Exam 4 Flashcards
The _______ stage is where the oedipal complex emerges and is where the genitals become the focus for the child’s erotic energy.
_______ stages are developmental periods with a characteristic sexual focus that leave their mark on adult personality.
The ______ contains material just beneath the surface of awareness that can easily be retrieved.
- Middle name
- What you had for supper last night
- If I ask…“what did you have for breakfast?” This was beneath the conscious until I asked you.*
The _____________ technique involves getting people to agree to a small request to increase the chances they will agree to a larger request later.
foot in the door
The _____ _______ _______ posits that repeated exposures to a stimulus promotes greater liking of the stimulus.
mere exposure effect
In explaining failure, the usual actor-observer biases are apparent. But, in explaining success, the usual actor-observe differences are unapparent: Actors prefer internal attributions so they can take credit for their triumphs. This is an example of the _________ _________.
selfserving bias
If a friend’s business fails, you might attribute it to your friend’s lack of business knowledge, which is an _______ attribution, (a personal explanation).
Evolutionary theorists assert that humans classify as an _________ when one does not belong to a group or does not identify with a group.
Negative stereotypes
The ________ _________ occurs when people estimate that they have encountered more confirmations of an association between social traits than they have actually seen.
“I’ve never met an honest lawyer”
illusory correlation
A ________ is a forecast about the probable course of an illness.
Within personality, the stability in a person’s behavior over time is the ____________.
_______ is attributing one’s own thoughts, feelings, or motives to another.
Doing this usually would make one feel guilty.
Your ________ might feel an urge to clobber a co-worker who constantly irritates you, but society frowns on such behavior, so your _______ would try to hold this in check.
- id
- ego
A ________ _________ indicates the percentage of twin pairs or other pairs of relatives that exhibit the same disorder.
concordance rate
________ _________ is the degree to which a relative of a schizophrenic patient displays highly critical or emotionally over involved attitudes toward the patient.
Expressed emotion
A ______ _______ is a durable disposition to behave in a particular way.
personality trait
The ______ ______ is taken when people carefully ponder the content and logic of persuasive messages.
central route
__________ schizophrenia is when you have mixtures of schizophrenia symptoms and you cannot be placed in just one category.
The id engages in ______ _______ _______, which is primitive, illogical, irrational, and fantasy oriented.
primary process thinking
Within personality, the behavioral differences among people reacting to the same situation is the __________.
_______ is a reversion to immature patterns of behavior.
An unemployed executive that has difficulty finding a new job may start making ridiculous statements about his incomparable talents and achievements.
You banged up your car,if you blame your fault on:
your carelessness, then your making an ______ attribution
the slippery road conditions, then your making an ________ attribution.
- internal
- external
______ ______ occurs when group discussion strengthens a group’s dominant point of view and produces a shift toward a more extreme decision.
Group polarization
________ emphasized unique qualities of humans and their freedom/potential for personal growth.
The ego engages in ________ _________ _______, which is rational, realistic, and oriented problem solving.
Long-range goals that require putting off gratification
secondary process thinking
The _______ ________ is where children manifest erotically tinged desires for their opposite-sex parent, accompanied by feelings hostility toward their same-sex parent.
oedipal complex
You failed to get a job: If you attribute your setback to internal factors such as your “inadequate effort to put together an eye-catching resume,” then this is your ______ cause.
The TAT is how we study personality. If looking at an inkblot, we are looking for the ________ stimuli.
Tat’s are guesses
_______ occurs when people yield to real or imagined social pressure.
You maintain a well-groomed lawn to avoid neighbors’ complaints.
In _______ _________, people lose their memory for their entire lives along with their sense of personal identity.
dissociative fugue
______ ________ refers to the strength of the liking relationships linking group members to each other and to the group itself.
Group cohesiveness
The _______ stage is where sexual energy is channeled towards peers of the other sex.
_________ bolsters self-esteem, often you form either an imaginary or real alliance with a person or group.
- Young people may bolster self-esteem by doing this with rock stars
- Adults may join exclusive country clubs or civic organizations
According to Festinger, _______ ________ exists when related attitudes or beliefs are inconsistent–that is, when they contradict each other.
You say….“I am hard working” and later you say “I’m playing hooky from work”
cognitive dissonance
With the schizophrenia known as ________, you might remain motionless on your bed for hours on end.
The ego is guided by the _____ ______, which seeks to delay gratification of the id’s urge until appropriate outlets and situations can be found.
reality principle
Adjectives such as honest, moody, suspicious, friendly, or anxious describe dispositions that represent _______ _________.
personality traits
According to the _______ ________, people are less likely to provide needed help when they are in groups than when they are alone.
bystander effect
________ is a fear of heights.
An individual’s unique set of consistent behavioral traits is _______.
______ ______ are widely shared expectations about how people in certain positions are supposed to behave.
Social roles
If you are NOT thinking about your middle name at this moment, then your middle name is contained at the ________ level, which is below your awareness.
