Exam 5 fish Flashcards
mucus, mucopolysaccharides, immunoglobulins, free fatty acids
Filament containing cell, are the outermost cells and can divide.
- At hind end of stomach,before intestines
- Thin, blind ended tubes
- May secrete trypsin and other digestive enzymes
Pyloric ceca
The bony plate that protects the gills. It is hinged and has muscles attached to it to open and close it
a gill like structure under the dorsal operculum. It consists of a single gill arch with a single row of gill filaments. possibly provides well-oxygenated blood to the optic choroid and retina or to maintain blood pressure
Pseudobranch (fake gill)
- helps to make sure that no extraneous material gets onto the gill filaments to clog them up
- counter current system of vessels in the gills
- makes it 5 times as efficient at extracting oxygen
Gill rakers
ionic transport/detoxification
Chloride cells
- The utriculus, sacculus and lagena. Each contain one
- aka ear stone
- usually mineralized
- can be used to age fish
- layered structures of muscles
- not flat, but folded like a W
- seperated from each other by a sheet of connective tissue
- Has electrocytes which produce electricity
- located in the head in marine fish and in tail of fresh water fish
- used for navigation, communication, defense, and sometimes incapacitation of prey
Electric organ
-consists of a cup-like base which rests in the epidermis and a cylindrical gelatinous cupula
-can use it to detect wave movement in the water
Lateral Line
adapts to different salinities
cannot adapt to different salinities
Different fins of the fish
- first dorsal
- second dorsal
- pelvic
- anal fin
- caudal fin
- pectoral fin