Exam 4 Flashcards
what does “normal” sexual behavior depend on?
Depends on moral, legal, and statistical behavioral models.
Sexual dysfunctions are disorders in which people cannot respond normally in key areas of sexual functioning:
- ?
- ?
- ?
- desire
- excitement
- orgasm
what are the DSM distinctions of sexual dysfunctions?
“Life long type” vs. “Acquired type”
“Generalized type” vs. “Situational type”
Problems with urge to have sex, sexual fantasies and sexual attraction
disorders of desire
Absent or low sexual interest/desire
This must be a concern to be considered disorder.
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
What typically causes hypoactive sexual desire disorder?
typically physical issue, hormones, thyroid
Total aversion (disgust of) sex Typically learned behavior
Sexual aversion disorder
Repeated inability to maintain lubrication or clitoral swelling during sexual activity
Female sexual arousal disorder
what percentage of women are affected with female sexual arousal disorder
Repeated inability to attain or maintain adequate erection during sexual activity.
male erectile disorder
what percentage of men are affected with erectile disorder during intercourse at some point in life
biological causes of disorders of excitement in females?
Lower levels of estrogen
Autoimmune diseases (Schwargers) = decrease amount in lubrication production (all over body).
Not as much with age.
biological causes of disorders of excitement in men
heart issues
psychological causes of disorders of excitement?
With younger men it is more of an anxiety response.
sociocultural causes of disorders of excitement
Relationship conflict (w/partner)
Not so much cause, but can increase preexisting conditions
Ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation
“Premature”/early ejaculation
percentage of men who have “premature”/early ejaculation
30-50% of men
what causes premature ejaculation
anxiety based
what age is premature ejaculation more common in
younger men
Repeated inability to reach (very delayed) orgasm
male orgasmic disorder
biological causes of male orgasmic disorder
Testosterone levels
Spinal cord injury
Persistent delay/absence of orgasm following normal sexual excitement.
Female orgasmic disorder
percentage of women who experience female orgasmic disorder? percentage that never do?
25% women experience it
10% never experience it
biological causes of female orgasmic disorder
Decrease levels of estrogen
Side effect of Rx
psychological causes of female orgasmic disorder
trauma (assault)
sociocultural causes of female orgasmic disorder
stress/conflict (with partner)
disorders of sexual pain
what is vaginismus
Vagina is very tense (all muscle contractions); involuntary, is with outer 1/3 of vagina.
Typically with learned fear response (body trying to protect itself)
what is dyspareunia?
Severe pain in genitals during sexual activity
most often physical causes
biological treatments for sexual dysfunction
Hormone therapy
Rx (for heart problems or thyroid infection)
psychological treatments for sexual dysfunction
Anxiety reduction
Structured behavior exercises
Increase sexual communication skills
what are paraphilias?
Unusual fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors that are recurrent (6+ months) and sexual arousing
what do paraphilias unusual fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors often involve?
Non human objects
Non consenting people
Humiliation of self/partner
Recurrent intense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors involving nonliving object.
when do fetishisms usually begin
what is a cause of fetishism?
Behaviorists propose classical conditioning (Pavlov) (paring of sex w/ objects, many times)
Fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving putting on clothes of opposite sex causing arousal.
transvestism or cross-dressing
transvestic fetishism is mostly in who?
heterosexual males
what type of conditioning leads to development of transvestic fetishism
operant conditioning
Arousal from exposure of genitals in public
Exhibitionism (no consenting piece)
who is exhibitionism an issue for
males (learned response)
treatments for exhibitionism
Behavioral retraining
Aversion therapy (to change behavior, associate with something bad)
Masturbatory satiation (masturbate after flash, eventually pleasure decreases and flashed end)
Repeated and intense sexual desire to observe people undressing or spy on couples engaging in sexual activity
why is voyeurism on the rise
due to easy access to porn
what adds to excitements for people with voyeurism
risk of discovery
Fantasies, urges, or behaviors of touching and rubbing against non-consenting person
what do people with frotteurism fantasize about in regards to relationships
caring relationship with victim
when does frotteurism usually begin
teens or earlier
when does frotteurism usually disappear
age 25
what gender is frotteurism almost alway in
person with frotteurism thinks fantasies, urges, or behaviors of touching and rubbing against non-consenting person are what in a relationship?
step 1 to relationships
Fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with prepubescent child (usually 12 or younger)
etiology of pedophilia
Some were sexually abused, neglected, excessively punished, or deprived of close relationships as children
- Learned it was appropriate behavior
Most immature and have co-morbid disorder (anxiety and depression – rarely comes by itself)
Possible brain structure abnormality, certainly sociocultural
- Can see sexual disorder after traumatic brain injury
- People are being sexualized at younger ages
Sexual preference for pubescent aged children, usually ages 11-14
how much more common is hebephilia diagnosed than pedophilia in research
2-3x more
Preference for older children, usually ages 15-19
Preference for adults
Preference for elderly people
sexual arousal, fantasies, urges, or behaviors from inflicting suffering on others
sexual response associated with being humiliated, bound, or made to suffer
Statutory rape?
Someone of or over age of consent has sex with someone below the age of consent (18 in Wisconsin, unless spouse; 16 under no circumstance)
what age and % are most victims of rape?
teens or twenties
what percentage of rapes are acquaintances or partners
what percentage of rapes involve alcohol intoxication or rohypnol
how many reported sexual assaults each year?
only 50% actually reported
cultural spillover theory?
Rape rates higher in cultures or environments that encourage violence
Also: rates increase shortly after country gains access to violent US TV shows
etiology of rape?
Power (55%): compensate for feelings of personal or sexual inadequacy
Anger (40%): angry at women in general
Sadistic (5%): satisfaction by inflicting pain