Exam 1 prep Flashcards
Weeks 1 and 2
Which non class but essential panels are load shed on SIAS(NOT on LOP)?
- NHN-M19, M-20, M-71, M-72 these panels are tripped on SIAS signal but are not shed on LOP.
What are the meaning of the following breaker indication lights?
Bright Green:
- Red: Breaker is CLOSED and continuity exists through the breaker trip coil
- Green: Breaker is OPEN and racked in
- Bright Green: Breaker TRIPPED on fault or in TEST position
- White: 86 Lockout is reset and has continuity
- Clear: Breaker closing springs are charged
Why do Train Bravo breakers have remote and local switches?
What position should they always be in?
Are the breaker protection trips still in effect?
- On “B” train breakers for control room fire. Separates the control circuits from the breakers.
- Remote and Local
- Breaker protection trips still will be in effect. (For example “B” CCP Suction Trip)
What is the PS to AFN-P01 including control power and what happens to the pump on a SIAS?
- Supplied by PBA-S03 and trips upon receipt of a SIAS (can be started by overriding)
- Receives control power directly from PK bus (norm) can be aligned to directly downstream from the “A” class battery charger (alt)
What is the PS to the A Normal Chiller?
What happens on a SIAS signal?
- PBA-S03
- Tripped upon receipt of a SIAS (Can be started by overriding)
What must be met to close PB class supply breakers?
- No Lockouts on the bus
- Synch Switch on (If from the CR)
- All other supply breakers open (If from the Switchgear)
- If closing the alternate supply breaker then DG breaker must be open to ensure not cross tying Class DG
What conditions must be met for the DG supply breaker to automatically close
on to PB bus?
- Normal and Alternate Supply breakers open
- NO Lockouts on the BUS (don’t confuse this with a transformer fault on just an ESF transfer fault the DG will start and load the PB Bus)
- DG at rated speed AND voltage
What happens if a lockout condition exists on the PB bus?
What operator actions if any are required?
- DG will start and DG breaker will not close therefore No Spray Pond Flow
- DG must be emergency stopped locally
A class 4160V breaker fully racked down renders adjacent breakers inoperable.
What must be done to prevent this?
- Must rack the breaker up from the floor ~ 1” OR
- Remove the breaker from the cubicle OR
- Use seismic restraints
Do class LC breakers have KKI’s?
Why or why not?
- NO
- Only 1 LC per each 4160 breaker
What will follow a trip of the class LC overcurrent relay?
- overcurrent relay trips BOTH:
- The LC Main Feeder breaker (B2)
- The 4.16 kV supply breaker
How does one reset class LC breakers in a lockout condition?
- From the control room by taking the switch to the trip position
- Locally at the breaker
What Undervoltage relays and trips exist on PB breakers?
4: Under Voltage relays @ <75%
- 727-1, 727-2, 727-3, 727-4
4: 90% degraded 30 sec delay
- 727-5, 727-6, 727-7, 727-8
2 of 4 relays needed to actuate a LOP
- But there is a catch………if the 2 relays are separated by 4 for example 727-1 & 727-5 or 727-2 & 727-6 they won’t cause a LOP
What are the operating characteristics of the controls associated with
NAN-S05 and NAN-S06?
- Controls are HARDWIRED
- Indications are MULTIPLEXED
- This means breaker control may still be available while breaker positions are not indicating. Or Vice Versa
What conditions will result in a WRF load shed?
- Degraded voltage as measured on (NAN-S05/S06 in UNIT 1)
- While simultaneously receiving a SIAS signal
- WRF breakers will open de-energizing WRF to prevent double sequencing
What are the requirements for a fast bus transfer on NAN-S01 and NAN-S02 from the UAT to NAN-S03 and NAN-S04?
- BUS XFR SWITCH must be in AUTO
- Generator Trip must have occurred
- Early “B” contact energized
- Synch Check is SAT
- Voltage is available on NAN-S03/S04
WHen would a coastdown trip occur?