Mischel’s personality theory focuses on ____________________.
Carl Roger’s personality theory focuses on ________________.
- Situational factors that govern behavior
- A person-centered theory
Roger believed that unconditional love from parents fosters ________ and that conditional love fosters __________.
- Congruence
- Incongruence
The _______ is an instinctive component of personality that operates according to the pleasure principle.
Raw biological urges that energize human behavior: to eat, sleep, defecate, and copulate.
________ attitudes are covert attitudes that are expressed in subtle automatic responses over which one has little conscious control.
IAT Tests
If a substance such as cocaine interferes with a person’s social or occupational functioning, it is the ________ quality of behavior that makes it disordered.
_______ ________ is the process of forming impressions of others.
Person perception
According to Freud, fixation at the ______ stage could form the obsessive eating or smoking (among many other things) later in life.
As part of the five-factor model of personality traits, ________ is associated with curiosity, flexibility, vivid fantasy, imaginativeness, artistic sensitivity, and unconventional attitudes.
- Tolerant of ambiguity*
- Less need for closure on issues than others*
The elaboration likelihood model of attitude change proposed by Riehard Petty and John Cacioppo posits that there are 2 basic routes to persuasion.
The ______ route
The ______ route
- central*
- peripheral*
The ______ is the moral component of personality that incorporates social standards about what represents right and wrong.
You failed to get a job: If you attribute your setback to external factors, the “bad luck” is your _______ cause.
_______ attitudes are attitudes that one holds consciously and can readily describe.
Examples of material that might be found in your _______ include a forgotten trauma from childhood, hidden feelings of hostility toward a parent, and repressed sexual desires.
_________ are inferences that people draw about the cause of events, others’ behavior and their own behavior.
The _______ _______ is taken when persuasion depends on nonmessage factors.
- Attractiveness *
- Credibility of source*
- Conditioned emotional responses*
peripheral route
The message is the information transmitted by the source, and the ______ is the medium through which the message is sent.
2/10 people in a group are putting in 100% effort, but the other **8/10 **people are “hiding in the crowd.” This an example of the group falling into the pattern of _______ _______.
Social Loafing
As part of the five-factor model of personality traits, people who score high in _______ are characterized as outgoing, sociable, upbeat, friendly, assertive, and gregarious.
More positive outlook on life and are motivated to pursue social contact, intimacy, and interdependence.
________ involves putting personal goals ahead of group goals.
________ involves putting group goals ahead of personal goals.
______ ________ is behaving in a way that’s exactly opposite of one’s true feelings.
Reaction Formation
________ is a theoretical orientation based on the premise that scientific psychology should study only observable behavior.
Your emotions or feelings such as:
“Dude, guns make me sick,” is an _______ component of attitude
Adler asserted that everyone has to work to overcome feelings of inferiority, he called this _________, which involves efforts to overcome imagined or real inferiorities by developing one’s abilities.
_______ _______, (to fulfill one’s potential) is the highest need in Maslow’s motivational hierarchy.
Self actualization
Jung theorized the existence of the ______ _______, a storehouse of latent memory traces inherited from people’s ancestral past.
collective conscious
_______ schizophrenia is marked by striking motor disturbances, ranging from muscular rigidity to random motor activity.
As part of the five-factor model of personality traits, people who score high in ________ tend to be sympathetic, trusting, cooperative, modest, and straightforward.
Correlates with empathy and helping behavior.
The ______ stage consists of efforts to regulate the child’s biological urge to poop.
It is your ________ that may include the train of thought in this text and a dim awareness in the back of your mind that your eyes are getting tired and your are beginning to get hungry.
Self-esteem serves as a _____ _______.
terror management
Autistic children and their use of language tends to be marked by peculiarities such as _______, which involves rote repetition of others’ words.
You failed to get a job: If you attribute your setback to internal factors such as “lack of ability,” then this is your _______ cause.
You failed to get a job: If you attribute your setback to external factors such as “too much outstanding competition,” this is your _______ cause.
Seligman proposed that depression is caused by _______ ______, which is passive giving up.
learned helplessness
If you conclude that you are stuck at home with nothing to do because you failed to plan ahead, you’ve made an ________ about the cause of an event (being stuck at home).
Evolutionary theorists assert that humans classify as an ________ when one belongs to a group than one can identify with.
Viewed in favorable light
If a friend’s business fails, you might attribute his failure to the poor economy, which is an ________ attribution, (a situational explanation).
In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs you can go back and forth between needs. Importantly, you satisfy the _______ needs before the _______ needs.
- basic*
- complicated*
_______ attitudes are conflicted evaluations that include both positive and negative feelings about an object of thought.
The higher this is, the more pliable an attitude is in the face of persuasion.
People from collectivist societies appear to be less susceptible to the _______ _______ _______, than those from individualistic societies.
fundamental attribution error
Freud has a ___________ theory.
Jung has an ___________ theory.
Adler has an ___________ theory.
