Exam 3 - part 2 Flashcards
Millard Erickson on the Attributes, Immanence and Transcendence of God.
How does Isaiah 6:4 relate to God’s moral purity?
Holiness. The seraphim cried, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty.”
How does Jer. 9:24 relate to God’s moral purity?
Righteousness. The LORD delights in exercising kindness, justice and righteousness on the earth.
How does Jer. 10:10 relate to God’s integrity?
Genuineness. The LORD is the true, living God, and eternal King.
How does Titus 1:2 relate to God’s integrity?
Veracity. God is faithful. He does not lie.
How does 1 Thes. 5:24 relate to God’s integrity?
Faithfulness. God who calls you is faithful and will do what He says He will. He keeps His promises.
How does 1 John 4:8 relate to God’s love?
God’s love must be in the believer. God is love. (It is His most basic attribute.)
How does Acts 17:27-28 relate to God’s immanence?
Immanence (not technically an attribute) - God is not far from us. We are his offspring.
How does Ps. 113:5-6 relate to God’s transcendence?
God is beyond our realm. He sits enthroned on high and stoops down to look on us.
What are the attributes associated with God’s goodness?
Moral purity - Holiness - Righteousness - Justice Integrity - Genuineness - Veractity - Faithfulness Love - Benevolence - Grace - Mercy - Persistence
What is meant when we say “God’s moral purity?”
God is “absolute[ly] free from anything wicked or evil” (Erickson, p. 255).
What was Louis Berkhof’s “majesty-holiness” of God?
This is what he called God’s total separateness from all of creation.
Give some Biblical examples of the sacredness of God being conveyed to objects and places associated with Him.
Moses stood on sacred ground (Exodus 3:5).
Nobody could approach Mt. Sinai except Moses (Exodus 19).
Restrictions applied to the tabernacle and the temple (Exodus 26:33; 1 Kings 6;16).
What is meant by God’s absolute purity or goodness? Give Bible references.
“God is untouched and unstained by the evil in the world” (Erickson, p. 256)
Habakkuk 1:13, James 1:13, Job 34:12
How should human beings respond to God’s holiness / perfection?
We should see it as the “standard for our moral character and the motivation for religious practice” (Erickson, p. 256) (Lev. 11:44-45).
Is God selfish, desiring all the glory for Himself?
No. Self-centeredness is a human sin that “lies not in preferring ourselves to others, but in preferring some finite thing to the supreme value, God” (Erickson, p. 258).
What Hebrew word designates the God of Israel as being the “true” God?
How should human beings respond to God’s truthfulness? Give Biblical support.
We should be honest in all situations, especially when presenting the gospel (Deut. 25:13-15; 2 Cor. 4:2).
How should we respond to God’s faithfulness? Give Biblical support.
We are to keep our word and not give it without thought (Eccles. 5:4-5; Pss. 61:5, 8, 66:13; Josh. 9:16-21).
What is the theme of John 15:9-17?
The unselfish, agape love of Jesus toward us for our sake, as a friend to a friend.
What did humans do to earn God’s love?
Nothing. God’s love for us was not motivated by our prior love for Him (Rom. 5:6-10).
How far does God’s benevolence reach?
To every living thing.
When John says “God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16), does that mean that love is what defines God?
No. Scripture also says that “God is spirit” and “God is light.” These should be understood as qualities rather than definitions.
What did Marcion say about God concerning His grace?
There is a contradiction between the Old Testament God of justice, and the New Testament God of love. There must be two Gods.
Does the Old Testament show anything about God’s grace or is it all about His justice?
In Exod. 34:6, God says of Himself that He is compassionate, slow to anger, loving and faithful.
What is God’s love in the Biblical sense?
Rather than simply indulging people, it means having a genuine concern for their ultimate welfare, a passion to do what is right, and enforcement of appropriate consequences for wrong action” (Erickson, p. 268).
What can we take away from a study in God’s attributes of love?
The love we see in God is the same love that is to characterize the believer.
What is God’s holiness?
