Exam 5 Flashcards
Private pilot
What does the outbound destination sign identify?
Identifies direction to take-off runways.
When a plane comes out of ground effect with a deficiency in speed due to increased drag, it will experience?
Momentary loss in climb performance.
If a flight is made from an area of low pressure into an area of high pressure without the altimeter setting being adjusted, the altimeter will indicate?
Lower than the actual altitude above sea level.
the life cycle of a thunderstorm cell has three distinct stages:
Cumulus stage, mature stage, and dissipating stage.
What procedure should always be followed when hand-propping an airplane?
Ensure a second person who is familiar with the airplane and hand-propping techniques is sitting at the controls in the cockpit.
Each person operating an aircraft at a VFR cruising altitude shall maintain an odd-thousand plus 500-foot altitude while on a:
Magnetic course of 0* through 179*
The FAA regulations have established specific cruising altitudes for VFR flights at more than 3,000 feet above surface.
On a magnetic course of 0* through 179*, odd altitudes plus 500 feet - 3,500, 5,500, 7,500.
which aircraft has the right-of-way over the other aircraft listed?(Airship, Glider, Aircraft refueling other aircraft)
In what flight condition must an aircraft be placed in order to spin?
If an in-flight emergency requires immediate action, the pilot command may?
deviate from any rule of 14 CFR part 91 to the extent required to meet that emergency.
The number 9 & 27 on a runway indicate that the runway is oriented approximately:
090* and 270* magnetic
An aircraft leaving ground effect during takeoff will?
experience an increase in induced drag and a decrease in performance.
Where is the available landing distance (ALD) data published for an airport that utilizes land and hold short operations.
Special notices section of the airport facility directory.
What is the recommended glide path angle when flying a stabilized approach?
3 degrees.
Unless otherwise specified, federal airways include that class E airspace extending upward from?
1,200 feet above the surface up to and including 17,99 feet MSL
What are the processes by which moisture is added to unsaturated air?
Evaporation and sublimation.
You’re flying in an area of heavy rain with thunderstorms forecast ahead along your route. What is your best course of action?
The wind at 5,000 feet AGL is southwesterly while the surface wind is southerly. The difference in direction is primarily due to:
Friction between the wind and the surface.
on a 2 bar VASI, red over white, as shown in illustration A, indicates:
Aircraft is on the glide slope.
A Third-class medical certificate is issued to a 51-year-old pilot on May 3, this year. To exercise the privileges of a private pilot certificate, the medical certificate will be valid until midnight on:
May 31, 2 years later.
Changes in the center of pressure of a wing affect the aircraft’s
aerodynamic balance and controllability
How is engine operation controlled on an engine equipped with a constant-speed propeller?
The throttle controls power output as registered on the manifold pressure gauge and the propeller control regulates engine RPM
When approaching to land on a runway served by a visual approach slope indicator (VASI), the pilot shall:
Maintain an altitude at or above the glide slope.
Detonation may occur at high-power setting when
The fuel mixture ignites instantaneously instead of burning progressively and evenly.
on a 2-bar VASI red over red, indicates?
aircraft is below the glide slope.
airplane is 90 pounds over maximum certified gross weight. How much fuel must be drained to bring it within limits:
15 gallons. Fuel is 6lb. 90/6.
Altimeter setting is the value to which the barometric pressure scale of the altimeter is set so the altimeter indicates
true altitude at field elevation.