Exam 4 Pretest Questions Flashcards
The belief that one has the ability to perform behaviors that should lead to expected outcomes is referred to as
a. self-efficacy
b. self-monitoring
c. self-control
d. self-justification
Hypochondriasis involves
a. the deliberate faking of physical illness
b. apparent physical illness caused by psychological factors
c. genuine physical illness caused in part by psychological factors
d. a tendency to misinterpret minor bodily changes as being indicative of serious illness
Although Sue always feels a high level of dread, worry, and anxiety, she still manages to see her daily responsibilities. Sue’s behavior:
a. should not be considered abnormal because her adaptive functioning is not impaired.
b. should not be considered abnormal because everyone sometimes experiences worry and anxiety.
c. can still be considered abnormal because she feels great personal distress.
d. both a and b are true.
The makers of the new Adobe automobile are sick and tired of TV commercials that rely on images of sex and life in the fast lane to sell cars. Besides, they believe that if their commercials simply present the true facts about why their car is the best on the market, potential buyers are more likely to develop a long-lasting preference for the Adobe. According to the elaboration likelihood model, this approach exemplifies the
a. somatic route to persuasion
b. central route to persuasion
c. peripheral route to persuasion
d. autonomic route to persuasion
Which of the following statements is least accurate concerning dissociative identity disorder?
a. The separate personalities are usually aware of one another.
b. Transitions between the separate identities often occur suddenly.
c. The separate identities can differ in age, race, gender, or sexual orientation.
d. Most individuals with dissociative identity disorder also have anxiety, mood, or personality disorders.
Jose has a psychological disorder, and his doctor has prescribed a drug that affects both the levels of norepinephrine and serotonin in Jose’s nervous system. Based on this information, it is most likely that Jose is being treated for
a. an anxiety disorder
b. a schizophrenic disorder
c. a somatoform disorder
d. depression
The findings from twin studies indicate that identical twins are much more similar than fraternal twins on which of the following?
a. neuroticism
b. extraversion
c. conscientiousness
d. all the personality traits in the five-factor model of personality
Person perception refers to the process of
a. monitoring the impressions you make on other people
b. forming impressions of others
c. predicting the behavior of others
d. developing an implicit personality theory
Cognitive dissonance refers to the state one is in when
a. beliefs are contrary to one’s peer group
b. interpersonal relationships are unbalanced
c. behaviors are socially undesirable
d. cognitions are inconsistent
Greer and Neil have been married for 15 years. They have an extremely warm and trusting relationship, and even though Neil frequently travels on business, Greer never worries about him seeing other women. According to Hatfield and Berscheid, Greer and Neil share
a. reciprocal love
b. companionate love
c. passionate love
d. consummate love
According to Alfred Adler, the prime motivating force in a person’s life is
a. physical gratification
b. existential anxiety
c. striving for personality
d. the need for power
Which of the following traits is most associated with childhood temperament?
a. neuroticism
b. extraversion
c. conscientiousness
d. agreeableness
Emotional disturbances that affect one’s physical, perceptual, social, and thought processes are referred to as
a. somatoform disorders
b. dissociative disorders
c. anxiety disorders
d. mood disorders
Which of the following is a common criticism of psychodynamic theories of personality?
a. lack of testability
b. sex bias against men
c. a reliance on the use of clinical experiments
d. under-emphasis on the importance of early childhood experiences
When we make assumptions about why people do the things they do we are making
a. an actor observer bias
b. a stereotype.
c. an attribution.
d. a first impression.
Thomas describes himself as an open and relaxed individual, but people who know him well would describe Thomas as secretive and tense. According to Carl Rogers, Thomas is likely to
a. experience incongruence
b. be low in self-monitoring
c. experience congruence
d. be low in self-efficacy
Social schemas are best defined as
a. patterns of social behavior one is most likely to perform
b. widely held beliefs that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group
c. organized clusters of ideas about people or social events
d. tendencies to view those who are different than us in a negative way
In Milgram’s research on obedience, what did the experimenter do to the teacher when the teacher questioned whether the experiment should continue?
a. The teacher was given verbal prompts to continue.
b. The teacher was verbally abused.
c. The teacher was shocked.
d. The teacher was requested to change places with the learner.
