Exam IV - Final Flashcards
The story of 1st Peter is subversive attempting to draw a picture of reality in which________ can be made sense of and can be interpreted in a _______ way
suffering and pain
While 1 & 2 Corinthians are written to the church in Corinth and 1 & 2 Thessalonians are written to the church in Thessalonica, 1st Peter is written to which church?_____
1st Peter is a GENERAL letter to churches in Asia Minor, NOT a specific church
In 1st Peter, the author asserts that the intended audience is living how? ____
“outside of the way that they had lived before” becoming Christians
According to 1st Peter,what do the “old ways of life” of the intended audience look like? GREAT TEST QUESTION!
they formerly participated in pagan banquets living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry
It is agreed upon that the persecution that the people being addressed in 1st Peter received was what? ___________
VERBAL! (not physical)
In 1st Peter, Peter says to the audience churches that it is God’s will that by doing _______ you will silence the ignorant talk of the foolish. This is a big deal for them because of ____________ and they were being asked to ____________ even though they were being slandered.
doing good
the honor/shame culture
remain silent
There are questions if Peter actually wrote 1st Peter himself because:
o __________________ and
o ________________
o The Greek is very good (although scribes may have done this for Peter) and
o Persecution likely occurred in later years when Peter would have been very old – or after his crucifixion
Beers’ paraphrases what Peter asks of the audience churches in 1st Peter how? ______________. So the point is DO NOT __________________.
1 Peter 2:21-25 - Shows the relevance of Jesus being the servant/slave so this section SPEAKS TO ___________.
SPEAKS TO SERVENTS with this connection
The servant in Isiah first suffers and then is _______________
Within 1 Peter and other 2c Jewish texts, the OT book of ______ which is known across the empire is frequently quoted.
Isaiah chapts. 1-39 are all about ___________ and rather depressing but in Chpt 40 what happens?
Where is the content about the “servant?”
the book becomes more positive about things after the judgment
The SERVANT fits in the second, POSITIVE half
Scholars say that when the restoration is lived out by humans it becomes ______
EMBODIED…Gods restoration will come through the HUMAN AGENT of SUFFERING
Who suffered in the manner described by Isaiah?
Isa 53:7 - “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not __________”
open his mouth
that is, he did not retaliate
When they hurled insults at Jesus but he said “father forgive them for they know not what they do” this was radical in that society would have been expected Jesus to ______________.
throw insults back
Jesus lives out the suffering. Others claimed to have done this also but the NT shows that unlike the others, the suffering that Jesus endured was also lived out in _____________.
and it ALSO was seen to be lived out in his Jesus followers
1 Peter says: “Now that we have received grace through Jesus do we just go on __________ ?”…NO!!
The word “antichrist” only shows up 2x in NT. It is in ___________ NOT ___________!
1 John & 2 John
Revelation has a mixture of _________ which includes:___________.
Letters, Prophesy & Apocalyptic Literature
Within prophetic literature there is a _________ piece
In Apocalyptic Literature (or revelation) as a genre, you expect to see the use of _____________.
SYMBOLS – symbolic language of things
The imagery in Revelation is supposed to evoke ____________, it is NOT supposed to ______________.
encouragement and reinforcement of faithfulness! (i.e. comfort and assurance for those who are faithful - “feel like a ‘hug’”)
NOT supposed to scare!
The Point if Revelation is ________.
Rev. 1:20 - John sees one like the son of man with a golden sash, 7 lights on 7 gold lampstands.
What are the 7 lights?
Where was this “son of man” seen before?
What is the significance of the man?
What is special to note about these particular symbols in Revelation?
7 Lights are 7 churches
The son of man image seen before in Daniel The significance of the “son of Man” is that he was the one who WINS – important to note this
This is a case in Revelation where the symbols ARE spelled out - explained!
It is generally agreed that the numbers in Revelation are symbolic but there is an opinion among SOME scholars that _______________.
some of the numbers are to be taken as literal
Symbols are not meant to conceal but to __________. In several cases, such as the 7 lights and 7 heads the symbols are ______________ in the book.
** GREAT TEST QUESTION: In Revelation Chpt 17 -The woman with “BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” on her forehead references ___________ yet the woman actually symbolizes _______.
the fact that Babylon destroyed the temple in 586 BC
In Revelation Chpt 17 The woman sits on 7 heads. These are to represent _________ – so this was OBVIOUS __________.
