Exam 4: Neck, Head Flashcards
boundaries of neck
Sternal notch, clavicle, 1st rib and IV disc C7-T1 to base of skull and lower border of mandible
suprahyoid region of superficial anterior neck
Muscles of Suprahyoid Region:
–Anterior belly of Digastric (mylohyoid n from inf alveolar n off mandib div of trigeminal)
Depress & retraction of mandible, elevate hyoid
–Mylohyoid(mylohyoid n from inf alveolar n off mandib div of trigeminal)
Elevate hyoid, floor of mouth & tongue
–Geniohyoid(C1 through hypoglossal)
Elevate & protrude hyoid; elevate larynx; depress mandible
hyoid bone of superficial anterior neck
mylohyoid geniohyoid sternohyoid omohyoid thyrohyoid digastric and stylohyoid hyoglossus
infrahyoid region of superficial anterior neck
Ansa Cervicalis (C1,2,3): Nerve loop formed by union of
Descending Hypoglossal n (C1) and Descending Cervical n (C2,3)
–Sternocleidomastoid C2,C3
ansa cervicales inframandibular innervation
omohyoid (inf): depress larynx
sternohyoid: depress larynx
sternothyroid: depress larynx
geniohyoid: elevate larynx
submandibular triangle of superficial anterior neck
•Superior: (inf) body of mandible •Anterior: Anterior Digastric •Posterior: Posterior Digastric & Stylohyoid •Medial: mylohyoid, hyoglossus, middle pharngeal constrictor •Contains: –Submandibular salivary gland –Hypoglossal N (mms of tongue) –Mylohyoid N (mylohyoid mm & ant digastric) –Lingual n (general sensation to tongue) –Lingual a (from ext carotid to tongue) –Lingual v –Facial a (from ext carotid to face) –Facial v
submandibular muscles/innervations
–Mylohyoid Mylohyoid n from Mandib div of Trigem.
–Anterior belly of Digastric Mylohyoid n from Mandib div of Trigem.
•Retract mandible
–Posterior belly of Digastric Facial n (post auricular branch)
•Depress, retract mandible; retract elevate stabilize hyoid
–Stylohyoid Facial n (cervical branch)
•Retracts elevate hyoid
–Hyoglossus Hypoglossal n
–Middle Pharngeal Constrictor Vagus n
facial nerve branches
- temporal
- zygomatic
- buccal
- mandibular
- cervical
- post auricular
hypoglossal N
depress, retract tongue
carotid triangle
•Superior: Posterior Digastric •Inferior: sup belly of Omohyoid •Posterior: sternocleidomastoid •Contains: –Common Carotid a •from brachiocephalic on rt •arch of aorta on Lt •External Carotid a (many branches in neck and face) •Internal Carotid a (to BRAIN) –Internal Jugular v –Retromandibular v –Vagus n –Ansa cervicalis
carotid triangle innervation
•Vagus N
–Preganglionic parasympathetic visceral motorto mm of larynx
Ext Laryngeal n
–General visceral sensoryfrom larynx by theInternal Laryngeal N.