According to Seligman people that exhibit a(n) ____ explanatory style are especially vulnerable to depression.
a. pessimistic
b. narcissistic
c. histrionic
d. ruminative
Carmen has been invited to a party. Immediately after receiving the invitation she meets with a group of friends to discuss what they plan to wear to the party. Carmen then makes the decision on what she will wear. Carmen’s party dressing behavior demonstrates
a. groupthink
b. a social decision scheme
c. obedience to an authority
d. conformity
A complete absorption in another that includes tender sexual feelings and the agony and ecstasy of intense emotion is called
a. passionate love
b. platonic love
c. sexual love
d. lustful love
According to the five-factor model of personality, people who score high in ____ are characterized as anxious, hostile, self-conscious, insecure and vulnerable.
a. neuroticism
b. extraversion
c. conscientiousness
d. openness to experience
A key concept in Freudian theory is
a. conflict
b. self-actualization
c. reinforcement
d. personal growth
Abnormalities in neural circuits that use ____ have recently been implicated in panic and obsessive-compulsive disorders.
a. dopamine
b. acetylcholine
c. serotonin
d. endorphin
The somatoform disorders include
a. fugue, multiple personality, and conversion disorders
b. somatization disorder, fugue, and hypochondriasis
c. psychogenic amnesia, fugue, and multiple personality
d. somatization disorder, hypochondriasis, and conversion disorder
In Asch’s studies, ____ were found to be the key determinants of conformity.
a. task difficulty and group size
b. the group leader’s personality and group unanimity
c. group size and group unanimity
d. group size and the subjects’ intelligence
Dissociative identity disorders have been suggested to result from
a. a neurotransmitter imbalance
b. a neurotic personality
c. extreme stress
d. intentional role playing
According to the five-factor model of personality, people who score high in ____ are characterized as curious, flexible, imaginative and generally hold unconventional attitudes.
a. neuroticism
b. extraversion
c. conscientiousness
d. openness to experience
A concordance rate indicates
a. the percentage of twin pairs or other pairs of relatives who exhibit the same disorder
b. agreement rates between physicians in diagnosing psychological disorders
c. the degree to which psychological factors affect physical health
d. the degree to which biological factors affect psychological adjustment
Doug feels that he has worked very hard to get his promotion. However when his last sales pitch did not end up in a sale he attributed the failure to the fact that the company he was “pitching to” was having financial difficulties. Doug’s behavior is an illustration of ____.
a. the actor-observer effect.
b. a fundamental attribution error.
c. the foot-in-the-door technique.
d. the self-serving bias.
According to Hazan and Shaver, an adult who reports that his or her love relations are volatile, jealous, and full of expected rejection was probably a child with
a. a tentative attachment
b. an anxious-ambivalent attachment
c. a secure attachment
d. an avoidant attachment
Ivy excitedly tells you that she has been invited to sing at the coronation of the new King of Cyprus. You find this difficult to believe, considering Ivy sings terribly and Cyprus has an elected government, not a monarchy. Ivy’s statements are clearly out of touch with reality. It appears that Ivy is experiencing
a. delusions of grandeur
b. hallucinations
c. compulsions
d. loosening of associations
Which of the following is NOT a common criticism of psychodynamic theories of personality?
a. lack of testability
b. sex bias against women
c. inadequate supportive evidence
d. over-emphasis on the importance of early childhood experiences
Maria is afraid to leave her home to go shopping or even go to work; she avoids all public places. Maria suffers from a disorder known as
a. agoraphobia
b. brontophobia
c. simple phobia
d. claustrophobia
Ann is so terrified of fire that she cannot light a match or even enjoy dinner by candlelight. Ann is most likely suffering from
a. generalized anxiety disorder
b. panic disorder
c. obsessive-compulsive disorder
d. phobic disorder
Giving self-justifying plausible excuses that hide the real reasons for our behavior defines the defense mechanism known as
a. regression
b. reaction formation
c. projection
d. rationalization
Epidemiology is the study of
a. the distribution of mental or physical disorders in a population
b. treatments for psychological disorders
c. sudden “epidemics” involving specific mental or physical disorders
d. how cultural values affect judgments of abnormality
The difference between a phobia and a normal fear is that a phobia
a. involves a cognitive component as well as behavioral responses
b. is characterized by an increase in heart rate
c. interferes with everyday behavior
d. only take place when the actual object is present
Daniel started watching a movie that was half over. He thought the male lead in the movie was a private detective, however the lead character was actually a medical doctor. Later, when Daniel is discussing the movie with his friends, he remembers the character’s beat-up old car and the fact he ate a lot of fast food. His friends focus more on the character’s logical assessment of the facts involved in the case. These differences in memory may result from
a. the matching hypothesis
b. confirmation biases
c. an actor-observer bias
d. the fundamental attribution error
According to the five-factor model of personality, people who score high in ____ tend to be diligent, disciplined, well organized, and punctual.