What happens regarding NAN-S01 and NAN-S02?
- Coast down trip occurs:
- When the generator trips (On Reverse Power) concurrent with a loss of off-site power (Loss of Off-site power as sensed by NAN-S03/S04 voltage).
- Reactor Trip is also required
- When this happens there is nowhere for NAN-S01/S02 to receive power
- NAN-S01/S02 stay aligned to the UAT and sheds all breakers except RCP breakers
- Keeps RCPs running maintaining flow through the core
What are the conditions that would result in a fast transfer of NBN-S01 and NBN-S02 to the other train?
What loss would prevent this fast transfer from occuring?
- Normal Service Transformer fault
- Normal Supply Breaker Open
- Voltage sensed on opposite bus
- Synch Check SAT
- NO Lockout on either bus
- Loss of NKN-D41/D42 result in failure of fast bus transfer
Describe the synch switch positions and operational characteristics associated with a manual transfer of NBN-S01 NBN-S02?
3 position SYNC switch for the x-tie breaker:
- After the Synch switch is properly aligned the x-tie breaker is taken to close. When the switch is released after the breaker is closed the switch will spring return to normal………when it goes back to normal it will open the normal supply breaker for the bus now being powered from the opposite XFMR
- For example when the X-tie breaker is closed with the synch switch in S02 XFER then when the breaker control switch is released NBN-S02 normal supply breaker will open.
- So to sum it up the synch switch position controls which normal supply breaker opens when the X-tie breaker is closed. So if you go through the OFF position after cross tying properly then that supply breaker will also open.
Do the Non class load centers operate with KKI’s?
Why or why not?
- Prevents damaging the disconnect if it was operated under load.
Where are the nonclass MCC’s control power supplied from?
- MCC Control Power supplied by it’s on XFMR within the MCC bucket.
How many detector assy’s and what are their configuration, height position in the core?
61 incore detector assemblies
- Each assemble has 5 self-powered rhodium detectors
- Detectors are at 10, 30, 50, 70, and 90% of active core height
- Each assemble has 5 self-powered rhodium detectors
Why is there a full length background detector included in the ICI’s?
- It is assumed that part of the overall signal generated is not related to neutron flux at the detector, but to noise or background
- A full length signal wire is run alongside the detectors to measure current produced by the wire this signal is subtracted from the detector signal to determine true signal level.
What is the range of the included CET, what is it’s position in the detector assy, and how accurately does it read at normal power?
Process range: 200-2300F
- Does not read accurately at power due to neutron flux
What is the design pressure of the RCS?
What is the maximum pressure as stated in the SL’s?
What is the basis for this pressure?
- Design pressure: 2500 psia
- SL maximum pressure: 2750 psia
- allows not more than 10% increase above design pressure due to accidents and AOO’s. Protected by Safety valves set at 2475 psia.
Why do flow restrictors exist in the sample lines and instrumentation lines in the RCS?
- limits the loss of coolant rate to within the capacity of the charging pumps should they rupture
Where are the sample points in the RCS?
- LOOP 1 Hot leg
- Surge Line
- PZR steam space
Where can the RC Gas Vent System be discharged to?
What happens if RCB-HV-109 is exposed to a sudden increase in downstream pressure?
- Can be directed to EITHER containment or RDT via Solenoid valves
- RCB-HV-109 will be damaged if exposed to a sudden increase in downstream pressure if the upstream side isn’t at RCS pressure.
Where is the Core Support Barrel and what is it’s function?
- Suspended from a ledge on the inside surface of the vessel closure flange
- Supports vessel internals including fuel assemblies and allows for core expansion
Describe the RX Vessel flow path?
- Cold Leg => around support barrel => flow skirt => lower plenum => fuel rods => outlet plenum => hot leg
How many CEA’s are there and what are their configuration?
- 89 total
- Shutdown CEAs are all 12 finger
- Groups 4 & 5 are all 4 finger
How is the Rx vessel flange sealed against leakage?