larynx innervation
vagus N –>recurrent laryngeal N –>intrinsic muscles of larynx
vagus N –>sup laryngeal –>
a. int. laryngeal N : sensory to larynx
b. ext laryngeal N: cricothyroid muscle
laryngeal region
•Larynx –Thyroid Cartilage –Cricoid Cartilage –Arytenoid Cartilage •Larynx Attachments –Hyoid bone: sup by thyrohyoid membrane –Trachea: inf by cricotracheal lig
muscles of larynx
•Extrinsic: move entire laryngeal complex Depress larynx: –Omohyoid –Sternohyoid –Sternothyroid Elevate larynx: –Stylohyoid –Ant & post digastrics –Mylohyoid –geniohyoid •Intrinsic: change tension in vocal folds
intrinsic muscles of larynx
•Posterior cricoarytenoid •Lateral cricoarytenoid •Transverse & oblique arytenoids •Thyroarytenoid •Vocalis •Cricothyroid •ALLinnervated byRecurrent laryngeal N of Vagus (exceptCricothyroid –ext laryngeal n branch of sup laryngeal n of vagus) •Sensation of larynx: –INTERNAL Laryngeal N branch of sup laryngeal n of vagus
deep anterior neck
–Internal Jugular Vein –Brachiocephalic a –Carotid a –Subclavian a •Vertebral A •Internal Thoracic •Costocervical Trunk •Thyrocervical Trunk –Vagus n –Hypoglossal n –Lingual n –Cervical portion of sympathetic trunk –Deep anterior cervical mms •Longus capitis & Coli mms
muscles of deep anterior neck
•Longus Capitis •Longus Coli –superior oblique portion –Inferior oblique –Vertical •Rectus Capitis –Anterior –Lateralis
trigeminal nerve
general sensation to face:
•Opthalmic Div: skin of forehead & nose
•Frontal n
–Supraorbital: mid & lat forehead
–Supratrochlear: mid & lat forehead
•Nasociliary –Infratrochlear n: root of nose
•Maxillary Div: below eyes & above mouth
•Infraorbital n: side of nose, lower eyelid, below eye, upper lip
–Zygomaticofacial n: zygomatic arch
–Zygomaticotemporal n: skin just lateral to eye
•Mandibular Div: lower jaw and anter to ear
•Buccal n: cheek and lateral jaw
•Auriculotemoral n: anterior to ear and lateral scalp
muscles of facial expression innervation
ALL mms innervated by FACIAL N (VII)
EXCEPT: Levator Palpebrae Superioris oculomotor n (III)
muscles of facial expression forehead
Frontalis: elevates eyebrows
facial N
muscles of facial expression: eye
–Orbicularis oculi: full closure; facial N
–Levator palpebrae sup: opens; oculomotor N (CN III)
–Corrugator: medial eyebrow up and lateral; facial N
muscles of facial expression: nose
–Nasalis: compress/dilate nostril; facial N
–Procerus: medial brow down, wrinkles skin of nose; facial N
muscles of facial expression: cheek
Buccinator: cheek inward, blow & suck;”block a trumpet”; facial N
muscles of facial expression: mouth
Facial N –Orbic oris: protrude lips, close –Zygomaticus maj/min: elev angle of mouth –Lev Labii Sup: elev up lip –Lev Anguli oris: raises angle –Risorius: retract corners lat –Depressor Anguli oris –Depressor Labii Inferioris –Mentalis: deprss med lower lip
muscles of facial expression: neck
facial N
Platysma: depress lower lip, assist with mouth opening
Elevates the brows and creates transverse forehead lines when contracted.
bell’s palsy
–Unilateral paralysis of mms of facial expression
–Inflammation of facial n often assoc with infection in parotid region
–Recovery SLOW
facial paralysis
–Severe infection
–Symptoms: loss of taste ant tongue, decreased salivation from sublingual & submandibular glands
–SENSATION TO FACE INTACT. Sensory from trigeminal n
boundaries of parotid region
–Ant: ramus of mandible, masseter, med pterygoid mms
–Post: mastoid process of temp bone, ant border SCM
–Sup: external auditory meatus & TMJ jt
–Infer: post belly of digastric & stylohyoid mm
contents of parotid region
–Parotid gland
–facial n, auriculotemoral n (mandib div of V),greater auricular n (C2,3)
–external carotid a & 3 branches, retromandibular v
parotid region: facial N
–Passes through Parotid gland –Posterior auricular nto post belly digastric –5 terminal branches •Temporal: mm above & around eye •Zygomatic: below eye & upper cheek •Buccal: buccinator & mm in lower cheek, upper mouth •Mandibular: mm around and below mouth •Cervical: platysma, stylohyoid
boundaries of temporal region
–Infer: parotid region
–Anter: frontal process of zygomatic bone
–Post: root of zygomatic process of temp bone