exam 4- lecture 1 (ch 50- pedo patient) Flashcards
provide information to parents and caregivers on what to expect in a childs current and next developmental stage so that the childs needs can be anticipated and properly managed
anticipatory guidance
what is the knee to knee exam?
the hold and go technique.. when the mother holds the child while the dental hygienist does what needs to be done
what are some findings in the oral cavity with the teeth that are found in children 6 mths to 5 years?
enamel hypoplasia, fluorosis, white spot lesions, fused teeth, and gemination
is it true or false that children of smokers tend to smoke?
this is a reaction to a puncture wound.. treat by cleaning the wound and possible suture
traumatic ulcer
what teeth are affected by ECC?
maxillary anterior teeth and premolars are first to be affected
lesions develop in all but mandibular anteriors
what terms are no longer used, that are now called early childhood caries?
nursing caries, baby bottle caries, rampant caries
usually limited to anterior teeth; union of two independently forming primary tooth buds.. familial tendency.. possible caries at point of fusion and may be absence of one of corresponding permanent teeth
fused teeth
disturbance of enamel matrix during tooth development.. irregular to round pits of varying size on enamel, usually in a row.. multiple causes.. esthetic significance
enamel hypoplasia
more common in primary teeth; invagination of single tooth gem and bifid crown on single root; crown appears wide.. no significance
what is a concern with patients when using varnish?
some varnish contain known tree nut allergies and it can cause an allergic reaction because most varnish is emulsified in some type of tree nut oil
what is the show, tell and do technique?
always explain everything you do before you do it, use fun names like tooth feeler and slurpy straw.. keep explanations breef and let them watch you
what are some things used to soothe babies while teething?
freeze teething rings, vanilla flavoring with alcohol
babies run a fever, cry, no sleep
opaque enamel, usually cervical and proximal areas of teeth at contact, clinical sign of carious process indicates that the surface and underlying enamel are demineralized.. need fluoride for remineralization and daily biofilm removal
white spot lesions
when should a child be first seen at the dentist?
every 6 months or after the first eruption of the first primary tooth.. no later than age 1
acronym that refers to the phrase “caries management by risk assessment”
how do you recognize ECC?
demineralization on cervical 1/3 of maxillary anteriors and proximal surfaces
remineralization can occur with fluoride
lesions become dark brown
eventually the crown will be destroyed and can abcess
these are translucent and smooth, may appear blue to blue black if bleeding in cystic space.. usually no treatment
eruption cysts
this is a smooth, red or yellowish nodule that is tender and occurs in primary teeth as more diffuse infections may be acute or chronic… radiographic evaluation, drainage and antibiotic may be required
alveolar abcess
what are predisposing factors of ECC?
placing a child to bed with a bottle containing sweetened or other drinks
prolonged at will, breast or bottle feedings at sleep or behavorial control
ineffective or no daily biofilm removal from teeth
Eating or drinking at will throughout the day or evening
what is the best fluoride to use for white spots on teeth?
this has a high fever of 102-104, regional lymphadenopathy.. diffuse, swollen erythematous gingiva and vesicles form painful ulcers..urgent care and resolves in 7-10 days,
primary herpatic gingivostomatis
what are some soft tissue conditions in children 6 months to 5 years?
eruptin cysts, mucocele, traumatic ulcer, alveolar abcess, primary herpatic gingivostomatis, geographic tongue, verruca vulgaris
child younger than one year of age
multiple white sessile lesions.. fingerlke projections, rough surface and human papilloma virus in origin.. may resolve on own or require excision
verucca vulgaris
what are the types of bacteria associated wit caries?
s. mutans and lactobacilli
sucking fingers, thumbs, pacifiers or other objects for comfort
nonnutritive sucking
infrequent in primary dentition may be seen in cervical region of second primary molars.. daily biofilm removal
this occurs on the lower lip, floor of the mouth, buccal mucosa and most common in order of occurrence.. fluid filled vesicle or blister from trauma and tearing of minor salivary gland.. may resolve on its own or surgical excision
red, smooth areas devoided of filliform papillae on dorsum of the tongue.. margins well developed and slightly raisedpattern changes.. no treatment
geographic tongue
this is when bacteria is transmitted from parent to child
vertical transmission