Exam 9 Prep Flashcards
State the licensed power limit in COLSS
What is the DNBR POL based on?
- Operation at or below DNBR POL will prevent going below 1.34 during an event. Based on worst case AOO( 4 pump loss of flow).
What is the LPD POL based on?
- Operation below LPD POL prevents 13.1 kw/ft and ensures < 2200F limit on the cladding during design basis LOCA
In what manner should COLSS be restarted?
- Restarting COLSS should on be done 1 computer @ a time.
- Takes 10-15 min before COLSS can be verified operable
State the sensors that WILL substitute on a Range or OOS check.
Redundant Sensors:
- RCP D/P (will substitute)
- PZR Pressure (will substitute)
- RCP Speed (will substitute)
Similar Sensors
- Th (will substitute)
- Tc (will substitute)
- Steam Flow (will substitute)
State the sensors that will NOT substitute on a range or OOS.
Similar Sensors
- Steam Header Pressure (will not substitute)
- Feed Flow (will not substitute)
- Feed Water Temp (will not substitute)
Un-paired Sensors
- In-cores (will not substitute)
- First Stage Press (will not substitute)
- CEA position & Deviation (will not substitute)
Describe how JSCALOR is calculated.
If JSCALOR OOS is there a restriction on max power operation and if so, how long?
- Q = Mfw(hstm – hfw) + Mbd(hstm – hbd) + (energy gains – energy losses)
- With JSCALOR out-of-service
- Plant CAN be operated > 96.6% power based on NKBDELT for a max of 4 hours
State how NKBDELT is calculated,
what is JCPCAL and how it is used with JSCALOR.
- Q = M(∆h)
- It’s NKBDELT moving toward JSCALOR (more accurate).
- Done because JSCALOR is more accurate that NKBDELT
- It’s NKBDELT moving toward JSCALOR (more accurate).
What is NKBTFSP?
- Power based on turbine first stage pressure.
- Then calibrated to JSCALOR (NKCTFSP)
What are truth tables and how are they used when JSCALOR is a good boi?
Truth Tables (Priority of Use)
- Use the calibrated value of powers since they all use JSCALOR to “calibrate themselves” toward the value of JSCALOR
What are the truth tables and how are they used when JSCALOR is a bad boi?
- Uses the non-calibrated functions which makes sense since JSCALOR is not GOOD
How is plant power used in display and alarm?
- Plant power will:
- Be displayed on B04
- Used by PDIL alarm circuit
- Sent to Margin and Alarm Comparator
Where is AZTILT calculated and how is it used?
- Actually calculated by In-core
- Alarm when actually value exceeds what was inputted into CPCs
Describe how ASI is calculated and how ASI shifting to the top of the core will affect POLs.
- 40 nodes of calculation
- AS ASI moves toward the top of the core the POL gets WORSE
Describe how RPF is calculated and which CEA or CEAs are used for determining penalty factors within RPF.
Radial Peaking Factor
- Calculated using 20 nodes in the core based on Tc deviation for 555F and CEA position
- Just uses tables for different Tc’s for each CEA position
The LOWEST CEA in the group is used as the penalty factor for the ENTIRE GROUP
- Penalty factors get worse as CEAs deviate inward
- Calculated using 20 nodes in the core based on Tc deviation for 555F and CEA position
How will a higher than actual blowdown constant affect PP and its conservatism?
S/G Blowdown
If Blowdown constants are entered THAT ARE HIGHER THAN ACTUAL BLOWDOWN FLOW:
- Then indicated power will be LESS THAN ACTUAL POWER and thereby not conservative.
If Blowdown constants are entered THAT ARE HIGHER THAN ACTUAL BLOWDOWN FLOW:
How does COLSS handle instrument failures when a substitution parameter exists and is good?
- If the instrument has a substitution partner that is good then…..no problem it just substitutes and continues on its merry way
What happens to JSCALOR on the following?
Fstm increases
Pstm increases
D/Prcp decreases
SPDrcp increases
- Fstm increases
- JCSALOR decreases
- Pstm increases
- JSCALOR decreases
- D/Prcp decreases
- NKBDELT increases
- SPDrcp increases
- NKBDELT increases
How is a failure/deviation that affects JSCALOR different from one that affects NKBDELT?
- If the deviation falls on JSCALOR then power will over the long term CALIBRATE to that deviation
If the deviation falls on NKBDELT or NKBTFSP
- Instantly it will deviate BUT then JSCALOR will calibrate it back to previous value
To what capability was the RRS system designed?
- With SBCS and RPCB, the RRS system is capable of making an adjustment for a 100% load rejection, a 10% step change in power, or a 5%/min ramp in load
What conditions must be satisfied to place RRS in test mode?
Conditions to place RRS in test:
- PLCS must NOT be in Remote/Auto
- CEDMCS must NOT be in Auto Sequential
What will generate an AWP from RRS to CEDMCS?
- Tc loop temperature >575F
- Tavg > Tref by more than 6F
- SBCS demand
What will generate an AMI within RRS and when is it reset?