a. neuroticism
b. extraversion
c. conscientiousness
d. agreeableness
Which of the following personality traits appears to be related to the likelihood of developing a somatoform
a. neuroticism
b. extraversion
c. agreeableness
d. conscientiousness
Which of the following does NOT tend to facilitate persuasion?
a. source credibility
b. source trustworthiness
c. forewarning of the receiver
d. a two-sided argument
When Darren’s classmate earns a “D” on an essay for their history class, Darren figures the classmate is unmotivated, and should have spent more time working on the paper and less time socializing. The classmate is disappointed with her grade, but she knows she didn’t have much time to work on the essay because she had to work double-shifts the entire week before the paper was due. The different attributions for the low grade on the essay illustrate
a. the self-serving bias
b. defensive attributions
c. the actor-observer bias
d. cognitive dissonance
The fact that we tend to like people who like us illustrates which of the following principles involved in interpersonal attraction?
a. reciprocity
b. reification
c. equity
d. dyadic interaction
The disorder that is characterized by worry and fear, muscle tension, trembling, faintness, and difficulty in concentrating is known as a
a. conversion disorder
b. paranoid disorder
c. dissociative disorder
d. generalized anxiety disorder
Adena has just recovered from her first episode of major depression. Based on the findings from longitudinal studies, the likelihood that Adena will experience or relapse within the next five years is
a. approximately 60 percent
b. less than 10 percent
c. just over 25 percent
d. between 40 and 45 percent
Inflated self-esteem, distractibility, heightened emotionality, and grandiose planning are all symptoms associated with
a. fugue states
b. bipolar disorders
c. dissociative disorders
d. obsessive-compulsive disorders
Schizophrenia is characterized by
a. emotional disturbances and high levels of anxiety
b. the presence of two or more distinct personalities
c. loss of memory or personal identity
d. a fragmentation of thought processes
Hal is fearful of men who are friendly toward him, convinced that they are all homosexuals attempting to seduce him. Should it be the case that Hal is himself a latent homosexual, fearful of admitting this even to himself, we might conclude that he is using the defense mechanisms of repression and
a. reaction formation
b. projection
c. displacement
d. regression
People with unipolar disorder experience _________; people with bipolar disorder experience ________.
a. alternating periods of depression and mania; mania only
b. depression only; alternating periods of depression and mania
c. mania only; alternating periods of depression and mania
d. alternating periods of depression and mania; depression and mania simultaneously
Etiology refers to the
a. projected course of a condition
b. apparent cause of a condition
c. study of mental illness
d. collection of a group of symptoms
Tina recently lost over half the money she had put away for her retirement. If Webster concludes that Tina lost the money because the stock market took a significant downturn, he has
a. been influenced by an illusory correlation
b. made an internal attribution
c. made an external attribution
d. made the fundamental attribution error
In his investigations of the cognitive factors that might contribute to depression, Seligman found that people with a pessimistic explanatory style are especially vulnerable to depression. These individuals tend to attribute their setbacks to ____, and draw ____ conclusions about their personal inadequacies.
