Exam II-Review Cards Flashcards
Why is A1C a better indicator of a diabetics health?
It tests a longer time span
What is the preferred INR if a patient is on cumadin?
Which treatment phase (NAME and #) involves surgery?
Surgical Therapy (hard tissue)/Phase II
Which treatment phase (NAME and #) involves surgery?
Surgical Therapy (hard tissue)/Phase II
How long after initial therapy/phase I do you wait for a Re-Evaluation?
4-6 weeks
Which phase do we do Scaling and Root Planing?
Initial Therapy(soft tissue management)/Phase I
Where is CEMENTUM THE THICKEST?(you got this wrong, idiot).
Where is CEMENTUM THE THICKEST?(you got this wrong, idiot).
What is the normal amount of GCF?
0.43 - 1.56 microLiters
What antibodies are found in GCF?
What happens to GCF @ the smoking event?
it increases!
What time of the day is GCF the highest?
6am to 10pm (circadian rhythm)
GCF is increased with ______ hormones.
Female Sex hormones
Who am I? Proteins, antibodies, antigens, enzymes….Antibodies – IgG….Cells – epithelial, leukocytes……Electrolytes – K, Ca, Na….Organic Compounds – metabolic and bacterial
Where am I going to find more tetracycline? GCF or Blood?
GCF yo!
What am I? Lubrication, Physical Protection, Cleansing, Buffering, AntibacterialAction
Are leukocytes in Saliva or GCF?
HAHA GOTCHA…its both.
What uses coating similar to gastric mucin?
Which fluid has Electrolytes – K, Ca, Na? Which one has bicarb/phosphate?
What are the three antimicrobial actions of Saliva? _____– Control of bacterial colonization…________ – breaks bacterial cell walls….________ – oxidation of susceptible bacteria
What does GCF do with Gingival inflammation in the first 2-4 days?
THE color of gingivitis: Which areas change color first?_____ before _____ before ______.
Papilla before GM before AG
Which Page & Shro. phase do you get an increase of GCF?
If your transplant Pt has too much gingival growth with Cyclosporin, what can I switch to that has less fibroblast activity?
What is multiple abscesses attributed to?
PERIODONTAL abscesses due to SYSTEMIC Disorder (Diabetes, immunosuppression)
What are these conditions of gingivitis describing? Marginal & generalized, Single or multiple tumor-like lesions, Prevention – Plaque control
PREGNANCY gingivitis!
What is the numero uno bug assoc. with pregnancy ginvigivis? What is their FUEL for growth factor?
P.I.!!! Prevotalla Intermedia..STEROIDS!
What are the 4 risk factors for PD? Give an example for each..
1.Microbial-A.A. 2.Systemic-Genetics 3.Behavioral-Smoking 4.Local-Restorations
What am I talking’ bout? Rapid Onset • Severe Pain
• Gingival Bleeding
Who am I? Interdental Crater “Punched-out” Papilla, Pseudomembrane, Fetid Breath
What is the main BUG assoc. with NUG?
P.I.!!! Prevotella Intermedia!! (like Prego!) (also spirochetes)
What am I? Severe, deep pain, Rapid onset, Soft tissue and attachment loss, Exposed bone, Low CD4 and high viral counts
What is another term for Acute Herpetic GingivoStomatitis?Who has this? (2 grps)
Primary Herpes…Kids or ImmunoCompromised adults
What are the two sites in the oral cavity you will see Primary Herpes?
Bound and Non-Bound tissues
Where is recurrent Herpes found (2)? What fruit formation should you think for Recurrent herpes?
BOUND tissues (palate!!!) &&& Labialis (extra-oral)….Grape clusters
What are the 2 ways to Tx Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis? (WITH 1 example of each)
1.Supportive Tx-Bland Mouthwash 2.Systemic-A-Cyc-Lo-Vir
Is Abreva an anti-viral?
NO! it prevents the virus from getting into the cell
The normal PEDO periodontium…_____ pink…Firm or soft…..Either smooth or ______… Stippling found in ___% of children between ages of 5-13 years…..Interdental gingiva is ______ facio-lingually, and _______ mesiodistally…Mean gingival sulcus depth ave. ___ mm
pale…firm…stippled….35%…BROAD FL….NARROW MD…1 mm
PEDO perio: PDL of deciduous teeth is ______ than that of permanent teeth… Radiographically, the trabeculae in the alveolar bone are fewer but _______ than in the adult…. The crests of interdental bony septa are ______.
