Exam 3 Vocab Flashcards
The northwestern group of more than 2000 islands which form part of the Oceania group lying in the Pacific ocean. Includes the Caroline, Mariana, and Marshall islands.
A fish that incubates fertilized eggs in its mouth.
Very fine particulate muddy deposit
Mysid shrimp
Commercially available marine shrimp that is used as live in frozen food
Newly hatched brine shrimp
Nighttime tubes
Used to illuminate aquaria, enabling the interior and its occupants to be seen. Creates conditions that replicate moonlight rather than sunlight for viewing nocturnal activity
(NO3) A compound derives from (and less toxic than) nitrate by nitrobactor
Nitrate – nitrogen
(NO3-N) A measurement of nitrate levels in the water.
The process by which toxic nitrogenous compounds are converted by aerobic bacteria into less harmful substances, E.G. ammonia to nitrite to nitrate
Aerobic bacteria used in the biological filter to convert ammonia into nitrite.
Nuisance algae
Hair (filamentous) or slime algae that can overrun a tank.
An area comprising some 25,000 Islands through the Pacific ocean, from new guinea to Easter island in the east and Hawaii to New Zealand in the south
A spot that resembles an Eye in appearance on the fishes body, frequently near the rear of the dorsal fin. It often serves to confuse predators about which end of the fish carries the head
A protective Spine that lies on the operculum. This makes it difficult for a predator to swallow a fish protected in this way, because the spines may stick in the throat, causing the fish to spit out its prey.
The covering over the gills on the side of the fishes head behind the eyes. It moves as water flows out of the body over the gills.
Equipment for replacing evaporated water so as to maintain the desired specific gravity (SG)
The passage of a liquid through a semipermeable membrane to dilute a more concentrated solution
Osmotic stress
And adverse reaction caused in live stock when the salinity of its environment changes significantly. Also called osmotic shock
Oxygen Reduction Potential
(ORP) A measurement of the waters ability to cleanse itself
(O3) A three-atom unstable form of oxygen used as a disinfectant
A device that uses high-voltage electricity to produce Ozone
Pectoral fins
Paired fins, one on each side of the body, immediately behind the gill cover in most cases
Meaning “of the open sea” pelagic eggs are lighter than water and are scattered after ascending spawning action between a pair of fish in open water, compared with the Demersal eggs
Pelvic fins
Paired fins, one on each side of the body, immediately below the gill cover. (Not a marine fish have them)
A measure of acidity or alkalinity, the scale ranges from 1 (very acidic) through 7 (neutral) to14 (very alkaline). aquarium water should be kept in range pH 7.9-8.3
(PO4) compounds that are waste products generated by live stock, also present in unfiltered mains water
The length of time that aquarium lights remain on.
Very small plants (e.g. unicellular algae) that drift in the water.
The encompassing time for phytoplankton and zooplankton
Does not maintain a pair bond, but mates randomly.
Power filters
Also called canister filters, they suck water into the filter media with the unit
Power head
And electric impeller system fitted to biological filter return tubes to create water flow
An abbreviation for parts per million, a measurement of the concentration of a substance
Protein skimmer
A device that removes protenious substances from aquarium water. Also used in conjunction with Ozonized air for sterilizing water
Bony supports in the fins of fish
An isolated container, usually in or near a sump, used for performing a particular task e.g. increasing calcium or oxygen in the water, before it is reintroduced to the main system