a. situational factors; narrow, specific
b. personal flaws; narrow, specific
c. situational factors; global, far-reaching
d. personal flaws; global, far-reaching
Psychogenic amnesia and fugue most likely result from
a. a neurotransmitter imbalance
b. a neurotic personality
c. extreme stress
d. unconscious recollections of childhood trauma
Randall is an alcoholic who has been fired from four jobs in the past year, but he is not concerned because he feels that there are lots of other jobs available. In this example, the fact that Randall’s alcoholism affects his occupational status would most likely be considered
a. personally distressing
b. maladaptive
c. culturally deviant
d. legal incompetency
According to the five-factor model of personality, people who score high in ____ tend to be sympathetic, trusting, cooperative, and modest.
a. neuroticism
b. extraversion
c. conscientiousness
d. agreeableness
Research suggests that there is an association between schizophrenia and:
enlarged brain ventricles
Which of Freud’s psychosexual stages did he see as society’s first systematic effort to regulate the child impulses?
a. anal stage
b. oral stage
c. latency stage
d. genital stage
In Milgram’s (1963) study of obedience, subjects
a. indicated which of three lines matched a “standard line” in length
b. became the recipients of painful electric shocks delivered by an experimental accomplice
c. were ordered to give consistently wrong answers to simple questions
d. were ordered to deliver painful electric shocks to a stranger
A Freudian might explain a compulsive smoker’s behavior as being the result of fixation at the
a. anal stage
b. oral stage
c. latency stage
d. genital stage
Correlations between mood disorders and a variety of structural abnormalities in the brain suggest that reduced volume in the ____ is related to depression.
a. amygdala
b. hypothalamus
c. hippocampus
d. thalamus
John observed Gracie, an executive for a large accounting firm, behave in an aggressive and pushy manner with her subordinates. John now believes that most women executives are basically aggressive and pushy with their subordinates. John’s overestimation of the relationship between women executives and the social traits of “pushy” and “aggressive” is referred to as
a. an illusory correlation
b. a heuristic overbias
c. a self-serving attribution
d. a contravened stereotype
Primary process thinking is associated with the ____, and secondary process thinking is associated with the ____.
a. ego; superego
b. superego; id
c. ego; id
d. id; ego
Which of the following neurotransmitters has been implicated in mood disorders?
b. serotonin
c. dopamine
d. endorphins
Marcos is very quiet and avoids large groups. Some people consider him unfriendly, and he seldom takes a stand or acts assertively. Based on the five-factor model of personality, Macros would probably score
a. low in extraversion
b. low in agreeableness
c. high in neuroticism
d. low in openness
Maureen was trying to decide which one of two national brand computers to buy. She was pretty well set on buying the “Brand A” computer when one of her friends mentioned that Kevin Costner did commercials endorsing “Brand B.” Maureen decides to buy the “Brand B” computer, based on the assumption that Kevin Costner wouldn’t endorse anything that wasn’t top quality. In this instance, Maureen has reached her decision using
a. the cognitive dissonance model of persuasion
b. the central route to persuasion
c. a self-serving route to persuasion
d. the peripheral route to persuasion
Id is to pleasure principle as
a. superego is to desire
b. superego is to repetition principle
c. ego is to executive principle
d. ego is to reality principle
The order of the stages in psychosexual development is
a. anal, oral, phallic, genital, latency
b. oral, anal, latency, phallic, genital
c. oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
d. anal, oral, genital, latency, phallic
Researchers have found that depression occurs
a. nearly twice as frequently in women as in men
b. nearly four times as frequently in women as in men
c. with equal frequency in women and in men
d. nearly twice as frequently in men as in women
Defense mechanisms combat feelings of anxiety and guilt
a. through self-deception
b. through rational problem solving
c. by enhancing self-insight
d. by making unconscious urges conscious
Norton hears disembodied voices all the time that give him strange commands. Yesterday he finished building a concrete landing pad in his backyard for a UFO. The voices have told him that the spacecraft will land over the weekend and take him to a more advanced civilization 27 light years from earth. In this case, the voices that Norton hears are
a. delusions
b. obsessions
c. compulsions
d. hallucinations
Alexia started a new job on Monday morning. For the first three days she showed up in bright colors and was outgoing and extroverted. However, on Thursday she showed up in a dark suit and appeared shy and introverted. She insisted that her name was Clara, and she couldn’t understand why her coworkers kept calling her Alexia. In this example, Alexia is showing symptoms that are consistent with
a. bipolar disorder
b. dissociation identity disorder
c. disorganized schizophrenia
d. antisocial personality disorder
The illusory correlation effect occurs when we
a. fail to see true correlations between social traits, because our expectations distort our memories
b. are motivated to accurately estimate the frequency with which some pattern of social traits occurs
c. see correlations between social traits that really aren’t there, because our expectations distort our memories
d. incorrectly assume that one social trait is the cause of another, simply because we have observed that they are correlated
Alan has always done poorly in his math courses; he must take a statistics course next term to graduate. He is not very confident he will do well in the statistics course and is very nervous about taking the course. In this example, Alan shows evidence of having
a. high incongruence with respect to math
b. low self-efficacy in math
c. high self-efficacy in math
d. a mathematical neurosis
The idea that a male child desires his mother and fears his father illustrates the
a. genital complex
b. latency complex
c. Oedipal complex
d. Electra complex
Which of the following symptoms is NOT associated with a depressive disorder?
