Exam 4 Flashcards
(6.1.4) Whatarethedifferenttypesofworkschedulesavailableto civilianemployees?
(6.1.4) Whatarethedifferenttypesofleaveavailableforcivilian employees?
(6.1.4) Whatarethedifferenttypesofcivilianincentiveawards?
DoN Honorary Awards
(6.1.4) Whataretheformsofemployeediscipline?
Conduct (CFR 752)- promote the efficiency of govt service
Performance (CFR 432.1 and 432-02)- related to performance only
(6.1.4) Whatarethetypesofciviliandisciplinaryactions?
Preliminary Warnings or Informal Corrective Actions
Formal Disciplinary Actions
Adverse Actions
(6.1.4) What is the basic type of work schedule?
40 hrs/week for no more than 6 consecutive days
30 min lunch
~8.5 hrs work/day
(6.1.4) What is the compressed type of work schedule?
80 hrs/week in <10 days:
5 - 4/9: 80 hrs/9 work days
4-10: 10 hrs/day for 4 days/week
(6.1.4) What is the flex type of work schedule?
Core hours (09-11, 13-15) and Flex hours (before/after)
(6.1.4) What is the overtime type of work schedule?
> 80 hrs/week
Request in advance
(6.1.4) When is annual leave entitled?
Always entitled unless specific business reason
Max = 240 hrs/yr + use/lose
Has to be approved
(6.1.4) When is sick leave entitled?
If employee is sick or if employee has to care for an immediate family member who is sick
Earn 4 hrs/pay period
(6.1.4) When is admin leave entitled?
Non-discretionary: military, court leave (e.g. jury duty, re place of work case), organ donation, funeral/pallbearer leave
Discretionary: bad weather, short closing, public interest activities
(6.1.5) What is a collective bargaining unit?
Agroupofemployeeswhoarerepresentedbyalaborunionintheir dealingswithagencymanagement.Theemployees mayormaynotpayunion dues. Uniformedmilitarypersonnelarenotconsideredtobeemployeesand CANNOTbepartofacollectivebargainingunit.
(6.1.5) What is official time?
Theuseofpaid,on‐the-clocktimeusedbyunionrepresentativesforthe conductofrepresentationalactivities
(6.1.5) ULPs are violations of what act?
Civil Service Act of 1978
(6.1.5) What are stages of labor relations?
Organizing Negotiation Mediation Impasse Grievance Process
(6.1.5) When do formal discussions occur?
TheUnion“shallbegiventheopportunitytoberepresentedatanyformaldiscussionbetweenoneormorerepresentativesoftheagencyandoneormoreemployees…ortheirrepresentativesconcerninganygrievances oranypersonnelpolicyorpracticeorothergeneralconditionofemployment”
(6.1.5) What are management’s rights?
- Tomakepersonneldecisionstoselect,layoff,assign,discipline,etc.
- Todeterminethemissionandorganizationoftheagency,andtoassignwork,etc.
- Todirecttheworkforceinaccomplishingthemissionoftheagency
(6.1.5) Who is the FLRA?
•finaldecisionsonnegotiabilitydisputes •finaldecisionsonunfairlaborpracticecomplaints
(6.1.5) Who is the OGC?
(6.1.5) Who is the ALJ?
AnofficialoftheFLRAwhoconductsunfairlaborpracticecomplainthearings andrendersrecommendeddecisions
(5.2.2) Whatarethe5objectivesoftheEDQP?
Professional education
Firm understanding of 5 ED cores competencies
Opportunity for senior EDs to observe/instruct EDs before 1440 desig
Common professional experience
Encourage career field certification for acq corps/community
(5.2.2) What are the 5 milestones of the EDQP?
Acceptance Postgrad Education Basic Course Grad Qual Tour Certification
(5.2.2) What is the EDQP Hierarchy?
- DesignatorAdvisor: COMNAVSEA
- TechnicalAdvisoryBoard(TAB): AllEDFlags
- EngineeringDutyQualificationBoard(EDQB): Seniorcommunityrepresentation
- EDOSchool: Oversight&administration
- CertifyingOfficer
- CounselingOfficer
- Candidate(you)
(5.2.2) What are the 10 responsibilities of an EDQP candidate?
- SatisfyallrequirementsforentranceintotheEDCommunity
- TechnicalMaster’sDegreeleadingtoanapprovedsubspecialtycode
- SatisfactorilyCompleteEDOBasicCourse
- Completecommand‐specificcertificationprogramincludingLean/Quality training&3‐day(minimum)CIVPERScourse
- CompleteProcessImprovementPaper
- PursueDAWIAcertificationasdefinedincommand‐specificprogram
- Performsatisfactorilyduringqualificationtour
- SatisfactorilycompleteOralExaminationwithin2years
- Initiateextensionrequestswhencircumstanceswarrant
- SubmitfeedbackregardingEDCourseandEDQPprocesstoCO,EDOSchool
(6.1.3) Whatarethethreetheoriesofdiscrimination?
Disparate Treatment
Adverse Impact
Denial of Reasonable Accommodation
(6.1.3) What are the 3 phases of Federal sector discrimination complaint process?
(6.1.3) Whatarethetypes of sexual harassment?
Quid pro quo
Hostile work environment
(6.1.3) Whataremanagement’sresponsibilitieswhennotifiedofdiscrimination complaints?
- Contact EEO office
- Respond to the complaint in a timely manner
- Notify complaining party of findings
- Take appropriate action
- Set the tone, lead by example
(6.1.3) Doesmanagementgettodeterminepotentialcompensatorydamages?
No- that is done by the administrative judge (AJ) and paid for by UIC.
(3.1.5) Whoprimarilycoordinatesbudgetsubmissionprocessandexecution managementforGFcommands?
Echelon II BSOs
(3.1.5) Is NSWCPanamaCity GF or NWCF?
(3.1.5) Is PortsmouthNavalShipyard GF or NWCF?
(3.1.5) Amissionfundedorganizationisfinanciallysuccessfulif…
budget is such that allocated funds are adequate to execute mission but not excessive; work gets done w/in allocated funds
(3.1.5) In an NWCF command, the customer pays for…
all costs (indirect and direct)
(3.1.5) ANWCFcommandisfinanciallysuccessfulif…
set pricing such that revenues and expenses break even over time; zero balance
(3.1.5) Whatarethecomponentsofthestabilizedlaborrate?
SLR = Direct Labor + All Indirect Expenses + AOR Recoup