His total separateness from all of creation, absolute purity and goodness, and inability to tolerate sin’s presence.
What is God’s righteousness?
God’s perfection, making Him trustworthy. His law is perfect because it is a true expression of His nature (Ps. 19:7-9), and His actions match the law He established (Gen. 18:25).
How are God’s holiness and righteousness related?
Righteousness is “God’s holiness applied to His relationships to other beings” (Erickson, p. 257).
What is God’s justice?
God’s requirement that other moral agents whom He created adhere to His standards. They must conform to the law just as He does.
How are God’s justice and righteousness related?
God is “like a judge who as a private individual adheres to the law of society, and in His official capacity administers the same law, applying it to others” (Erickson, p. 258).
What are the three dimensions of God’s truthfulness/integrity?
Genuineness, veracity, and faithfulness.
What is meant by God’s genuineness? Give Bible references.
Being true. God is a real God, not fabricated or constructed like other “claimants to deity” (Erickson, p. 260). (Jer. 10:5, 10; John 17:3)
What is meant by God’s veracity? Give Scriptural support.
God “represents things as they really are” (Erickson, p. 260). What He says is accurate, because He cannot lie. It is contrary to His nature. (1 Sam. 15:29; Titus 1:2)
What is meant by God’s faithfulness? Give Bible references.
Proving true. God keeps all of His promises.
What are the four dimensions of God’s attribute of love?
Benevolence, grace, mercy, and persistence.
What is God’s benevolence? Give Bible verse references.
God’s unselfish concern for the welfare of those He loves (John 3:16, Deut. 7:7-8, 1 Cor. 13).
What is God’s grace? Give Bible verse references.
Out of His goodness and generosity, God gives people undeserved favor. He does not deal with people on the basis of merit or worthiness, but simply according to their need (Eph. 1:4-8; 2:6-9).
What is God’s mercy? Give Bible verse references.
God’s tenderhearted, loving compassion for His people (Prov 103:13; Exo. 3:7; Matt. 14:14).
What is God’s persistence? Give Bible verse references.
God’s long-suffering. He withholds judgment and continues to offer salvation and grace for long periods of time (Ps. 86:15; Rom. 2:4, 9:22; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 3:15).
What is meant by God’s immanence? Give Bible references.
Nearness. The degree to which God is present and active within the universe, human nature, and history (Jer. 23:24; Acts 17:27-28).
What is meant by God’s transcendence? Give Bible references.
Distance. The degree to which God is distinct, separate, and removed from the Earth. Independence. (Isaiah 6:1-5, 55:8-9, 57:15)
What is the immanentism of Paul Tillich?
God does not merely exist, His simply is. Tillich was a panenthesit who believed that God is the principle or force of being of everything that exists.
What is one of the dangers of overstating God’s immanence?
The “assumption that whatever occurs is God’s will [may lead] sincere believers to endorse and support what [is] actually evil and anti-Christian” (Erickson, p. 280). Nazism.
How did Karl Barth express his belief in divine transcendence?
He vigorously attacked all forms of natural theology, saying that God was separated from humanity by an infinite distinction.
What did Soren Kierkegaard mean by dimensional beyondness in reference to God’s transcendence?
God is not accessible in a simple way because He is in a different dimension.
What are the five implications of God’s immanence?
- God is not limited to working directly to accomplish His purposes. He might provide a Christian with an opportunity to work rather than direct financial help, for instance.
- God may not always use Christian individuals or organizations to accomplish His plan.
- We should appreciate all God has created, not abuse people or nature.
- We can learn something about God by observing the behavior of the created universe.
- There are points at which the gospel can make contact with the unbeliever. God can stir hearts to receive the truth.
What are the six implications of God’s transcendence?
- There is something higher than humans.
- God can never be completely captured in human concepts.
- Our salvation is not our achievement.
- There will always be a difference between God and humans. Even when glorified, humans will never become God.
- Reverence is appropriate in our relationship with God.
- We will look for genuinely transcendent working by God, not neglecting to pray for His guidance or special intervention.