- psychoanalytic*
- -* analytic
- individual *
Predispositions to act such as:
“I vote for gun-control advocates whenever possible,” is a _______ component of attitude.
The ______ stage centers on expanding social contacts beyond the immediate family.
_______ occurs when unconscious, unacceptable impulses are channeled into socially acceptable, perhaps even admirable, behaviors.
- Intense aggressive urges may be channeled by playing football or boxing*
- Creative endeavors channeled by painting or poetry*
- It is a healthy defense mechanism*
______ involves a failure to move forward from one stage to another as expected.
Caused by excessive gratification or excessive frustration
A schizophrenic person may laugh at the news of someone dying or show NO emotion at all.
This is known as the ______ effect.
A ______-______ is a collection of beliefs about one’s own nature, unique qualities, and typical behaviors.
Your own mental picture of yourself such as….”I am easygoing.”
If an attitude is highly accessible, the attitude tends to be ______.
What causes groupthink?
Group cohesiveness causes **groupthink! **
The ______ _______ technique involves getting someone to commit to a seemingly attractive preposition before its hidden costs are revealed.
low ball
________ is a personality trait marked by an inflated sense of importance, a need for attention and admiration, a sense entitlement, and a tendency to exploit others.
An error was made on your bank statement. Your normally a calm, easygoing person, but today you are having a meltdown because you just fixed a similar error last week. On top of that, you have waited in line for 40 min and the bank teller is being rude. Because observers are not aware that you are NOT your normal self, a _______ _______ error takes place.
fundamental attribution
The _________ _________ proposes that male and females of approximately equal physical attractiveness are likely to select each other as partners.
matching hypothesis
In ________ _________ __________, the various personalities report they are unaware of each other.
A shy person may have an extraverted alternate personality.
dissociative identity disorder
Maslow proposed that human motives are organized into a _______ ___ _______, a systematic arrangement of needs, according to priority, in which basic needs must be met before less basic needs are aroused.
hiearchy of needs
The id operates according to the _______ ________, which demands immediate gratification of its urges.
pleasure principle
_______ _______ is the degree to which subjects’ mortality is prominent in their minds.
Mortality salience
The __________ ________ is prevalent in individualistic societies where one is motivated to impress others.
selfserving bias
_________ is a diminished ability to experience pleasure.
________ is a fear of going out to public places.
The ________ _________ proposes that it is useful to think of abnormal behavior as a disease.
medical model
Jung called *ancestral memories *________, which are emotionally charged images and thought forms that have universal meaning.
Manifested in cultures’ use of symbols.
In _________ schizophrenia, aimless babbling and giggling occurs.
Delusions often focus on bodily functions such as “my brain is melting.”
According to Freud, the most basic and widely used defense mechanism is _______, which is the keeping of distressed thoughts buried in the unconscious.
According to Skinner’s view, people show some consistent patterns of behavior because they have some stable _______ ________ that they have acquired through experience.
response tendencies
The _____ is a personality structure of long-term gratification.
The _____ stage consists of biting, sucking, and chewing.
_______ refers to the apparent causation and developmental history of an illness.
________ _________ are unconscious reactions that protect a person from unpleasant emotions such as anxiety and guilt.
Defense mechanisms
As part of the five-factor model of personality traits, people who score high in ________ tend to be diligent, disciplined, well-organized, punctual, and dependable.
- Strong self-discipline*
- Ability to regulate oneself effectively*
_________ is diverting emotional feelings (usually angry) from their original source to a substitute target.
Your boss gives you a hard time so you come home and slam the door, kick the dog, or scream at your spouse.
________ ________ is the branch of psychology concerned with the way individuals’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by others.
Social psychology
_______ disorders encompass a class of disorders marked by:
- delusions
- hallucinations
- disorganized speech
- deterioration of adaptive behavior
A belief or idea such as:
“Yo man, gun owners end up shooting themselves more often than they shoot thieves,” is a ______ component of attitude.
Maslow was interested in _____ personality and how motives are ordered ______.
The _____________ hypothesis of schizophrenia asserts that schizophrenia is caused by:
Disruptions in the normal maturational process of the brain before or at birth
Viral Infections or malnutrition during prenatal development
______ _______ is a reduction in effort by individuals when they work in groups as compared to when they work by themselves.
Social loafing
You make yourself look more successful by driving a fancy car. This is an example of: _________
Adler saw ________ ____ ________ as a universal drive to adapt, improve oneself, and master life’s challenges.
Younger children feel inferior to older children, so they have to do this.
striving for personality
Roger says ________ is the degree of disparity between one’s self-concept and one’s actual experience.
-You may believe you are really bright, but your transcript might suggest otherwise.
As part of the five-factor model of personality traits, people who score high in _______ tend to be anxious, hostile, self-conscious, insecure, and vulnerable.
Exhibit more impulsiveness and instability than others
The ________ is the decision-making component of personality that operates according to the reality principle.
This considers society’s norms, etiquette, rules, and customs.
_______ is a fear of storms.