- Sealed by: two self-energized silver plated o-rings
- Both o-rings have a 100% capacity
- High pressure seal alarm @ 1500 psia
What is the motive force for PZR main spray?
What is the spray bypass flow and why have it?
- Spray force is RCP D/P
- 1.5 gpm bypass flow to minimize thermal shock
Concerning the Safety Valves:
What is the setpoint?
How is flow verified to exist?
- Installed on top of the PZR
- Lift @ ~ 2475 PSIA
- Ensures that the safety limit of 2750 psia isn’t exceeded during:
- Loss of condenser vacuum
- Other Loss of RCS heat removal events
- Each safety valve has acoustic monitors powered by NNN-D11
- Board indication is 0%, 9%, 100%
At what temperatures and RCP combinations are allowed to operate the RCPs?
Why is there a flywheel at the upper bearing?
CAN ONLY RUN 2 RCPS ≤ 200F, CAN RUN 3 RCPS >200F ≤ 500F
- This prevents core lift due to higher density of cooler water
- Equipped with a flywheel on the upper bearing that allows for a longer pump coastdown on a loss of power to the pump. (Ensures adequate heat removal during a LOOP)
When will an RCP oil lift pump AUTO start and under what conditions will it auto stop?
- When in AUTO the lift oil pump auto starts when a RCP is stopped and MUST be stopped manually
- When a RCP starts the pump de-energizes after 2 min
What is the RCP start criteria?
RCP Start criteria
- (B) Seal Bleed-off valve fully open
- (O) Lift Oil
- (N) NC Flow is sufficient
- (E) No electrical fault
In what condition are the RCP Seal cooler isolation valves normally kept?
- HP Seal cooler valves are normally OPEN w/ Power Removed
What are the power supplies to RWLIS?
How is level compensated for SD cooling flow?
WHat are the NR and WR measuring points?
- Powered from NNN-D11 and NNN-D12
- Flow compensated by:
- Selecting the switch to the running side of SDC
- Narrow Range:
- 40” Range measured from the bottom of the hot leg to 40” above it
- Wide Range:
- 485” Range measured from the bottom of the hot leg to 485” (the top of the refueling pool)
How long can each battery independently supply at full loading above minimum bus voltage?
- Each battery can independently supply 2 hours of full loading without the charger and still maintain minimum bus voltage. (Less load will give more time)
Is PK grounded or ungrounded?
- PK is ungrounded
- Ground detector installed
- Alarms in the control room and has a white light locally.
- Ground detector installed
What are the control power and field flashing ps’s to the DG?
What happens on a loss control power prior to or following a DG start?
- PKA-D21 (“A” DG)
- PKB-D22 (“B” BG)
- If PK is lost prior to DG start the DG WILL NOT start.
- If PK is lost after DG start then the DG WILL TRIP but output breaker WILL NOT open!
What mechanical interlock exists on the PK battery chargers?
- Prevents having a swing charger tied to both busses.
- For example AC swing charger will never power both PKA and PKC
What alarms exist in the control room concerning teh PK battery chargers and battery breakers?
- Whenever a normal charger AC or DC breakers are open brings in an alarm in the control room
- When a battery breaker is open the control room will receive an alarm
- Remember you must lose a battery and a charger to drop a PK bus
What are the conditions of the PKC and PKD battery chargers concerning large loads such as SDC DC powered suction valves?
- PKC and PKD battery chargers do not have enough capacity to solely carry large loads
Battery must be connected to the bus when Operating SIC-UV-653 or SID-UV-654 (SDC DC Powered Suction Valves)
- Note: It doesn’t say the charger has to be connected to the bus
Battery must be connected to the bus when Operating SIC-UV-653 or SID-UV-654 (SDC DC Powered Suction Valves)
What happens on a loss of PK bus with regards to the RTSG breakers?
Losing a PK bus causes it’s associated RTSG breaker to open
- For a Rx Trip to occur you would need a loss of two PK buses and if it were only two the combination could not be PKA and PKC or PKB or PKD due to CEDMCS power distribution
- 1 PK bus causes 2 ADV’s not to work.
