Exam #1: Section 2: Media Pervasiveness, Media Economics & Influence of Media Flashcards
Where does information about social identity groups other than our own comes from?
____ has a significant and meaningful effect on us all?
Who is Marshall McLuhan?
Media Theorist?
What is Marshall McLuhan Theory?
“Does a fish know it’s wet?
We are all unaware of the influence media has on us
What does it increase?
Media literacy
What is oligopoly?
State of media ownership in the United State
What are the Big 5 Traditional media?
1) Comcast
2) Disney
3) Fox
4) Warner Media
5) CBS
What are the big 5 of the tech world?
1) Google
2) Apple
3) Microsoft
4) Amazon
5) Facebook
What happened in the 1980s?
Anti-trust laws rewritten
government acting to prevent the establishment of monopolies
Monopolies prevent competition, hurts consumers
The belief that government regulation hindered free market
What is the telecommunications of 1996?
Key Piece of legislation
Opened floodgates for mergers, consolidations
What is Ben Bagdikian’s research on media companies?
1983: 50 media companies
1987: 29 media companies
1990: 23 media companies
1993: 14 media companies
1997: 10 media companies
2001: 6 media companies
Loss of 44 media companies in 18 years
What is the political influence on this?
Massive lobbying presence in Washington DC
Make large campaign donations to politicians
Most of public is unaware
Who is Bill Moyers?
Well-respected journalist
What did Bill Moyers call media ownership
“concertation of media ownership the central issue that faces us as a democratic society”
What is entertainment media lacking?
Diversity in tv shows and movies