Exam 5 Flashcards
Meninges inner layer. Thin layer with vessels that nourish the brain & spinal cord
-attached to surface & follows contours
Pia mater
Meninges middle layer. A vascular weblike membrane
Arachnoid mater
This is below the arachnoid layer & contains cerebrospinal fluid
Subarachnoid space
Meninges outer layer. Dense irregular CT
Terminates at the 2nd sacral vertebrae
Dura mater
This is between rural sheath & bony walls of vertebrae where it contains loose CT & fat
Epidural space
This is below dura mater
Subdural space
Cavities within the brain; lined with ependymal cells; contains cerebrospinal fluid
Masses of capillaries from pia mater that project into ventricles & and secretes CSF
Choroid plexus
Finger like structures from subarachnoid space that project into blood filled dural sinuses
Arachnoid granulations
What are the 5 lobes of the brain?
Frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, insula
Separates frontal lobe from parietal lobe
Central sulcus
Separates the temporal lobe from the frontal & parietal
Lateral sulcus
Separates cerebrum from cerebellum
Transverse fissure
Separates hemispheres
Longitudinal fissure
Outer layer of gray matter in cerebral hemisphere
Cerebral cortex
In parietal gyri of frontal lobes
Primary motor cortex
Small area of frontal lobe usually of left hemisphere that controls speech ( muscle movement)
Broca’s area
Above bocas’s area, controls voluntary eye movement
Frontal eye field
Receives sensory stimuli & identifies body region being stimulated.
Primary somatosensory cortex
Lies posterior to primary & integrates sensory inputs to increase understanding
Somatosensory association cortex
Connect corresponding gray areas of the two hemispheres
Commissural tracts
Connect different parts of the same hemisphere
Association tracts
Connect cerebral hemispheres to lower brain or cord centers
Projection tracts
Most people have ____ ________ dominant for language & reasoning
Left hemisphere
Pairs of irregular masses of gray matter within the white matter of the cerebrum
- help regulate motor activity, reducing unwanted movement
Basal nuclei
Involved in emotional expressions, moods, control of behavior
The diencephalon is composed Mosley of ____ ______
Gray matter
Connects paired oval gray matter masses to the 3rd ventricle
Interthalamic adhesion
Stalk of hypothalamus that connects to pituitary gland
The thalamus is the ______ to the cerebral cortex
Extends from the posterior border & secrets melatonin
Pineal gland