girlfriend, he couldn’t cry, so he watched movies about the halocust so he could cry
Pillar 4: Give em’ Hell
One up each other, compeition with other guys
Comments about females apperances, etc
Boys are not in touch of their emotions
“The Miseducation of the American boy”
What examples from the film clip and readings demonstrate the cultural dynamics of masculinity identified by Kimmel?
Culture of entilment:
Male Bosses think they entilment to make inapporiate comments about female employees
Entilment to power,status and rank
Culture of slience:
Bascially staying slient when it comes to other men’s comments about women to prove their masculinity
Not speaking up for those women
Culture of protection:
Ray rice video, where he domestically hit his girlfriend, and the NFL HID IT!
“The Miseducation of the American boy”
What is the great set-up described in the film?
We set boys up for failure.
We act surprise when boys act this way, and when they make inapporiate comments, and then we act surprise when we act this way.
“The Miseducation of the American boy”
What is the language men use to describe/talk about women?
Negative comments, about women’s bodies, etc.
and objectifive women
According to “Wall Street Bro Talk,” what are the consequences of this language? C. Do you agree/disagree with this perspective?
We duhumanize the women. We give premission to dehumanize in other situations, and events like sexually assaulted.
Make women uncomfortable.
if you speak up, you are viewed less mainly, men may think they you’re gay.
“The Miseducation of the American boy”
What cultural messages do boys/young men receive about sex?
Treat them with respect, don’t get them pregant.
Porn: They get unrealistic stanards
“The mask you live in”
What is something from the film The Mask You Live In that resonated with you?
Video games violence
“The mask you live in”
What happens to male friendships between the ages of 15-17?
Struggle with relationships
Fear of male intimacy and how that reflects onto your sexuality
Less few closer relationships
“The mask you live in”
What male archetypes do we see in TV and film? FOUR TYPES
Not showing emotions, not feminine
1) Superhero character
Does not typically show much emotion
Fit dominant ideas to be masculine
2) “Thug”
Violent roles
3) “Manchild”
Exist in adiscoluent
Degrades women
4) “Strong Slient Type” Never emotional
““Miss representation”
What is the significance of the phrase “You can’t be what you can’t see?”
What you see in the media inspires the ideas for what is possible of yourself and the world
“Miss representation”
What kinds of stereotypes do we commonly see in Hollywood films?
“Miss representation”
How are female leaders in movies often treated?
More sexualized
Success makes them miserable, has no love life, etc. Hyper sucess
Sucess are not shown to have a love life
““Miss representation”
What is the film’s critique of female action heroes?
Sexualized, leather clothing skin tight
““Miss representation”
What does the film say about the sexualization of women and power in Hollywood?
Path to power is being sexy
This is not how power should be defined, it should actually be having power, not the fact you are attractive
“Miss representation”
What message does reality TV send about women?
Unrealistic lifestyles
““Miss representation”
What is the assumption that Geena Davis says Hollywood operates on?
Women will go to movies about men, men won’t do the same
What is symbolic annihilation?
When you do not see yourself represented in entertainment and news media, they become symbolic annihilated.
What happens when you get more diversity behind the scenes?
More complex mulit-deminsional roles
Movie:”Tough Guise” What is Katz’s critique of those who reduce discussions about male violence to biology?
When gender is used to describe perpetrators, it’s turned into a biological explanation like the excuse of testosterone which takes away from the fact that this society and the cultural of violence can be changed.
What does Katz mean by the term “tough guise”?
“The tough guise” is an act wherein boys and men learn to show the world only those parts of themselves that the dominant culture has defined as manly: tough, strong, physical, in control