Which battery chargers and breakers have transfer switches?
What are their positions?
Transfer Switches (Local/ Local & Remote)
- Battery Chargers B, D, & BD
- A, B & D Battery Breakers
Is PN an ungrounded system?
How many inverters can be procedurally and TS allowed aligned to its AC regulated source?
- Only 1 inverter at a time may be lined up to its VR
What would happen to the plant if any 2 PN buses were lost?
- A loss of ANY 2 PN buses will cause a reactor trip and full ESFAS (Everything) actuation on BOTH TRAINS
- This is due to all the PN instruments failing
What will happen on a loss of 1 PN Bus
- Causes 2 RTSG breaker to OPEN, the reactor WILL NOT
- Loss of PNC: ¼ of Rod bottom lights go out (Pac-Man)
- Loss of PND: ¾ of Rod bottom lights go out
Will the associated PN bus be lost on a loss of PK?
- The new Inverters have static transfer switches to automatic transfer to its backup source of power
- This switch will not automatically go back to its normal source
- Amber light above or below the pushbutton indicates what is supplying power
What is the rated time of the NK batteries on a loss of AC power?
2 Hours at full load.
What does NKN-D44 power?
Where does it get its power from?
- RCP breakers control power
- Powered from NKN-M46
What type of ground detection is available for NK?
What types of grounds will generate(or not generate) an alarm?
- Soft ground detection and Hard ground detection
- Soft ground: Single yellow light w/ NO CONTROL ROOM ALARM
- Hard ground: 2 yellows lights w/ CONTROL ROOM ALARM
What supplies DC loads to the cooling towers?
A separate “G” battery charger supplies NKN-D19 which supplies DC loads for the cooling towers
- This is the “3rd” separate portion of NK System.
Are the backup power supplies to NNN-D11 and NNN-D12 class or non class?
Are NNN-D11 and NNN-D12 grounded or ungrounded?
What kind of ground detection system is in the CR?
- Backup power supplies are class powered
- Ungrounded System
- Have ground detection red light local and alarm in control room
Are all 3 units of NNN-D15 and NNN-D16 back up power load shed on a SIAS signal?
Is this system grounded?
- Backup power supplies are SIAS load shed
- Except Unit 3 D16 (B-Class)
- Grounded System
How long can the RWT provide borated water to ESF pumps at full flow before reaching RAS setpoint?
- RWT provides sufficient borated water for at least 20 minutes (+10% margin) of full flow to all ESF pumps prior to reaching a RAS
What are the letdown flow ranges in Manual?
In Auto?
- 150 (prevents resin channeling) – 0 gpm in manual
- 135 – 30 gpm in Auto
How do you calculate charging flow rate?
- Charging Flow = Letdown Flow + bleed-off flow
How many LD flow control valves are in service during normal operation?
- only one LD Control Valve (110) is in service
- to prevent exceeding CHN-PSV-345 relief valve capacity
What will control backpressure to approx 375 psia in order to prevent steam voiding in the LD line?
LD backpressure control valve.
What maintains approx 10 gpm flow through the boronometer vessel?
Which area radiation monitor is in the LD line to monitor for failed fuel?
- RU-155 monitors for 1% failed fuel it normally reads 10 mr/hr
- It is an area rad monitor
What happens to the Rx drain pumps and Holdup pumps on a divert if CHN-V-686 is open?
- On a divert: Reactor Drain Pumps Stop & Holdup Pumps Stop IF CHN-V686 is open prevents dead heading pumps during a divert
WHen will the Rx MU water flow alarm come in?
- with Arming Switch on, it provides an alarm when makeup water flow exists during refuel operations w/ switch in the Refuel S/D position
What controls VCT auto makeup?
What range?
What level detector system is used?
- CHN-LI-226 controls VCT Auto Makeup
- between (34-44%)
- Dry Reference Leg
What type of level indication does CHN-LT-227 use to control divert actions?