- Components SELECTED TO AVERAGE with a deviation:
- Tavg > 5F
- Control Channel > 5%
- TLI deviation > 5%
Resets once a CEA WITHDRAWAL DEMAND is received
- Control Channel power <15% (From SBCS)
- TLI < 15% and Reactor Power < threshold demand (either setpoint or SBCS valve availability)
- Components SELECTED TO AVERAGE with a deviation:
What is the overall RRS power supply?
Power Supplies
- Overall power supply is NNN-D12
- Individual instruments powered from both NNN-D11/NNN-D12
- Overall power supply is NNN-D12
Where is Tave from RRS used throughout the plant?
Tavg sent to the following
- PLCS (S/P)
- SBCS (Quick Open Block & Turbine Runback)
Where is NI control channels, used by RRS, sent throughout the plant?
Control Channel sent to the following:
What is used to generate Tref and what happens on a large deviation?
- Goes linearly from about 564F to 587F BASED ON TLI
- Tavg to Tref HI-LO ALARM is generated at >6F
How is CEA movement demand generated from Tave-Tref?
- A deviation of +/- 3F Tavg to Tref will cause LO rate CEA motion demand
- @ 4.53F a high rate signal is generated
- If a high rate withdrawal demand is calculated then the HI RATE LIGHT will illuminate but the CEAs will only go out @ 3”/min
When is a CEA demand removed?
- CEA demand goes away @ 2.84F deviation
How is power error used to generate a deviation for CEA demand?
- Power Error
- TLI is used to create a Tref to compare to Tavg. Makes sense. However, TLI is also compared to Control Channel output to create power error.
- Each of these errors is sent to their own comparator.
Power error comparator is: RATE OF CHANGE
- What this means to you is that this error can deviate and create a demand. However, unless it is continuously deviating, the demand for CEA movement will go away.
- Example: Control channel fails high. @ a step change of 2.4% will cause a LO movement demand. @ a step change of 3.53% will cause a HI movement.
- Because this is a rate of change only circuit, the failed deviation will still exist BUT CEAs WILL STOP MOVING
How is temperature error used to generate a deviation for CEA demand?
Temperature error comparator is: INTEGRATION
- Think of it like this: It will continuously try to get error < 2.84F so if an error exists CEAs will continuously move to correct the error
- Example: If LOOP 1 is selected and the Th transmitter fails low artificially creating a low Tavg to Tref mismatch. CEAs will continuously move inward until CEDMCS is placed in standby.
How does a control channel failing high @ 100% power affect RRS demand?
- Control channel FAILING HIGH @ 100% power will cause a demand because CONTROL CHANNELS FAIL HIGH TO 125%
How does a TLI or its inputs failing high at 100% power affect RRS demand?
- TLI FAILS HIGH TO 125% however Tref is limited to 587F output, which is the 100% power TLI value.
What ranges will the RRS temperature instruments fail?
- ALL TEMP Failures are:
- 500F LOW
- 650F HIGH
State the power supplies to SESS system.
Power supplies
- A: PKA
- B: PKB
What does the white SEIS light mean?
White (SEIS)
- Incapable of performing function if it was needed
- Pumps and Fans
- No Control power
- Breaker not racked In
- Overload or 86 lockout
- Auto Op Valves
- 52 breaker contact
- Control Power fuses
- Disconnect switch status for solenoids
- Breaker Overload
- Pumps and Fans
- Incapable of performing function if it was needed
What does the blue SEAS light mean?
Blue (SEAS)
- Has been called to actuate and has not actuated
What does the STATUS DISPLAY button do?
- (MUST KNOW) Displays components which are NOT currently in their actuated position
- Blue indicator will light if they ARE NOT.
- If they are in the actuated position then they won’t have any light illuminated
- Releasing the button will cause the lights to go back normal
What does the BYPASS/INOP and STATUS TEST button do?
- Test the white lamps (system AND component) and audible alarms
- Test the blue light (system AND component) and audible alarms
How is an oos component that doesn’t generate a SEIS alarm manually indicated to the system level in SESS?
Manual SESS input
- Done by pressing the manual bypass system initiate buttons on the apron
- Create TSCCR and log in control room logs
What information does QSPDS receive from SESS?
- Receives status of CIAS Valves from SESS
If a system alarm is already locked in on SESS, and a different component under that system goes inoperable, will SESS reflash?
- NO
- Once one component is in alarm for the system alarm window subsequent components under that system going INOP will not ring the alarm again
What information is sent from PPS to sess?
- PPS sends safety signal status to SESS
- IF PPS signal to SESS is lost then the SEAS (blue ONLY) alarm function will be lost
What is the plant monitoring comprised of and what are its power supplies?
Plant Monitoring System (PMS)
- Basically it’s the PC & CMC
Power supply
- NQN-D01
- Normally through NKN-M45
- Auto transfer to M08
- Manually aligned to NHN-M72
What does the PC portion of PMS do?
- Withdrawal and insertion permissions based on Pulse Counter indication to CEDMCS
- Dropped Rod Contact Reed Switch resets Pulse Counters
- If PC is lost can only operate CEDMCS in Man Group or Man Individual
What happens if either the PC or CMC are lost?
