Exam II Qs Flashcards
An increase incidence of what condition is strongly associated with increase in maternal age?
Trisomy 21 Trisomy 18 Trisomy 13 Anencephaly Ambiguous external genitalia
Trisomy 21
Cleft palate is a result in a defect in what developmental mechanism?
Failure to fuse Failure to merge Faulty inductive tissue interaction Disturbance in tissue reabsorption Absence of normal cell death
Failure to fuse
Which condition is related to maternal imprinting?
Accessory placental lobes Placenta previa Oligohydramnios Single umbilical artery Hydratidform mole
Hydratidform mole
Phocomelia is most likely to be seen after maternal exposure to which teratogenic agent during first trimester of pregnancy?
Alcohol Aminopterin Androgens Ionizing radiation Thalidomide
The most serious threat of hydrop fetalis is CNS damage. The affected brain is enlarged and edematous, and when sectioned has a bright yellow color, particularly basal nuclei, thalamus, cerebellum, and cerebral gray matter, and spinal cord. The CNS damage is known as which of the following? Erythroblastosis fetalis Kernicterus Phenylketonuria Galactosemia
What is the initial initiator of future forelimb development? Hoxd Tbx5 Shh Gli3
A high concentration in amniotic fluid results in neural tube defects? Lecithin Alpha fetoprotein Kernicterus Creatinine
Alpha fetoprotein
The most serious threat of hydrop fetalis is CNS damage. The affected brain is enlarged and edematous, and when sectioned has a bright yellow color, particularly basal nuceli, thalamus, cerebellum, cerebral gray matter and spinal cord. The CNS damage is known as which of the following?
Erythroblastosis fetalis
The sclerotome arises from cells that were located in which of the following locations
Paraxial mesoderm
Intermediate mesoderm
Lateral mesoderm
Paraxial mesoderm
The cardiogenic plate arises from where?
Embryonic endoderm Somatic mesoderm Splanchnic mesoderm Intermediate mesoderm Neural crest
Splanchnic mesoderm
An inductive stimulus from which structure stimulates the transformation of the epithelial sclerotome into secondary mesenchyme?
Neural crest Somite Ectodermal placodes Embryonic endoderm Notochord
Intermediate mesoderm is the precursor of the:
Urogenital system Heart Somites Body wall Vertebral bodies
Urogenital system
Name the 4 stages in the development of the chorionic villi, state characteristics of each
- Previllous embryo - no villi via trophoblast
- Primary villous stage - solid, cytotrophoblastic, ectodermal primary villi appear
- Secondary villous - mesodermal cores appear within primary villi
- Tertiary villous stage - blood vessels within mesenchymal core of secondary villi
What tissue in the mature placenta directly interfaces with the maternal uterine connective tissue?
Cytotrophoblast cells Syncytiotrophoblast cells Trophoblast cells Decidual cells None of the above
Cytotrophoblast cells
Describe the location of the chorionic plate in the mature placenta
(mesoderm) faces away from the chorionic villi towards the chorionic cavity
Describe the location of the cytotrophoblast shells in the mature placenta, what are they formed by?
Formed by expansion of the cytotrophoblastic columns over the maternal decidual cells
List the 5 structures involved in the final development of the placenta
Cytotrophoblast Cytotrophoblast columns Cytotrophoblast shells Anchoring villi Chorionic plate
What are the anchoring villi of the mature placenta anchored to?
The cytotrophoblastic shell (as opposed to floating villi)
What maternal tissues are lost at childbirth? (3)
Decidua capsularis
Chorion laevae
What is the fate of the decidua capsularis?
Undergoes atrophy
Distinguish between early vs. late placenta
Thick, low permeability, small SA, total diffusion conductance is miniscule
Thin, high permeability, large SA, large increase in placental diffusion
State the oxygen pressure gradient near the end of pregnancy of the mother and fetus
PO2 mother = 50mmHg
PO2 fetus = 30mmHg
How does adequate oxygenation occur with such a low pressure gradient near the end of pregnancy?
Fetal Hb has a greater affinity for O2
Fetal blood has more Hb than mother (50%)
Bohr effect
Define Bohr effect
Hb can carry more O2 at a low PCO2
Curve is shift left for fetal, right and down for maternal