Exam 4 Psych Flashcards
fertizled egg cell 1-2 weeks after conception, zygote attaches to the uterine lining after 2 weeks and is the size of the period at the end of this sentence.
3-8 weeks. Major systems organs and structures of the body develop. At 8 weeks embryo is about 1 inch long and weighs 1/7 of an once.
a developing human from 9 weeks after conception until birth. Rapid growth and further development of the body structures organs and systems,
A mass of tissue that supplies oxygen and nutrients to embryo carries away waste products and separates the bloodstreams.
Umbilical cord
A cord containing blood vessels that connects the embryo with the placenta.
Amniotic sac
fluid-filled sac that surrounds and protects the embryo and the fetus.
Teratogens (A)
harmful agents in the prenatal environment that can have a negative impact on prenatal development, causing birth defects and other problems. Eg drugs, environmental hazards such as X-rays or toxic waste and diseases.
Sucking reflex
when an object brushes against and infants lips, rhythmic sucking begins (replaced by voluntary sucking by 2 months)
Rooting reflex
when an infants cheek is stroked lightly, head turns in the direction of the stroked cheek and mouth opens (disappears around 4 months)
Moro reflex
in response to a startling stimuli (sudden loud noise or rapid lowering of head or body) arms are extended and then brought rapidly back together and fingers close in grasping motions. Disappears around 5 months.
Grasping reflex
pressure on palms causes fingers to curl with a strong enough grasp to support the infants weight.
Babkin reflex
infant lying down pressure on both palms causes head to turn straight ahead, mouth to open, eyes to close.
Babinski reflex
when side of foot is stroked from heel to toe toes fan out and foot twists inward
a long term feeling of closeness between people such as a child and a caregiver
Harry Harlow
1958 study with monkeys found that attachment depended on contact comfort
infants cries or protest when the primary care giver leaves and actively seeks out the care giver when she returns (consistent parenting)
infant becomes anxious before the primary care giver leaves is extremely upset during her absence, and both seek and resists contact on her return (unconsistent parenting)
repetitive vowel sounds such as aah and ooh
repeating consonant vowel combinations such as ma ma ma ma ma
vocalizations that seem to have consistent meaning for a child and are used in attempts to communicate but do not closely resemble adults words in sound or meaning
language errors in which a child applies does not know an exception to the rule
organized ways of interacting with objects in the world involves two basic components
the tendency to fit new information into existing schemas
modifies and old schema to fit a new object or problem