Exam II Flashcards
Least restrictive environment that can reasonably meet ones needs in the classroom
Distributed intelligence
Idea that people are more likely to be intelligent when they have assistance from their environment and technology
Practice of educating all students even those with disabilities in general education classrooms
Individualized education plan for 3-21 who have special needs
Accommodations and adaptation of instruction with regard to specific categories of needs
Instructional strategies for students with learning disabilities must be tailored to specific strengths and weaknesses
Suggest that people combine much of what they learn into integrated bodies of knowledge and beliefs that may or may not be accurate
Changing the format of new info as it being stored in memory
Process of putting new info into memory
Process of finding information previously stored in memory
Human memory system
Sensory register
Component of memory that holds info and input you receive in its original uncoded form
Working memory
Holds and actively thinks about processes a limited amount of info for short period of time
Long term memory
Where learners store their general knowledge and beliefs about the world and their recollections of events, and how to perform tasks
Central executive
Oversees the flow of information throughout the memory system
Declarative knowledge
Relates to the nature of how things are were or will be and encompasses both general world knowledge and life experiences
Procedural knowledge
Knowledge of how to perform tasks
Conditional knowledge
Knowing How to respond under different circumstances and when to do certain things
Explicit knowledge
Knowledge that can be verbally described
Implicit knowledge
Knowledge that a person cannot consciously recall or explain but nevertheless effects their thinking or behavior
Rote learning
Learning info in uninterpreted form without making sense of it or attaching meaning to it
Rapid repetition of a small amount of info to keep it fresh in working memory
Meaningful learning
Learners relate new information to things they already know
Learners embellish on new info based on previous knowledge
Making connections among various pieces of info by forming categories or determining cause and effect relationships
Prior knowledge activation
Process of reminding learners of things they already know that is relative to the new topic at hand
Meaningful learning set
Attitude that one can make sense of information they’re trying to learn
Mnemonic techniques
Memory aid or trick to help learn and remember specific pieces of info
Situated learning
Knowledge behaviors and thinking skills acquired and used primarily within certain contexts, with limited or no retrieval and use in other contexts
Hot cognition
Learning or processing that is emotionally charged
Recognition vs recall tasks
Recognition provides retrieval cues while recall does not and is open ended
Something stored in long term memory inhibits ones ability to remember something else correctly
Reconstruction error
Construction of logical but incorrect memory by combining info retrieved from long term memory with ones general knowledge and beliefs about the world
Individual constructivism
Perspective that focuses on how individuals construct meaning from their experiences
Social constructivism
Perspective that focuses on people’s collective efforts to impose meaning on the world
Distributed cognition
Processes where learners think about an issue or problem together and share ideas to draw conclusions or come up with solutions
Under generalization of concepts
Overly narrow view of the objects or events that a concept includes
Over generalization of concepts
Overly broad view of the objects or events a concept includes
Tightly organized set of facts about a specific topic
Schema that involves a predictable sequence of events related to a common activity
General set of beliefs and assumptions about reality, how things are and should be, that influence a learners understanding of phenomena
Conceptual understanding
Meaningfully learned and well integrated knowledge about a topic, including many logical connections among ideas and concepts
Authentic activity
Classroom activity that is similar to something students would encounter in the outside world
Project based learning
Classroom activity where students acquire new knowledge and skills while working on a complex but concrete project
Problem based learning
Classroom activity in which students squire new knowledge and skills while working on complex problem similar to one that might exist in the outside world
Service learning
Activity that promotes learning and development through contributing to the betterment of others and the outside community
Community of learners
Class in which teachers and students collaboratively work together to create a body of knowledge and help each other learn
Confirmation bias
Tendency to seek information that confirms rather than discredits current beliefs
Lower level thinking
Learning or remembering in the same form in which they were presented
Higher level thinking
Involves going above and beyond material presented
Meta cognition
Knowledge and beliefs about nature of learning and cognitive processes
Learning strategies
Using a specific approach to learn material
Comprehension monitoring
Process of checking oneself to verify understanding and memory of newly acquired information
Illusion of knowing
Thinking that you know something when you actually don’t
Epistemic belief
Belief about the nature of knowledge and how things are learned
Positive transfer
Something learned at one time facilitates learning or performance at a later time
Negative transfer
Something learned at one time
Interferes with learning or performance at a later time
Specific transfer
Original learning task and the transfer task overlap in content
General transfer
Original learning task and transfer task are different in content
Convergent thinking
Process of pulling together several pieces of information to draw a conclusion or solve a problem
Divergent thinking
Process of moving mentally in a variety of directions from a single idea
Critical thinking
Process of evaluating the accuracy and worth of information
Higher level questions
Requires students to use previously learned information in a new way
Learning is a change due to _________
Information processing theory
Focuses on specific ways in which learners mentally thinking about and process new information
Piaget and learning
Children construct rather than absorb knowledge and organize what they learn a schemes, a result of assimilation and accommodation
Vygotsky and learning
Social and cultural contexts have profound influence on children’s thinking and learning, and social interactions are internalized into mental processes that learners use independently
The sensory register has what type of capacity?
Large, it can hold a lot of info at once
What moves into working memory?
Whatever someone mentally pays attention to
Mental process whereby learner takes many separate pieces of info and uses them to build an overall understanding
Overt strategy
Readily apparent in learners behavior, like taking notes
Covert strategy
Involves only mental activity and isn’t reflected in learners observable behavior, like forming visual image of new concept
Self explanation
Process of occasionally stopping to verbalize to oneself and better understand material being studied or read