Exam 5 fish Flashcards
mucus, mucopolysaccharides, immunoglobulins, free fatty acids
Filament containing cell, are the outermost cells and can divide.
- At hind end of stomach,before intestines
- Thin, blind ended tubes
- May secrete trypsin and other digestive enzymes
Pyloric ceca
The bony plate that protects the gills. It is hinged and has muscles attached to it to open and close it
a gill like structure under the dorsal operculum. It consists of a single gill arch with a single row of gill filaments. possibly provides well-oxygenated blood to the optic choroid and retina or to maintain blood pressure
Pseudobranch (fake gill)
- helps to make sure that no extraneous material gets onto the gill filaments to clog them up
- counter current system of vessels in the gills
- makes it 5 times as efficient at extracting oxygen
Gill rakers
ionic transport/detoxification
Chloride cells
- The utriculus, sacculus and lagena. Each contain one
- aka ear stone
- usually mineralized
- can be used to age fish
- layered structures of muscles
- not flat, but folded like a W
- seperated from each other by a sheet of connective tissue
- Has electrocytes which produce electricity
- located in the head in marine fish and in tail of fresh water fish
- used for navigation, communication, defense, and sometimes incapacitation of prey
Electric organ
-consists of a cup-like base which rests in the epidermis and a cylindrical gelatinous cupula
-can use it to detect wave movement in the water
Lateral Line
adapts to different salinities
cannot adapt to different salinities
Different fins of the fish
- first dorsal
- second dorsal
- pelvic
- anal fin
- caudal fin
- pectoral fin
what are the two main types of scales and which is found in bony fish?
- Ctenoid-elasmobranch
- Cyloid- teleost (boney fish)
what is the function of the pyloric ceca?
Neutralizes the acidity of the chyme before it reaches the intestines.
what are the two locations of the pancreas in the fish?
-embedded in liver or scattered in the mesentary of the pyloric ceca
what are the two main functions of the gills in fish?
1) Respiration and excretion of ammonia
2) need to obtain oxygen from water
how many gill arches are there on each side of the body?
4 gill arches on each side of the gill
what are the five types of cells found in fish blood?
- luekocytes
- lymphocytes
- thrombocytes
- monocytes
- granulocytes
what are the four chambers of the fishes heart?
- Sinus venosus- 1st chamber
- Atrium- largest chamber
- ventricule- only well-muscled chamber
- Bulbus arteriosus- no valves
how many nostrils does a fish have?
what two structures do fish use to make sound?
- teeth
- swim bladder
what are the two structural divisions of the kidneys?
- Anterior kidney (hematopoietic)
- Posterior kidney (excretory)
Differences between physostomous swim bladder and physoclistous swim bladder?
1) Physostomous:
- connected to the gut
- controls amount of gas in swim bladder.
2) Physoclistous:
- Not connected to the gut
- controls amount of gas in swim bladder via capillary gas exchange (rete mirabile)
what are the two sites of hematopoiesis in fish?
spleen and kidney
where are the chloride cells located?
-in gills in the filaments