- Wet Reference Leg
What happens on CHN-LT-227 divert valve movement?
At what level does the divert valve move?
Divert valve movement:
- Shifts CHN-UV-500 to Pre-HU (Directs Letdown toward PHIX)
- Shifts CHN-UV-565 to Pre-HU IX Position (Through PHIX)
- Shifts CHN-UV-567 to HUT Position (Letdown to HUT)
@ 5%
- Closes CHN-UV-501 (VCT outlet)
Opens CHN-UV-514 & Starts BAMP (Boration to Charging Pump Suction
- Also CHN-UV-510 (BAMP Recirc Valve Closes)
- If CHN-UV-514 has no power…..then CHE-HV-536 (gravity suction from RWT) opens
- (58-60%)
What could the blue lights on the RMW pump indicate?
- RMWT level LO LO
- Loss of Control Power
RMWP low discharge pressure trip
- Trips @ 24 seconds of low pressure. Alarm @ 10 seconds
What could the blue lights on the BAMP pump indicate?
- RWT Level Low (73%) after 1.5 seconds
- Loss of control power
BAMP low pressure trip
- Trips @ 24 seconds of low pressure. Alarm @ 16 seconds
What happens during an auto makeup when a flow deviation occurs?
- Flow deviation of +/- 5 gpm @ 16 seconds an alarm actuates
- UV-512 will close on flow deviation of +/- 10 gpm and can’t be re-opened unless 512 is closed and then placed back in AUTO
How does one maintain the boration suction path through CHN-UV-532?
- Boric Acid Pump Suction Valve (CHN-UV532) hand-jacked open with air isolated.
What are the CH pump trip and reset values for low suction pressures?
What action must be taken before the pump will restart?
- Charging pumps trip @ 13psia low suction pressure resets @ 14psia
- If the charging pump trips on low suction pressure, overload, or load shed they will be anti-pumped this means the hand switch must be taken to Stop to reset the anti-pump
What do the lights on B03 indicate?
- The indicating lights on B03 for the charging pumps are an indication of direction from PLCS not necessarily if the charging pump is running or not
What actions does the sequencer take during a SIAS/CIAS with respect to the charging pumps?
What happens to running charging pumps?
- During a SIAS/CIAS the sequencer will prevent the AUTO start of the charging pump for 40 seconds they will then operate normally after this
Running pumps DO NOT TRIP
What are the differences in how the CHP’s are sequenced between a LOP with a SIAS/CIAS and a LOP with the RCS intact?
- During a LOP w/ SIAS ALL CHPs are load shed and then load on after 40 seconds by PLCS
- During a LOP (no SIAS) all charging pumps are stopped in an Anti-pumped condition
How is lube oil pressure generated by teh CH pumps?
Are there any alarms associated with Lube Oil pressure?
- CHP lube oil is provided by a shaft driven lube oil pump at (30-35#)
- No low pressure trip but an alarm in control room at 10#
What valve is locked open with air removed in order to prevent isolating Aux Spray from the CH pumps?
What is its power supply(ies)?
- CHA-HV-524
- Receives motor power from M35, and indication power from M33
How are the RCP Seal Injection controllers configured?
Reverse Acting.
How do the aux spray valves fail on a loss of power?
What are their power supplies?
- Aux spray valves fail closed on loss of power
- Powered from PKA & PKB
At what pressure does CHN-DPV-240 operate to maintain adequate seal inj flow and Aux spray flow?
What position is its fail state?
What valve can be closed if PDV-240 fails to close to control aux spray?
- Maintains ~ 105 psid to ensure adequate seal injection flow and Aux Spray flow
- PDV-240 fails closed
- If PDV-240 cannot be closed then PDV-239 can be closed to ensure aux spray
What are the setpoints associated with the RDT?
- Minimum Volume: 52%
- 10 psig tank will auto isolate. Only vent path available is to containment via a solenoid valve 923
- 120 psid rupture disc blows down into Containment
What are the setpoints associated with the EDT?