Tooth Eruption: During mixed dentition, it is normal for the _________ around the permanent teeth to be very prominent, especially in the maxillary anterior region OR “_____” gingiva!!!
Marginal Gingiva…“ROLLED” gingiva!
Malpositioned teeth accumulate more _______.
Accumulate more plaque!!
What type of Pocket?? Base of pocket is coronal to level of underlying bone AND the alveolar bone has HORIZONTAL bone loss….
SUPRA-bony Pocket
What type of pocket?? Base of pocket is APICAL to the level of the adjacent bone AND the alveolar bone has VERTICLE bone loss.
INFRA or INTRA-bony Pocket
Rationale for pocket reduction is based on the need to eliminate areas of PLAQUE ACCUMULATION
What type of abscess am I? Discharge of pus with probe or pressure, Mobility, Rapid pocket formation, BONE LOSS.
Periodontal Abscess
What abscess am I? Localized swelling - marginal or interdental…Red, smooth, shiny surface….May present purulent exudate?
Gingival Abscess
What are these describing? Contours conform to roots, Crest follows CEJ—-OH big one…SCALLPED..
NORMAL Perio BONE characteristics
What is the MOST COMMON destructive bone loss pattern??
HORIZONTAL bone loss!
Which Vertical Bone loss category will have BEST regeneration??
a 3 Wall Defect
Which Verticle bone category will have the worst regeneration?
a 1 wall defect
What is the MOST COMMON osseous defect?
Osseus Craters
Occurs when excessive occlusal forces are exerted on a tooth with a NORMAL periodontium.
Primary Occlusial Trauma
Occurs when normal or excessive forces are placed on a tooth with a REDUCED periodontium.
Secondary Occlusial Trauma
What happens if theres NO occlusion on the tooth? ______ of the periodontium…..________of the PDL space….Tendency towards _______…..Increase in _______ thickness….Thinning of _________
Atrophy….Narrowing…extrusion..CEMENTUM….alveolar bone
Trauma from Occlusion: Radiographic signs…Widened ______…. Disruption / loss of ________…..Root ______…DO you see CAL?
PDL space….lamina dura…..resorption…HELL NAW, no CAL
You get bone ______ on the side you are pulling toward (pressure).
You get bone ______ on the back side of the pulling force/tension.
Diagnose THAT! 26 y/o male—Very light plaque & calculus—-PD 5-9 mm—-CAL> 5 mm—–Almost all teeth involved—-Systemically healthy
Generalized, Aggressive, Periodontitis
Diagnose THIS! 16 y/o female—–Very little plaque and calculus——PD 5-7 mm on incisors & 1st molars—–CAL> 5 mm—–Systemically healthy
Localized, Aggressive, Periodontitis
Diagnose me plez… 39 y/o female—-Heavy plaque & calculus—-PD 3-5 mm—-CAL 1-2 mm—- > 30% sites involved—- Systemically healthy
Generalized, mild (slight), chronic, periodontitis
What is this AIDS manifestation? Non-wipeable, Lateral border – tongue—Keratotic area, corrugated, which may appear “shaggy”
Oral Hairy Leukoplakia
What is this AIDS oral manifestation? Diminished host resistance–Candida albicans–Often refractory, wipeable..
Oral Candadiasis
What is this AIDS manifestation? Vascular neoplasm–HHV-8 associated–Localized, slow growing
Kaposi’s Sarcoma
What is this AIDS manifestation? Infectious vascular proliferative disease, Similar to KS, Rickettsia-like
organism etiology, Red, purple, blue soft tissue lesion
Bacill-ary Angio-Mato-sis
Which AIDS manifestation? “Freckles”, Buccal mucosa, palate, gingiva, tongue..HIV drug etiology
Oral Hyperpigmentation
Which AIDS manifestation? Fiery red gingival band, Non-painful, Unpredictable response to therapy, NOTassociatedwith low CD4 count or high viral load
Linear Gingival Erythema
What are the two tests (AND their limits) when treating a diabetic patient?
Blood [Glucose] < 120…..A1C < 6