Exam IV - Final Flashcards
The story of 1st Peter is subversive attempting to draw a picture of reality in which________ can be made sense of and can be interpreted in a _______ way
suffering and pain
While 1 & 2 Corinthians are written to the church in Corinth and 1 & 2 Thessalonians are written to the church in Thessalonica, 1st Peter is written to which church?_____
1st Peter is a GENERAL letter to churches in Asia Minor, NOT a specific church
In 1st Peter, the author asserts that the intended audience is living how? ____
“outside of the way that they had lived before” becoming Christians
According to 1st Peter,what do the “old ways of life” of the intended audience look like? GREAT TEST QUESTION!
they formerly participated in pagan banquets living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry
It is agreed upon that the persecution that the people being addressed in 1st Peter received was what? ___________
VERBAL! (not physical)
In 1st Peter, Peter says to the audience churches that it is God’s will that by doing _______ you will silence the ignorant talk of the foolish. This is a big deal for them because of ____________ and they were being asked to ____________ even though they were being slandered.
doing good
the honor/shame culture
remain silent
There are questions if Peter actually wrote 1st Peter himself because:
o __________________ and
o ________________
o The Greek is very good (although scribes may have done this for Peter) and
o Persecution likely occurred in later years when Peter would have been very old – or after his crucifixion
Beers’ paraphrases what Peter asks of the audience churches in 1st Peter how? ______________. So the point is DO NOT __________________.
1 Peter 2:21-25 - Shows the relevance of Jesus being the servant/slave so this section SPEAKS TO ___________.
SPEAKS TO SERVENTS with this connection
The servant in Isiah first suffers and then is _______________
Within 1 Peter and other 2c Jewish texts, the OT book of ______ which is known across the empire is frequently quoted.
Isaiah chapts. 1-39 are all about ___________ and rather depressing but in Chpt 40 what happens?
Where is the content about the “servant?”
the book becomes more positive about things after the judgment
The SERVANT fits in the second, POSITIVE half
Scholars say that when the restoration is lived out by humans it becomes ______
EMBODIED…Gods restoration will come through the HUMAN AGENT of SUFFERING
Who suffered in the manner described by Isaiah?
Isa 53:7 - “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not __________”
open his mouth
that is, he did not retaliate
When they hurled insults at Jesus but he said “father forgive them for they know not what they do” this was radical in that society would have been expected Jesus to ______________.
throw insults back
Jesus lives out the suffering. Others claimed to have done this also but the NT shows that unlike the others, the suffering that Jesus endured was also lived out in _____________.
and it ALSO was seen to be lived out in his Jesus followers
1 Peter says: “Now that we have received grace through Jesus do we just go on __________ ?”…NO!!
The word “antichrist” only shows up 2x in NT. It is in ___________ NOT ___________!
1 John & 2 John
Revelation has a mixture of _________ which includes:___________.
Letters, Prophesy & Apocalyptic Literature
Within prophetic literature there is a _________ piece
In Apocalyptic Literature (or revelation) as a genre, you expect to see the use of _____________.
SYMBOLS – symbolic language of things
The imagery in Revelation is supposed to evoke ____________, it is NOT supposed to ______________.
encouragement and reinforcement of faithfulness! (i.e. comfort and assurance for those who are faithful - “feel like a ‘hug’”)
NOT supposed to scare!
The Point if Revelation is ________.
Rev. 1:20 - John sees one like the son of man with a golden sash, 7 lights on 7 gold lampstands.
What are the 7 lights?
Where was this “son of man” seen before?
What is the significance of the man?
What is special to note about these particular symbols in Revelation?
7 Lights are 7 churches
The son of man image seen before in Daniel The significance of the “son of Man” is that he was the one who WINS – important to note this
This is a case in Revelation where the symbols ARE spelled out - explained!
It is generally agreed that the numbers in Revelation are symbolic but there is an opinion among SOME scholars that _______________.
some of the numbers are to be taken as literal
Symbols are not meant to conceal but to __________. In several cases, such as the 7 lights and 7 heads the symbols are ______________ in the book.
** GREAT TEST QUESTION: In Revelation Chpt 17 -The woman with “BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” on her forehead references ___________ yet the woman actually symbolizes _______.
the fact that Babylon destroyed the temple in 586 BC
In Revelation Chpt 17 The woman sits on 7 heads. These are to represent _________ – so this was OBVIOUS __________.
7 hills (Rome well known to be built on 7 hills) symbolism for Rome
In Revelation Chpt 17 -The woman is wearing a ___________ which indicates _________ and suggests that she represents _____________.
purple sash
In Revelation these colors mean: • White - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ • Gold - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ • Red - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ • Purple - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
• White - refers to righteousness or purity
• Gold – great value
• Red – Blood, destruction or death
• Purple - Royalty
(Although the context for colors also matters as to whether they are symbolic or not)
In Revelation these numbers mean:
• 7 - __________
• 10 - __________
• 12 - __________
- 7 - Heavenly or divine (7 days of creation)
- 10 - perfection and completion
- 12 - tribes of Israel / people of God
Revelation never quotes from ________.
the OT - but there are suggestions to the OT (e.g. use of “12” and Babylon) so the audience IS supposed to know these things
Rev 7:4 - “Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.” How do we know if the 144,000 number is literal or not?
The 144,000 number may or may not be literal. It is argued by scholars.
Rev 14:1 - “Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion”
What does the lamb symbolize?
What does Mount Zion symbolize?
The lamb symbolizes Jesus
Mount Zion symbolizes Jerusalem
3-1/2 to the best or our knowledge symbolizes ____________. This is also described as: _______________, or for the pregnant woman it was ________.
a limited period of affliction
This is also described as “a time, times and half a time.”
1260 days = 3-1/2 years
666 symbolizes: ___________
- The mark of the SECOND beast - the LAND Beast
- the devil,
- Satan
- May also be a way to say “giant imposter” or not quite “7”
Often the biggest disasters come associated with a __________ (number).
Koester suggests as some people purport that the 666 may be __________ (who).
This is partly because “adding up the numbers associated with Nero’s name = 6+6+6.
Revelation contains information that is both ________ and ________.
good & bad.