Exam Flashcards
Habituation-dishabituation can be used with infants to better understand what they know or what they perceive. Habituation consists of familiarizing infants to a stimulus until they grow uninterested. Dishabituation consists of changing the stimulus to see whether infants will regain interest.
According to Piaget, during which stage do children begin to understand that human behaviour is guided by mental representations and that these mental representations differ across individuals?
preoperation 2-6
theory of mind
formal operational
psyological neeeds > safety> belonging and friends> esteem > self actualisation
transforming unacceptable impulsive into better onies
validtiy scale question
This is a classic example of a validity scale question. Most typical humans should answer “True” to this question unless they are lying.
Jonathan’s mother ingested a teratogenic substance when she was pregnant with him, resulting in major structural abnormalities in Jonathan’s central nervous system. Approximately how old was Jonathan when this teratogenic substance was ingested?
Teratogens affect prenatal development in cascading sensitive periods. Depending on when a teratogenic substance is experienced, different embryonic structures will be affected.
to significantly change schema
to add to schema
Noah is 5 years old and is in Piaget’s preoperational stage. Noah believes that a taller, narrower cup contains more juice than a shorter, wider cup, even though they both contain the same amount of juice. This behaviour reflects Noah’s lack of understanding of _________.
The inability to manipulate abstract information is shown by testing a child’s understanding of conservation, the knowledge that the quantity or amount of an object is not the same as the physical arrangement and appearance of that object.
Nancy’s parents are both highly sociable people and love to talk to people. However, Nancy herself is very reserved and prefers to spend time by herself. How can this be explained?
Partially from experience partially from genetics
A worker is taking a personality test for a job he is interviewing for. The job requires that the worker be a good team player. While taking the test he answers questions in a way that presents himself to be agreeable and cooperative. What criticism of personality inventories does this reflect?
theory of mind
box of stickers containg trucks. 3 yr old will say expect trucks 8 year old will say stoclers
Trait approach
social cognitive
learning based off theories and constructs and expectation
Outcome expectancies is part of personality
longitudal design
participants over time 10.1
Humanist approaches have a positive, optimistic view of human nature and believe that humans have free will. They believe that humans seek self-actualization and can affect their own personalities via the choices that they make to achieve such a state.
cohort effect
Cohort effects refer to differences between people that result from being born in different time periods.
A researcher is interested in understanding what type of personality traits are highly correlated with conduct disorders. The researcher decides to measure the personality trait extraversion in relation to conduct disorders. What type of personality measurement approach is this researcher taking?
The nomothetic approach attempts to understand what personality factors are relevant to understanding whole populations of people.
Annabeth is undergoing a lot of physical changes. Her brain is developing rapidly, with new neurons being built at a fast pace and new connections between those neurons growing quickly. She has also just recently begun to perceive rich auditory information, including the sound of her mother’s voice, and she has developed a fairly routine active-rest cycle. Approximately how old is Annabeth? DDO
The germinal stage is the first phase of prenatal development, which spans from conception to two weeks. Shortly after it forms, the zygote begins dividing, first into 2 cells, then 4, and so forth. The fetal stage spans week 9 through birth, during which time the skeletal, organ, and nervous systems become more developed and specialized. Muscles develop and the fetus begins to move. Brain development occurs rapidly, and the sensory organs begin to sense stimulation from inside and outside the uterus.
crosssectional design
is used to measure and compare samples of people at different ages
operant conditioning
skinners box, positive or negative stimulus
classical conditional
personality and behaviour
he correlation between personality and behaviour is not all that high
➢ E.g., introverted people do not actually spend much more time alone than extraverted
people do
Distort facts to make it easier
reaction formation
This is where a person goes beyond denial and behaves in the opposite way to which he or she thinks or feels (A. Freud, 1936). By using the reaction formation, the id is satisfied while keeping the ego in ignorance of the true motives.
attriubte their own things to others
move back in time psychologically
another target eg dog instead ofboss
stockholm syndrome
satisfyin gimpulse into something positive
projective test
apperception test. Shown an amibgious scene make up a story about the scene
0-2zygote goes through tubes ,cells divide
2-8 zygot implants and begins to differentialte
9-40 stuff develops
timing changes structures: fetal alcohol changes
will grap anthing
if something touches side of baby head, theyll turn it
tonic neck
arm extends on side head isturned
puberty and refinement of prefrontal cortex. Pschologically: identity sexuality, morality and self esteem
identity in earliy childhood
superficial, like things they like, self enhancement to try new things. KIMBA. For resileance to do. declines due to social comparison
changes in self esteem
stable across lifespan,
identity formation
erik erikson: developed theory of conflicts and resolution. Teenage conflic is identtiy formation and abstract thinking. Sself socialization.
sensory systems decline, neuron death. slwoing of cognitive processes. Better cognitive strategy. lose episodic memory
intelligence predicts what
academic, economi and occupational success. but stadnerdized test only apeal to learning/knowledge. Also this has selfperpetuating problems
IQ influences
Genetics. family environment from parental involvement, stimulation. Negatively correlated with low maternal education and poorness
less important influenceseducation
education changes factual knowledge and slight fluid. etc
past ways of inteligent testing
reaction time viable, sight (not true), speed of association, head size
Alfred binet
first iq test from puzzles object naming and counting
Modern intelligence views
carrols three tiered, G which comes from fluid and crystallized and due to speicifc abilities
Gardners intelligence
lingustic, logical, musical, nature, body, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal.
Different areas at different time, differnt parts of brain, kids learn best from intelligence used
measuring intelligence
through WISC and WAIC Adult and children
specific abilities
standofr binet
IQ is mean of 100 with sd of 15. Different test for each age