- CEAs move in Man Group or Man Individual
- No RJ points
- COLSS inoperable (requires 72ST-9RX03 to be performed)
- PDIL circuit lost (T.S. 3.1.7.D)
What does PMS do to the incore outputs?
- Compensates for the in-core output due to:
- Rhodium Decay
- Cable Noise
- Beta Decay behavior for Rhodium
What actions are required if the PC is lost with regard to RJ and RK system?
- RJ points go away and must be verified at the RK cabinets.
State the safety related actuations associated with the RMS.
- Safety related
- Any FBEVAS, CPIAS actuation will also actuate CREFAS
- CPIAS (Containment Purge Isolation Actuation Signal) RU-37/38 PWR ACCESS PURGE
- FBEVAS (Fuel Building Ventilation Actuation Signal) RU-31 SFP AREA, 145 FB vent.
- CREFAS (Control Room Essential Filtration Actuation Signal) RU-29/30 CR monitor
- Any FBEVAS, CPIAS actuation will also actuate CREFAS
What is special and unique about RU-155D CVCS monitor?
RU-155D (CVCS)
- Area monitor. Continuous source reading 10mr/hr.
- Alarms set to indicate: 1% FAILED FUEL
What is special and unique about the RU-1 Containment monitor?
RU-1 (Containment)
- On CIAS isolation valves close will not read containment atmosphere
- Alarms: 60 gals in 60 min (1gpm)
State the power supplies to the RMS monitors and sample pumps.
Power Supplies
- Safety related RMS monitors are powered from class 120V PNA/B
- The associated pumps are powered from class 480V PH
- Safety related RMS monitors are powered from class 120V PNA/B
State the purpose of area monitors in the plant.
Area Monitors
- Measure gamma radiation
- Alarm / indication locally and in MCR
- Portable area monitors can be connected to RMS
State the purpose of process monitors.
Process Monitors
- Measure activity in a process stream of a system (air or water).
- Supplied to RM by sample pump or system ∆P.
- Some RUs considered “process” RMs but are not sampling the process (i.e. MSLs and Letdown)
State the purpose of effluent monitors
Effluent Monitors (ODCM)
- Continuous sampling, monitoring, recording and indication of gaseous activity levels and, as a minimum, continuous sampling of particulate and iodine activity levels
- Perform functions according to 10CFR20 and 10CFR50.
- Set-points prevent exceeding 10CFR100 limits.
State the LCO requirements of TRM 3.1.108
TRM TLCO 3.1.108 FBEVAS instrumentation
- RU 31 SFP Area (one FBEVAS channel functional)
- During movement of irradiated F/A in the Fuel Building.
- Requires auto / manual actuation. Cross train trip function is NOT required.
Immediately place one operable FBEV train in service OR stop moving irradiated fuel in the fuel building.
- Does not apply to movement of casks containing fuel.
State the LCO requirements of TS 3.3.8 CPIAS actuation signal
LCO 3.3.8 CPIAS Actuation Signal
- One channel is required. RU 37/38 Power Access Purge
- Modes 1-4, Core alts, moving irradiated F/A in CTMT. Only required when the penetration is not isolated by at least one closed automatic valve, closed manual valve, or blind flange.
- M1-4 both inoperable: immediately isolate purge OR enter actions of LCO 3.6.3
- Both inoperable during core alts / fuel moves: immediately isolate purge OR stop fuel movement / core alterations.
State the LCO requirements of TS 3.3.9 CREFAS actuation signal
LCO 3.3.9 CREFAS Actuation Signal
- One channel is required. RU 29/30 MCR Intake
- Modes 1-6 and during movement of irradiated F/As
- M1-4 both inoperable: place one CREFS train in-service within 1 hour
- M5-6 or moving fuel: immediately place one CREFS train in-service OR suspend fuel moves / core alts / + reactivity additions.
State the LCO requirements associated with TS 3.3.10 PAM(m1-3) as it pertains to the RMS.
LCO 3.3.10 PAM (Modes 1-3)
- RU 148/149 High Range CTMT area
- Monitor potential for significant radiation releases and provide release assessment (EALs)
- RU 150/151 Primary Coolant Activity
- Indicate fuel clad failure.
- The preplanned alternate method of monitoring is implemented via the REP procedures and is always in place and ready. Therefore, no additional monitoring actions are required. (LCO action if 30 days exceeded)
State the LCO requirements of TS 3.4.16 RCS leakage detection instr.
LCO 3.4.16 RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation (Modes 1-4)
- RU-1 CTMT Atmosphere (gaseous and particulate) and sump monitor required
- Detects an increase in RCS leakage. Does NOT quantify the leakage
- RU-1 includes a raw count rate channel (can provide early indication of leakage), raw CR not required for operability.
- RU-1 inoperable: Grab samples OR RCS leakage check every 24 hours. Restore RU-1 in 30 days or shutdown.
- LCO 3.0.3 entry required if both RU-1 and sump monitor are inoperable (could occur from inadvertent CIAS)