- Minimum Volume: 35%
7 psig tank auto isolates.
- No override features and no alternative vent path exists
How can the RDP be aligned?
What will happen when the aligned tank reaches its low level?
What action will cause the running RDP to trip?
- Can be aligned to both EDT or RDT
- Running RDP will auto secure if there is a low level in its aligned tank
- If a RDP is running and the other is started the running pump will trip
- Trips on a divert to the PHIX
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Close on:
RHX High Outlet Temp (413°F)
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Closes on:
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Closes on:
High LDHX Outlet Temp (135°F)
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
PASS Valve
Closes on CIAS
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
110 P/Q LD control valves
Manual: 0-150 GPM
Auto: 30-135 GPM
Closed/Closed on NNN-D12(PLCS lost) only indication if NKN-D42 lost.
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
201 P/Q Backpressure ctrl valves
Closes on:
LDHX Outlet Temp HI-HI (148°F on CHN-TS-224
Closed/ Closed on NNN-D12(backpressure ctllr is lost), on loss of NKN-D42 indication is lost.
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Shifts to BYPASS position on HI LDHX temp( 135 F on TI-224)
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Shifts to BYPASS on HI LDHX temp of 135 F
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Auto Divert (58-60%
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Closes on VCT lvl of 5%. Opens on VCT lvl 15% if CHN-UV-536 is not open.
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
RMW pump recirc vlv
Closes when flow through 210X is >20 gpm. Re-opens when flow drops <10 gpm
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
VCT vent
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
CHN-FV-210 X/Y RMW BAMP Flow Ctrl
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
BAMP Recirc valve
Closes on VCT low level (5%) Closes when flow through 210X is >20 gpm. Re-opens when flow drops <10 gpm
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
CHN-UV-512, Normal VCT M/U Supply Valve
Modulates based on VCT auto makeup demand (34-44%).
Cannot be opened when CHN-UV-527 is open
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Cannot be opened when CHN-UV-512
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
CHN-UV-514, BAMP to VCT M/U to CHP Suction
Opens on VCT Level Low level (5%)
Closes on VCT level of 15%.
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
CHE-UV-536 RWT Gravity feed to CHP
Opens of VCT level 5% and no power to CHN-UV-514
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Aux Spray valve
Solenoid x2/Closed(PKB/PKA)
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
CHN-UV-231P, Seal Injection Isolation Valve
Closes on a Seal Injection Temp Hi-Hi (150 °F) or Lo-Lo (70 °F). Must be reset by taking and holding the handswitch on B03 to Open. Will not close on loss of power to the temperature instrument racks.
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Closed/Closed x2
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Bleedoff Iso-Valves
Close on CSAS
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
CHA-UV-507 RCP Control Bleed off HDR rel valve isolation
Failure causes relief to lift
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
Open on loss of solenoid power (NKN-D42) or loss of power to the respective controller (NNN-D11 or NNN-D12)
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
CHN-UV-540, RDT Vent Valve
RDT Pressure >10 psig (no override for Hi pressure)
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
RDT Pressure >10 psig (no override for Hi pressure)
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
CHE-UV-565, PHIX Temp Bypass Valve
Shifts to the Bypass position on:
- Hi Inlet Temp 140°F (Must be manually reset)
- Shifts to the Ion Exchanger position on:
- Hi-Hi VCT Level of 60% if no Hi Inlet temp present.
- Returns to the Bypass position when Hi-Hi VCT level clears at 58%.
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
CHE-UV-566, PHIX Outlet Valve
Shifts to the EDT if:
Gas Stripper Hi-Hi level IF in AUTO
State the automatic actions and fail states on loss of air and loss of power.
CHN-UV-567, Gas Stripper Outlet Valve
Shifts to the HUT position on:
- VCT Hi-Hi Level at 60% (CHN-LC-227) IF in AUTO.
- Will shift back to the VCT at 58% VCT level IF in AUTO.