7 hills (Rome well known to be built on 7 hills) symbolism for Rome
In Revelation Chpt 17 -The woman is wearing a ___________ which indicates _________ and suggests that she represents _____________.
purple sash
In Revelation these colors mean: • White - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ • Gold - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ • Red - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ • Purple - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
• White - refers to righteousness or purity
• Gold – great value
• Red – Blood, destruction or death
• Purple - Royalty
(Although the context for colors also matters as to whether they are symbolic or not)
In Revelation these numbers mean:
• 7 - __________
• 10 - __________
• 12 - __________
- 7 - Heavenly or divine (7 days of creation)
- 10 - perfection and completion
- 12 - tribes of Israel / people of God
Revelation never quotes from ________.
the OT - but there are suggestions to the OT (e.g. use of “12” and Babylon) so the audience IS supposed to know these things
Rev 7:4 - “Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.” How do we know if the 144,000 number is literal or not?
The 144,000 number may or may not be literal. It is argued by scholars.
Rev 14:1 - “Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion”
What does the lamb symbolize?
What does Mount Zion symbolize?
The lamb symbolizes Jesus
Mount Zion symbolizes Jerusalem
3-1/2 to the best or our knowledge symbolizes ____________. This is also described as: _______________, or for the pregnant woman it was ________.
a limited period of affliction
This is also described as “a time, times and half a time.”
1260 days = 3-1/2 years
666 symbolizes: ___________
- The mark of the SECOND beast - the LAND Beast
- the devil,
- Satan
- May also be a way to say “giant imposter” or not quite “7”
Often the biggest disasters come associated with a __________ (number).
Koester suggests as some people purport that the 666 may be __________ (who).
This is partly because “adding up the numbers associated with Nero’s name = 6+6+6.
Revelation contains information that is both ________ and ________.
good & bad.
1 John NOT Structured like a letter – But maybe more like a ________.
2 John and 3 John do NOT have a careful ____________ structure but are more like __________.
personal letters
1, 2 and 3 John are attributed to _________ but the actual source is________
John the Gospel writer
John’s letters are a response to those misinterpreting___________
the Fourth Gospel. (John!!)
Members of John’s church(s) are heterogeneous and include:
o ____________ and
o ______________
o Jewish Christians with little knowledge of Greek live alongside
o Greeks, who know little of the Old Testament.
1, 2 and 3 John indicate that the conflicts in the church are internal and the letters address issues forcefully in a manner that
o Protects the ________of the church and
o _______those who are undermining his authority.
o Protects the UNITY of the church and
o IDENTIFIES those who are undermining his authority.
(1, 2 and 3 John) - In the ancient period the ideal of a God that appeared in a_________ seemed poorly competitive with the huge ornate pagan temples of the ancients
“Jewish man” (Jesus)
1, 2 and 3 John - John’s churches were a community that made the _______a vital feature of their life BUT the church begins to tear apart, from misuse of the gospel’s teachings about the _________
1, 2 and 3 John - The Heretics , apparently Christians who have deviated from traditional understanding. Have a FALSE __________ that holds the following beliefs (this was John’s MAIN concern):
o __________
o __________
o __________
o Deny the Son
o Deny that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh
o Deny that Jesus is the Christ
1, 2 and 3 John - The heretics’ belief elevates Christ to only a _________ and his ___________ was forsaken
a divine God and his humanity was forsaken
How frequently does “Sabbath” appear in the NT?
Occasionally but infrequently (somebody noted that it is often when Jesus is rebuked for doing something that the scribes/Pharisees etc. think that he should not do on the Sabbath)
According to NT Wright in “Scripture and the Authority of God”, how should Christians should honor the Sabbath?
You should honor the Sabbath by celebrating it and doing for others: (p16) should do “Kingdom-bringing and Restorative” things
In the OT the Sabbath was for:
- ___________
- __________
- Rest and for
- Worshipping God
- so that means with God at the center of your activity
According to NT Wright in “Scripture and the Authority of God”, overwork correlates with a loss of _________?
loss of faith in God – God is the one who provides
How does the presence of polygamy compare ion the OT and NT?
