Exam 4 - part 3 Flashcards
Erickson and Ryrie on Inerrancy and Authority of the Bible.
What is Erickson’s definition of Bible inerrancy?
“The Bible, when correctly interpreted in light of the level to which culture and the means of communication were developed at the time it was written, and in view of the purposes for which it was given, is fully truthful in all that it affirms” (Erickson, p. 201)
What does inerrancy pertain to?
The Bible is truthful in what it affirms or asserts, not merely what is reported. False statements made by ungodly people in the Bible are still false, but they have been correctly reported.
Are discrepancies in recorded numbers to be considered errant, such as 24,000 deaths in the plague recorded in Numbers (Num 25.9) and 23,000 deaths recorded by Paul in First Corinthians (1 Cor 10.8)?
No, because “assertions [in the Bible] are fully true when judged according with the purpose for which they were written” (Erickson, p. 203). Rounded numbers are acceptable if that was not the point the author was trying to make.
What is Erickson’s definition of the authority of the Bible?
“The Bible, as the expression of God’s will to us, possesses the right supremely to define what we are to believe and how we are to live” (Erickson, p. 211).
What is meant by “veracious authority” in regard to the Bible?
The Bible leads those who read it to truth.
What about God reinforces the inerrancy of the Bible?
God is omniscient, so he cannot be ignorant of error.
He is omnipotent, so He could prevent error.
He is truthful, or veracious, so He can ensure that future Bible readers would not be misled.
What of history supports the concept of Bible inerrancy?
The church has historically supported inerrancy. Augustine and Luther made statements in support of inerrancy while Calvin spoke of the human tendency to err, and Scripture being the only safeguard against this.
What is the epistemological importance of inerrancy, and what is the “domino” theory?
How do we know the Bible is true? False in one proposition, uncertain in all. The Bible should be true in its historical and scientific data or else how can we trust its other parts?
What is the correct understanding of illumination?
“There is an internal working of the Holy Spirit, illumining the understanding of the hearer or reader of the Bible, bringing about comprehension of its meaning, and creating certainty concerning its truth and divine origin” (Erickson, p. 216).
Why is the Holy Spirit necessary for illumination?
God is transcendent and humans are limited. Humans are also sinful and need certainty in spiritual matters of life and death.
What does Matt. 13:13-15 and Mark 8:18 say about the human condition and need for the Holy Spirit to illuminate Scripture?
Humans hear but never understand. We see and never perceive.
What verse tells us that the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel?
2 Corinthians 4:4
What verse tells us that the natural person has not received the gifts of the Spirit?
1 Corinthians 2:14
How does the Holy Spirit overcome the human condition of blindness? Give a Bible reference.
The eyes of our hearts are enlightened by the one-time regeneration of the Spirit (Eph. 1:18) and then His continuing work in a believer’s life.
What are the four functions of the Holy Spirit?
- The Holy Spirit will teach the believer and remind him about what Jesus has said.
- “The Holy Spirit will witness to Jesus” (Erickson, p. 219).
- “The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment” (Erickson, p. 219)
- “The Holy Spirit will guide believers into all truth” (Erickson, p. 219).
What is the view of absolute inerrancy?
The Bible is fully true in exact scientific, historical, theological, religious, and spiritual data. Apparent discrepancies must be explained.
What is the view of full inerrancy?
No difference from absolute inerrancy except the historical and scientific data are reported as phenomenal, or in other words, inexact approximations or how it appears to the eye.
What is the view of limited inerrancy?
The Bible is inerrant and infallible when it comes to doctrine, like salvation. But for historical and scientific data, the writers were limited in understanding. These parts of the Bible contain errors.
What is the view of inerrancy of purpose?
The Bible accomplishes its purpose of bringing people to Christ, not teaching truth. “Truth is through of not as a quality of propositions, but as a means to accomplish an end” (Erickson, p. 192). Pragmatic truth.
What is the view of accommodated revelation?
“The Bible came through human channels, and thus participates in the shortcomings of human nature” (Erickson, p. 192). The Bible is erroneous, containing some revelational and other nonrevelational elements.
What is the view of nonpropositional revelation?
The Bible is not in itself revelation, but points people to a personal encounter that is revelation. The Bible contains errors, but these are just the words of the Bible writers, not God. The Bible is still functional.
What is the view that inerrancy is irrelevant?
The issue of inerrancy is regarded as “false or distracting” (Erickson, p. 193) It distracts us from what the Bible is trying to teach about our relationship to God. Inerrancy inhibits impartial exegesis, and is imposed.