EXAM Flashcards
Migrating salmon during their smolt stage experience a hyper osmotic environment (T/F, explain)
True, the content of solutes/ions in the saltwater is higher than the internal environment of the fish
salmon are faced with a variety of challenges as part of their anadromous migration (list two of these challenges)
- disease and parasites
- predators
- temperature changes
- fisheries
- salinity changes
- river flow and ocean currents
To stay strong during migration, adult salmon continuously feed throughout the journey to their natal stream. T/F Explain.
False – upon entering the freshwater natal stream salmon stop eating all together. They go into a starvation mode. All nutrients needed for the migration and sexual maturity provided by internal stores from the sea run.
Which of the following is NOT an application of the brood pouch in seahorses during gestation?
A) waste removal B) creation of eggs for reproduction C) gas exchange D) Osmoregultion E) Physical protection from external environment
B) creation of eggs for reproduction
Female seahorses are lager than male seahorses, which is an adaption that allows them to be better suited for carrying many fertilized eggs during pregnancy. T/F Explain.
Answer: False, Male seahorses are larger than female seahorses which is an adaption that helps the male seahorse carry more fertilized eggs during pregnancy.
Which of the following is NOT an adaptation that help seahorses overcome their physiological challenges of reproduction?
D. Female seahorses are able to osmoregulate their brood pouch very effectively during pregnancy which increases the survival rate of offspring.
Zebrafish have been seen to survice pH levels as low as pH _____
Zebra fish are native to ?
Southeast asia
Water ecosystem acidification negatively affects biodiversity. T/F. Explain.
TRUE (Increased acidification results in a decrease of biodiversity due to the low survivability of acid-sensitive organisms)
. What Order does the Electric Eel belong to?
A) Siluriformes (Catfish)
B) Gymnotiformes (knifefish)
C) Charactiformes (Ray-finned fishes)
D)Heterodontiformes (Bullhead sharks)
E) None of the Above
B) Gymnotiformes (knifefish)
What is the main reason as to why electric eels move above the surface of the water to shock predators?
An attack on the surface of the predator results in a more direct shock, and therefore a greater injury
Which of the following is not one of the main reasons why eels developed electricity use?
A) Hunting B) Defense against predators C) Communication D) All of the above answers are correct E) None of the above answers are correct
All of the above are correct
The weatherloach is ureotelic. T/F Explain.
Answer: False - The weatherloach excretes waste as ammonia therefore it is ammonotelic
How does the weatherloach deal with drought? A) Respire faster B) Air-breath C) Burrow in mud D) B and C E) None of the above
D) both B and C
In the weatherloach, which organ is used for air breathing?
Which of the following is an adaptation of cavefish?
Cavefish exhibit relatively consistent oxygen consumption regardless of the time of day. T/F Explain.
True ( there is a steady oxygen consumption regardless of time of day, no higher requirement at any point)
Eye loss in cavefish initiates a pathway that enlarges the hypothalamus and increases the number of chemosensory receptors on the head. T/F Explain.
True Hypothalamus is increased due to eyeloss, follow tetra via chemosensory adaptation when eyesight isnt present.
What challenge did betta fish need to overcome?
The Betta fish adapted to hypoxic conditions by having large gills for more efficient oxygen uptake. T/F Explain.
False. The Betta fish adapted to contain the labyrinth organ as a means of dealing with hypoxic water conditions not large gills
Anabantoidei fish (e.g. Betta fish) use bubble nests to catch their food. T/F Explain.
False. The Betta fish make bubble nests for spawning purposes, not to catch food.
How does the mechanism of “counter-current heat exchange” operate in Opah?
Venous blood is the warm blood that will transfer its heat to
the cold arteriole blood in which will operate in opposite directions.
What strategy of thermoregulation is used in Opah?
Which extra-ocular muscle in Opah is involved in heat generation?
Proximal region of lateral rectus (PLRM)
What role does thermal hysteresis play with respects to antifreeze proteins?
Allows for inhibition of ice crystal growth as it lowers freezing point temperature of ice
All antifreeze protein types (AFGP’s, Types I-IV) prefer the same ice crystal plane for binding. T/F. Explain.
False there are 4 different binding planes
How do antifreeze proteins improve survive in fish at polar water temperatures?
- Cryopreservation: Preservation of cells and tissues at low temperatures - Intracellular and extracellular ice formation through the cryopreservation process can damage cells/tissues making them not viable – AFP’s prevent ice growth from damaging cell
Sea lampreys die after spawning? T/F explain
True, shortly after lampreys lay and fertilise their eggs they will die
What kind of migration do lampreys partake in?
Lampreys have what body feature?
a. Gills
b. Jaws
c. Scales
d. Paired fins
e. Toes
A ) Gills
Sex change in clownfish irreversible? T/F Explain.
True sex change in a clownfish is permanant
What type of relationship do sea anemones and clownfish have?
What strategy do clownfish use to be immune to anemone’s toxins?
produce a coat of mucous
Viviparity is a poor choice for reproducing sharks because at the time of birth the sharks are not fully developed. T/F Explain.
Direct nourishment, Fully developed at birth, Enhanced survival
Which organ(s) differentiate into the placenta-like structure in viviparous sharks?
Yolk sac
Where does internal fertilization take place in viviparous sharks?
Which of the following choices is NOT physiological adaption that occurs during aestivation for African Lungfish?
A. Decreased heart rate (beats per minute) B. Increased blood pressure C. Decreased metabolism D. Formation of mucus sarcophagus E. Suppressed nitrogen waste
Increased blood pressure
Why are lungfish deemed to be model organisms in today’s biology research?
A.Considered to be related to the oldest air breathing vertebrates from fossil evidence
B. Their two pairs of pectoral and pelvic fins are homologous to tetrapod limbs
C. Provide further insight on transition of organisms from water to land
D. B and C
E. All of the above
E. All of the above
African lungfish will excrete nitrogenous waste as ammonia periodically during aestivation. T/F Explain.
False. Supress urine, ammonia waste is converted to urea and is not released until awoken
Which of the following adaptations involves distinct coloration to warn predators?
A. Camouflage B. Aposematic C. Armored pectoral fins D. All of the above E. None of the above
b) Aposematic
The use of venom is not energy demanding to Scorpionfish. T/F Explain.
False. When the Scorpionfish release their venom they are exposed to high energy demand because of their sedentary lifestyle which takes them longer to recover the full amount of venom.
What is the main factor that results in venom production differing between sexes?
Sawfish are considered to be ancestors of shovelnose rays. What characteristics of sawfish resemble those of rays?
A. The first and second dorsal fins B. Spiracles located just behind the eyes C. Pectoral fins connected to the head D. Both B and C E. All of the above
Both B and C
Sawfish are good at sensing prey through what sensory mechanism?
Ampullae of Lorenzini