There IS polygamy frequently in the OT – but it is almost non-existent in NT
Although many people consider the OT to be much more law driven and stricter than the NT, how do they compare when discussing polygamy? What is the basis of the NT discussion on the subject?
NT is much stricter about a single spouse –
The basis is derived from creation story of Adam and Eve
NT Wright says that God is restoring the world, and our job is to
- __________
- __________
- __________
- __________
- Celebrate it
- Model it (embody the story)
- Proclaim it (Jesus is reclaiming the world and this is what we need to support)
- Dance to it
According to NT Wright, Christians should live intentionally according to the story as told in the bible which he describes as being in 5 acts:
- __________
- __________
- __________
- __________
- __________
- Creation
- Fall
- Israel
- Jesus
- the Church
Koester on the Cyclical visions of judgment and salvation: “Those who read Revelation as a whole encounter visions that alternatively threaten and assure them. ….Each time the clamor of conflict becomes unbearable, ______ WHAT, in general, then happens??_____.
…listeners are transported into the presence of God, the Lamb, and the heavenly chorus.”
The Dragon and both of the beasts in Revelation are bad. There are several references to 7’s and 10’s with them (crowns, heads, horns etc.) 7’s and 10’s are usually associated with divinity and perfection. Why are there 7’s and 10’s associated with the beasts?
the 7’s and 10’s may either
a. Signify the perfection or completion of evil or
b. Indicate an “imposter” for perfection (so they are really 6’s)
The number ____ is sometimes used. Referred to as the “Jesus Number” – the “beyond perfection” number (though I do not know where!)
In Rev 19:15 What does Jesus use to “strike down the nations” and where does he hold it?
a sharp sword Coming out of his mouth is
In Rev 13:1 we read “The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast (BEAST 1) coming out of the sea. It had _____ horns and _____ heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.”
What did the Dragon do?
The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority
In the story of the pregnant woman with a crown of twelve stars on her head in Rev 12, an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads came down from heaven just as she was about to give birth. When her son was born, the child was snatched up to God. The war broke out between heaven and the dragon
This was like the ancient story of: _____.
A story from the ancient world with a Dragon (Python) and pregnant woman (Leto, mother of Apollo). The dragon pursues the woman, the north wind rescues her. She gives birth to Apollo and Artemis, and Apollo chases and kills the dragon.
In the story of the pregnant woman with a crown of twelve stars on her head in Rev 12 what do the 12 stars signify?
And the son?
The 12 tribes - God’s People
Jesus, born of God’s people
In Rev 13:1 when the dragon stood on the shore of the sea and the beast (BEAST 1) coming out of the sea what did the dragon do? What did the people do?
The people worshiped the dragon because the dragon had given authority to the beast.
The “book of life” and “son of man” are spoken if in Revelation. Where else does this language occur?
In the book of Daniel
Just as a woman (pregnant) occurs in Revelation 12, another woman appears in Revelation 17. What is written on her head and what does she look like compared to the pregnant woman?
The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet.
When the dragon in Revelation 13 attacked the woman who had given birth, where did she go?
The wilderness
How many women are there in Revelation?
How are they different?
The first is pregnant and represents Gods people, giving birth to obviously Jesus.
The second is the mother of prostitutes…Rome.
In Revelation, there are how many beasts?
Where so they come from?
The first from the land, the second from the sea.
The second woman in Revelation is sitting on seven heads of the beast (BEAST 1). These heads represent ___________ telling us that the woman is ___________ that rests on _____________.
Seven Hills
Seven Hills
The description of the second woman in Revelation resembles the image of who?
Roma, the goddess of Rome
She sat on 7 hills
So what happens in Revelation, does the dragon devour the child of the pregnant woman?
What happens after that?
No, the child was snatched up to God
Then war breaks out in heaven.
How did the emperors of Rome use the story of Apollo chasing and killing the dragon?
This helps make the argument by a Roman emperor that they are divine and some sort of savior.
In Revelation, The enthronement of Jesus leads to what?________
war in heaven
By the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; (Rev 12:11)
The dragon in Revelation is tenacious. When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman and for a SECOND time did what?
This makes us think of_____ or _____.
the dragon/Satan pursues the woman/people of God, and she goes to the wilderness….AGAIN!
Israel is in the wilderness…
and Jesus in the wilderness
Rev 13:1 - “The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast (BEAST 1) coming out of the sea. …. Rev 13:4 People worshiped the dragon because he did what?
