Exam 5 Flashcards
Social psychology
study of causes and consequences of sociality
behavior with the purpose of harming someone
Frustration-Aggression hypothesis
animals aggress when their goals are frustrated
negative effect causes aggression
Aggression is strongly correlated
with testosterone people feel powerful and confident
Women can be aggressive too, but their purpose of aggression is based on
protection rather than status
behavior by two or more individuals that lead to mutual benefit
collection of people who have something in common that distinguishes them from others
positive or negative evaluation of another person based solely on their group of membership
Common knowledge effect
tendency for group discussions to focus on information that all members share
Group polarization
tendency for groups to make decisions that are more extreme than any member would have made alone
tendency for groups to reach consensus in order to facilitate interpersonal harmony
when immersion in a group causes people to become less concerned with their personal values
* can lead them to do things they might not do on their own
Diffusion of responsibility
tendency for individuals to feel diminished responsibility for their actions when they are surrounded by others who are acting the same way
Bystander intervention
act of helping strangers in an emergency situation
* reveals that people are less likely to help an innocent person in distress when there are many other bystanders present, because they think the other bystanders are more responsible than they are
intentional behavior that benefits another at a cost to oneself
Kin selection
process where evolution selects for individuals who cooperate with their relatives
* we help our relatives over strangers
Reciprocal altruism
behavior that benefits another with the expectation that those benefits will be returned in the future
Mere exposure effect
tendency for liking to increase with the frequency of exposure
Two kinds of love:
passionate love - experience involving feelings of euphoria, intimacy, and sexual attraction
companionate love - experience involving affection, trust, and concern for a partner’s well-being
* ideal relationship has both types of love
Social influence
ability to change or direct another person’s behavior
* people are motivated to experience pleasure/avoid pain (hedonic motive) * people are motivated to be accepted/avoid being rejected (approval motive) * people are motivated to believe what is right/avoid believing what is wrong (accuracy motive)
customary standards for behavior that are widely shared by members of a culture
Normative influence
occurs when another person’s behavior provides information about what is appropriate
Norm of reciprocity
the unwritten rule that people should benefit those who have benefited them
tendency to do what others do simply because others are doing it
* results in part of normative influence
tendency to do what powerful people tell us to do
an enduring positive or negative evaluation of an object or event