a. impulsive behavior
b. altered appetite
c. insomnia
d. feelings of worthlessness
The class of disorders that are marked by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and deterioration of adaptive behavior is known as
a. anxiety disorder
b. personality disorders
c. schizophrenic disorders
d. dissociative disorders
A father suggests that his son’s low marks in school are due to the child’s laziness. The father has made
a. a situational attribution
b. an external attribution
c. an internal attribution
d. a distinctive attribution
According to the elaboration likelihood model, messages that focus on the ____ are more likely to produce lasting attitude change.
a. central route
b. peripheral route
c. generic path
d. parasympathetic route
The superego is Freud’s term for
a. the biological impulses
b. the mediating agent between “inside” and “outside”
c. the defensive aspect of personality makeup
d. the moral component of personality
Hope often sits for hours in extremely rigid positions; during these times she seems to lose contact with the external world and does not respond to people who try to speak to her. At other times she becomes extremely hyperactive and rambles on incoherently. Hope’s symptoms are most consistent with those seen in
a. paranoid schizophrenia
b. undifferentiated schizophrenia
c. disorganized schizophrenia
d. catatonic schizophrenia
If you tend to overemphasize internal characteristics in explaining the behavior of others, you are evidencing the
a. self-serving bias
b. false consensus effect
c. fundamental attribution error
d. situational attributional tendency
Abby was watching a documentary on some of the horrors of the Viet Nam War. Even when she saw soldiers
being blown up after stepping on land mines, she showed no emotional reaction or response. In this case,
Abby is displaying symptoms of
a. catatonic stupor
b. blunted or flat affect
c. antisocial personality disorder
d. conversion disorder
An unwanted thought that repeatedly intrudes upon an individual’s consciousness is called
a. a delusion
b. an obsession
c. a compulsion
d. a hallucination
Somatoform disorders involve
a. the deliberate faking of physical illness
b. apparent physical illness caused by psychological factors
c. genuine physical illness caused in part by psychological factors
d. psychological disorders that respond to medical intervention
The correct order of the needs in Maslow’s hierarchy, from most basic to highest level, is
a. esteem, physiological, aesthetic, safety, love, cognitive, self-actualization
b. physiological, cognitive, love, safety, aesthetic, esteem, self-actualization
c. safety, physiological, esteem, aesthetic, love, self-actualization
d. physiological, safety, love, esteem, cognitive, aesthetic, self-actualization
According to Hazan and Shaver:
a. romantic relationships in adulthood follow the same form as attachment relationships in infancy.
b. those who had ambivalent attachments in infancy are doomed to never fall in love as adults.
c. those who had avoidant attachments in infancy often overcompensate by becoming excessively intimate in their adult love relationships.
d. all of the above are the case.
The tendency to attribute other people’s behavior to internal factors and our own behavior to situational influences is known as
a. the fundamental attribution error.
b. a stereotype.
c. the foot in the door technique.
d. the actor-observer effect.
While a person with a dissociative ____ escapes from a stressful situation by blocking the memory out of awareness; a person with dissociative ____ combines this blocking behavior with the act of leaving the environment.
a. fugue; amnesia
b. identity disorder; fugue
c. amnesia; identity disorder
d. amnesia; fugue