The dragon gave authority to the beast
The blasphemous woman in Revelation must have been “all wet” because she was sitting on what?
BEAST 1 - the one that came out of the SEA.
Revelation 19-22 discusses what?
This final victory is important, but how has the decisive victory already been won?
The decisive victory has already been won through Jesus’ death & resurrection.
In Revelation 19, Who is “The Rider on the White Horse?” This rider appears not as a ________, but as a victorious rider on a white horse. The rider is accompanied with the armies of heaven.
Who does the fighting?___
not as a slain Lamb
Jesus is the ONLY one who fights.
In Revelation, the SEA beast (Beast 1) has how many crowns? Jesus has how many? What is the significance of this?
Beast - 7 crowns
Jesus - many crowns
Beast looks like divinity (7) but Jesus outdoes the beast!
Rev 19:21 - In this Judgment passage, “The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse.”
What happened to the bodies of those who were killed?
What is the question associated with this?
- and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh
- Is this literal or symbolic?
In the judgment part of Revelation What is the first thing that happens to Satan?
Then what happens?
Finally, Satan is _____.
- Satan is put into The Abyss for 1000 years.
- Satan is set free for a short time.
- Thrown into the lake of fire.
In The Final Judgment (Rev ______), All the dead are judged how?____ The result is that what happens to those whose names are not written in the “book of life?” _____
Rev 20:11-15
All the dead are judged according to their deeds.
They are thrown into the lake of fire,
In Revelation 20, how do we know that “Death itself and Hades are DEFEATED ONCE AND FOR ALL?”
DEATH AND HELL are also thrown into the lake of fire!
In Revelation 21, when God completes the new age, what happens?
What things disappear?
All creation redeemed
The 1. first heaven and
2. the first earth passed away, and
3. there was no longer any SEA.
The “new age” begins with what?_____
Begins with Jesus’ death & resurrection ….but still evolving
Upon the culmination of the “new age,” Revelation 21:4 says that “He will wipe every __________. There will be no more _____________,
He will wipe every tear from their eyes
There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain
Revelation 21:8 says: “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to ____where??___. This is the second _____.”
the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
THE HOLY CITY is personified as a ______.
“bride beautifully dressed for her husband”
Where does the Holy City “come from?”
it comes down from above
What provides the light in the Holy City and how is it secured?
God provides the light
It does not need to be secured. The gates are always open!
Like Genesis, in Revelation the Holy City is shown to have a _____ which does what?
Unlike Genesis, however, there is no longer any________?
“tree of life “ (ACTUALLY 2!!) as in Genesis
The trees provide12 crops of food – enough for all
There are no curses!
The Greek name Apocalypse means what?___
“unveiling” or “revealing”
What are the 3 Basic Positions on interpreting Revelation?
- ________
- ________
- ________
Popular, called chiliasm (Gr 1000) early church
4 Basic mvts of resurrection: church age, trib, mil kingdom, and final judgment - AMILLENIALISM:
Focus on Christ’s domination over good and evil
Look forward to Chris ’s 2nd coming but no 7 year tribulation - POSTMILENIALISM:
In Revelation, letters are dictated to John to send to which churches?
- ________
- ________
- ________
- ________
- ________
- ________
- ________
- Ephesus
- Smyrnia
- Thyatria
- Sardis
- Philadelphia
- Laodicea
- Pergamum
Rev 13:11 Then I saw another beast. This one came out of the earth. (BEAST 2) He had _____how many??_____horns like a lamb. But he spoke like a dragon.
Rev 13:13 The second beast did great and miraculous signs. He even made fire come from heaven. It came down to earth where everyone could see it.
Rev 13:16 He also forced everyone to receive a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. People great or small, rich or poor, free or slave had to receive the mark.
Rev 13:17 They could not buy or sell anything unless they had the mark. The mark is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is a problem that you have to be wise to figure out. If you can, figure out what the beast’s number means. It is man’s number. His number is______.
2 horns
- ** There are THREE Creatures in Revelation. What are they and WHO are they?:
1. _____________
2. ____________ from __________
3. ____________ from _________
- Dragon = Satan
- Sea Beast (Beast 1) = the evil counterpart to Jesus
- Land Beast (Beast 2) = the false prophet - the 666 one!