EXAM Everything Unit 1 Flashcards
A word naming an attribute of a noun e.g. she is TIRED
A word that describes or modifies a verb
- most end with LY*
e. g. he always arrives EARLY
The process of adding a morpheme to a word to create either; a different form of that word or a new word with a different meaning e.g. childHOOD oldER
Occurs when a sound changes to become more like a neighbouring sound e.g. ‘Choosday’, ‘didju’ (did you), ‘hambag’
Auxiliary Verbs
Verbs that modify and change some aspects of a main verb. These can also be main verbs. E.g. To: ‘be’ ‘have’ ‘do’ & modal verbs
A group of words that includes a subject and a verb. E.g. ‘the MAN WHO LIVES NEXT DOOR is getting ruder
Shows a link between one word, phrase or clause and another word, phrase or clause. E.g. ‘… in case…’
Content Words
Words in a sentence that carry real-world meaning and provide the content of a sentence. E.g. nouns, adjectives, verbs
Coordinate conjunction
Brings two different sentences together (clauses) FANBOYS ;
Uses coordinating conjunctions to add to the sentence.
Derivational Morpheme
The process of creating a new word out of an old word, usually by adding a prefix or a suffix. REtrial
Come before nouns. They show what type of reference the noun is making. E.g. THE Eiffel Tower is …
The emission of a sound in connected speech. E.g. ‘wanna’ ‘cuppa’ ‘libry’
The process of removal of words from a sentence to avoid repetition, or if they are implied or unnecessary. Not the actual ‘…’
Function Words
Exist to perform a job, most commonly to convey grammatical relationships between words in a sentence. E.g. determiners, prepositions, pronouns etc
Inflectional morpheme
Adds grammatical information. E.g suffix, prefix
Involves the additions of sounds where they don’t strictly belong E.g. ‘souv-e-laki’, ‘draw-ring’ ‘go-wing’
Mostly exclamation words e.g. ‘Bah!
Modal Verbs
Special category of aux verbs that carry information to do with notions such as ability, permission, likelihood & obligation. Can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must
Free morpheme
A morpheme (or word element) that can stand alone as a word. E.g. ASSIGNment, enCOUNTERED, unCOMMON
Bound morpheme
A morpheme (or word element) that cannot stand alone as a word. E.g. ‘PREtest’, ‘DIScontent’
A word that is the name of something such as a person, animal, place, thing, quality or action.
A group of words that stand together as a single unit, typically as part of a clause or a sentence. A phrase does not contain a subject and verb. E.g. ‘THE BEWILDERED TOURIST was lost’
A word or phrase that connects a noun or pronoun to a verb or adjective in a sentence.
Any of a small set of words in a language that are used as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and whose referents are named or understood in the context.
Prosodic Features
Phonological properties that relate to the pronunciation of syllables, words and phrases. E.g. pitch, stress, volume, tempo, intonation
Sentences: Complex
Contain a single man clause and one or more subordinate clauses. Main cause is dominant and the subordinate clauses add extra meaning. EG ‘I bought 3 potato cakes BECAUSE I was hungry’
Sentences: Compound
Contain at least two main clauses, joined together by a coordinate conjunction. Each clause has equal prominence. I bought three potato cakes ANDTheo bought a burger
Sentences: Compound Complex
Must have at least three clauses in total, with at least two main clauses and one subordinate clause. EG …and…because
Sentences: Fragments
Typically used in casual or informal texts, and act as a sentence even though they aren’t a complete main clause. EG ‘Potato cakes 3 for $1’
Sentences: Simple
Contain a single main clause (subject verb object). E.g. I bought three potato cakes
Subordinate conjunction
Two or more subordinate clauses + independent clause. EG the cat sat on the mat THEN it yawned
Uses subordinating conjunctions to make main clauses into subordinating clauses. EG Because, while, although, whether
A word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence; dynamic or stative
Vowel Reduction
Similar to elision but vowels in unstressed positions are reduced to a schwa ‘uh/’. EG To = ‘tə’, you = ‘yə’
F, V, TH, TH, S, Z, SH, meaSure, Genre, H