Exam 4: Work Hardening Flashcards
work hardening, ergonomics, pain, trauma, wounds
6 ways to minimize the risk of injury
- use our bodies carefully
- don’t take shortcuts, especially with transfers, patient care, carrying heavy items
- listen to pain
- take rest breaks when needed
- observe the environment
- ask for help
general ergonomic principles (8)
- keep load close to body
- avoid static/ awkward positions
- respect pain
- large > small muscles
- keep posture “neutral”
- avoid repetitive movements
- plan movements out in advance
- use clinical reasoning to determine whether the task is safe (pt alertness, strength, situation, etc.)
work and volunteer principles in the OTPF (6)
- employment interests and pursuits
- employment seeking and acquisition
- job performance
- retirement preparation and adjustment
- volunteer exploration
- volunteer participation
OTA role in work rehabilitation
- goal setting
- assessment/ reassessment
- collaboration/ contribution to goal writing with OTR
- distraction - mental health piece
- documentation
- monitoring performance
vocational rehab def.
vocational evaluation def.
a comprehensive assessment using real or simulated work
- comprehensive client factor assessment (body functions and performance skills)
- standardized work samples
- situational assessments
- on-site evaluation
functional capacity evaluation def.
identifies the client’s functional abilities and/or limitations to perform sustained work; at times, the FCE will also be used alone to determine maximum capabilities and provide a one-time assessment; in these situations, clients typically have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI)
- can assess basic skills and provide pre employment training
- cannot pick based on bias
- test end point condition (too high of hr, mechanics break down, voluntary termination by the client, when they have reached the limit)
job demand analysis def.
in-depth task analysis of a job
- defines essential tasks of the job (physical, cognitive, education level, equipment used, environmental exposure)
- dictionary of occupational titles
pre-employment screening def.
work hardening/ conditioning def.
worksite evaluation def.
on-the-job assessments to determine if:
- an individual can return to work after onset of disability
- reasonable accommodations can be made
ergonomic and injury prevention consultation def.
multi-faceted approach
- workplace design
- work process design
- tool and equipment design
- architectural design
- work-related stress
- disabled and aging workforce implications
proactive/ reactive approaches to MSD
work-related MSD
2 types of vocational evaluations
- general evaluations
- specific evaluations
GENERAL evaluations
comprehensive assessment assessing all types of work
- individuals who do not have a job
- individuals who never had a job
- individuals who cannot return to prior job
- cognitive, interpersonal, socioemotional demands, not just physical
SPECIFIC evaluations
evaluates specific tasks of a specific job
- done more if its pre-employment or if there is a reasonable goal of returning to work